Chapter 5- jealous, jealousy

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You cuddled up to Larissa hugging her and never wanting to let go. You couldn't sleep, you were just so happy. Earlier that evening, Larissa had asked you to be her girlfriend and offered you a job as the history teacher. You were going to keep your current dorm but technically move in with Larissa.

*6 am*
Larissa started to stir so I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear. She giggled and kissed me back. You unhooked your arms from her waist and went to go for a run. You got back an hour later, sweating heavily after running 9 miles. Larissa was still in bed so you go for a shower.
You didn't realise the door was open and then when you got out she was staring, you wrap yourself in a towel then tun into the bedroom and jump next to her. She giggles and rolls over to face you.
"I'm so happy we are together Y/N"
"Me too Larissa, I love you"
"I love you too"

*three months later*

You and Larissa had been girlfriends for three months now and you couldn't love her more. The only problem was Larissa started to grow distant when this new student, who had the same story except she was 18. Was Larissa cheating? No, she would never.
I walk into the library one day to do some planning and see her and Larissa giggling in the corner. They stop when they see me.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright honey?" Larissa asks smiling
"Yes just doing some planning but I've got to go, see you in our next lesson Penelope" I say with gritted teeth.
"See you then miss y/l/n!" She calls after me.
I was pissed. Why did Larissa spend all her time with that girl and not me? A few hours pass and I text Larissa.


Y: Hey honey, wanna grab food tonight, miss you xx

Darling 🫶: Sorry not tonight, Penelope invited me out already.

Y: K, see you tomorrow xx

You were mad! She rejected you for that girl, oh you were gonna make Larissa pay.
The clock strikes 11, you make the long journey from your classroom to your dorm, not the room you share with Larissa, make her worry.
A little while later, you get a message.

Darling🫶: why aren't you in bed, I miss you.

Y: Cause I can't be asked to move

Darling 🫶: oh ok, see you in the morning

You kinda feel bad but don't want to give in. Your alarm goes off at 5. You shower and change. To make Larissa jealous, you wear your shortest and tightest dress.  It doesn't matter what I wear teaching, no one cares. I do my hair and make up and make my way to breakfast. You go to sit with Larissa, you feel bad about last night but you see penelope sat with her laughing again.
Oh, it was on. You walk past Larissa.

"Y/N honey come sit with us!" She says
I drop my phone and bend down to pick it up with my ass in her face. I looked up and just walked off, I could see her seething with rage.
You manage to get through your morning classes and decide to go talk to Larissa at lunch. As you walk to her office, you hear giggles. You walk off, a single tear in your eyes. Why did Larissa do this to you. Ever since penelope arrived she had been colder. Not cuddling to you at night or not saying good morning or goodnight. Not sneaking into your classes to surprise you. These were all little things but they upset you, they upset you alot.
You arrive back at your room and just fall onto your bed. You burst into tears and just cry. You didn't have any afternoon classes, so stayed in your room. You must have fallen asleep because when you wake up, your phone was exploding.

Darling 🫶: Y/N are you ok?
Honey answer me
No seriously I'm worried
Why haven't you even read these messages?
You didn't come to lunch or dinner, please come to my office and eat with me.

You just ignore her, you don't feel like talking. You fall back asleep and wake up to your alarm and even more messages from Larissa. Ignoring them you get up knowing, you have alot of classes. You manage to make it through the day and go to your dorm to plan. It reaches dinner time but you dont feel like eating.
You hear your phone ping and look at who it was, it was Wednesday, one of your favourites.

W:I'm sorry to send this but enid took it and I had to show you.

There was a photo attached with Larissa kissing penelope. What the fuck Larissa Weems. You go to Instagram to see if anyone posted anything about it.
SHIT- half the school had seen it and posted about it.
You get off your bed and storm to her office. You barge in and of course penelope was there.

"Out now!" You barked at her, in a tone of voice you have never ever used.
She hurries out and shuts the door. You lock it before going berserk on Larissa.

"What the fuck is this?" You cry showing her the picture.
"I know you were falling out of love and were distant but I didn't think you'd go so far as to cheat on me. I don't care if it was only a kiss, you still kissed her.
I cut her off.
" I love you Larissa Weems, I would die for you and I thought you loved me too"
You run out the room before you could burst into tears.
As you run back toy your room, you can hear the click of her heels chasing after you. You reach your room and slam the door. You hide under the covers and sob. How could she do this? You could feel your phone exploding, probably people telling you and asking about Penelope.
You here the door open and ignore it as you feel Larissa sit on your bed. She tries to pull back the duvet but you just snatch them back.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't know how bad you were hurting. I was just trying to make penelope feel welcome" she said, it sounded like she was going to cry too.
I ignored her, I didn't care.
"Y/N honey, that photo you saw isn't fake but look closer, please I promise. I emerge from the bed, swatting away all her attempts to hug me and unlock my phone. I look at the photo closer. Larissa was infact trying to push her away not kiss her. She had her hands on her chest but when I looked she was pushing penelope away.
"I'm sorry Larissa, I shouldn't have gotten so mad." I start to cry again.
"No it's my fault. I have been pushing you away and cancelling our dates is not fair on you. When you barged into my office earlier, I was suspending penelope"
"What why? I ask
"Because she kissed a teacher who was already in a relationship. She had been flirting with me for weeks and I didn't notice"
"Ok I'm sorry Larissa"
"I love you Y/N. Now please come back to our room."
I go to stand up but Larissa had other ideas. She scooped me up and carried me to our bedroom. She puts me on the bed and jumps ontop of me. She whispers in my ear "nice to know your jealous though"

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