Chapter 6-If they don't love you, I will

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After dating for 5 months, me and Larissa decided to tell my parents about our relationship. They don't know I'm a teacher there because we still send home report cards, straight a's, but it's parents weekend so they will probably find out.
I haven't seen my dad since I left for nevermore and my mum since I arrived here, so I'm quite nervous. Although my mum had always been obsessive and clingy, she isn't very accepting of when I stray out of line. I wake up sweating, I'd had a bad dream, and was embraced with strong arms and kissed on the cheek.
"It's will be alright love, even if they don't accept us" Larissa said, holding me tight.
"It's mother I'm worried about, she's a bit ehhhhh when it comes to this stuff."I say.
"Oh well, let's get up and get ready to welcome all the parents" she said untangling our arms.
She hops in the shower while I decide on what to wear. No one is wearing uniform as classes are cancelled but I can't wear anything to unprofessional as I am a teacher. I choose on so black cargo jeans and a crop with a stripy cardigan. Good enough.
Me and Larissa swap places as I go to shower. I jump out and change. I fo my makeup as usual and pull my hair into a claw clip and pull out to little bits in the front.
"My you look beautiful honey!" Says Larissa pulling me into her
"So do you honey" I say kissing her.
We here a knock on the door and as expected, it was Marilyn.
"Oh Y/N you look beautiful today and so do you Larissa" she says
"Oh thats my girlfriend Marilyn" Larissa laughs.
We all chuckle and head down to the entrance. Larissa was talking to students and their families as me and Marilyn welcome them. Suddenly I see my parents. I whisper to Marilyn, "You see that tall woman walking towards us, the one with black hair, that's my mum, can you talk to her and my dad instead?"
"Of course Y/N, its no problem."
I was lucky enough that I was talking to someone else when they came over. Marilyn welcomed them and they walked in. When it was time for Larissa's speech, I walked over to them and smiled. Throughout her speech Larissa kept looking over at me, smiling. My parents looked at me then back at her confused but brushed it off.
When she was finished, she walked over and hugged me.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Y/L/N Hope you are well" Larissa said plastering on her biggest smile.
"Hello Larissa, How's my darling Y/N doing?" My mother asked smiling at her. They were roomates back in the day but weren't close at all.
"She's doing well and really fitting in here." Latissa said smiling at me.
I really wanted to tell my parents then and there but if I did, we'd all be embarrassed.
"That's wonderful my little storm cloud." My dad said hugging me.
"Well why doesn't y/n show you around and we will talk in my office at 5" Larissa said.
"Ok, see you at 5" my mother smiled and we walked off.
I suggested to head into Jericho and grab a coffee. They agreed and we got in our limo.
"So do you have a boyfriend yet?" My mother asked.
"Curiosity killed the cat" I replied rolling my eyes. I wasn't about to tell her about Larissa without her.
"Well I'm not a cat, am I"she replied. We were about to do this.
"Mother do youb remember I am 20 or did you forget that as I had no birthday wish on my birthday. And anyway everyone here is 16/17, I'm not dating a teenager." I roll my eyes.
"That's enough girls we are here for a nice time" my father interrupted.
We arrived in Jericho and pulled up infront of the weathervane. We go inside and I order 2 black coffees and 1 mocha latte. I go sit with my parents and we talk about them and family, what's going on at school and such. They are happy and I'm glad by that. The mayor walks in and heads for our table.
"Hello Y/N how are you?" He says qcheerily
"Good thanks, how are you?" I say
"Good, makes a change to see you in here without Larissa." He laughs
"These are my parents noble" I saw going red
" Oh hello there, I'm the mayor of Jericho" he smiles at my parents
"Hello I'm Mrs Y/L/N and this is my husband." My mother smiles.
"Well it's nice to meet you, I better be going, say hi to Larissa for me Y/N" and he walks off.
"You come here with Larissa then Y/N but she's your headmistress?" My mother asked
"Well as I'm older, she spends more time making sure I'm alright" I say smiling. She couldn't know we come on dates here.
We finish our drinks and bump into Marilyn.
"Hey Marilyn! How are you?" I say
"I'm good, how are you enjoying jericho?" She directs that at my parents
"As small and quiet as ever" my mother replies.
"Well have a nice day!" She says and leaves
We walked around Jericho but all I could think about was telling my parents about Larissa.
We made our way back for afternoon tea and sat down at a table. I look over at Wednesday who seemed angry with her parents too.
As we are eating, Larissa walks over and asks to sit with us. My mother said yes and she sat next to me. I was tense because it was almost 5. Larissa could sense I was tense and rubbed my thigh under the table. I calmed down feeling her touch and smiled. By the time we finished eating and chatting, it was 4 45.
"Can I talk to Y/N in my office quickly before we have our meeting?" Larrisa asks.
"Yes that is alright we will wait outside," my father replied.
We and Larissa made our way up to her office with my parents not far behind. We entered her office and walked to her desk. She hugged me and asked "Are you sure you want to tell them , you and your mum seemed tense."
"Yes Larissa, I want them to know. Anyways noble nearly gave it away." I said rolling my eyes.
"HOW!" She yelled
"Well he saw me in the weathervane and said he was surprised I wasn't there with you"
"Well he's in for it now" she said with gritted teeth. Just before we opened the door, I gave her one last kiss on her lips.
We opened the door and invited my parents in. They sat on the chairs infront of her desk and I stood next to Larissa.
"So we need talk about something" I said shaking
"What is it darling" replied my mother
"We first off, I'm not attracted to men, I am gay," I said taking deep breaths.
My mother gasped but my father smiled.
"And secondly, I have a girlfriend Larissa." I continued looking over at Larissa, smiling widely.
"WHAT!" My mother yelled. "Y/N YOU CANT DATE A WOMAN, LET ALONE YOUR PRINCIPAL!" She continued
"Calm down mi amor, it's ok" my father said, attempting to  calm my mother down.
"And anyway, I'm not a student, those report cards were fake, I teach history here!" I snap back. "I'm 20 mother, I can do what I want and you don't have a say!"
My mother stands up and storms out the room but my father doesn't follow.
He walks round to the desk and hugs me.
"I'm happy for you my little storm cloud, you deserve love even if it is a woman." I smile at him.
He walks away looking for mother when I turn to Larissa.
"Well that went .... ok" I laugh
"Atleast your father supports it but your mother not so much." She pulls me in for a hug and kisses me.
"If they don't love you, I will"
"I love you Larissa, forever and ever"
"I love you too Y/N and don't worry I will defend you forever."

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