Chapter 20- Dont leave me

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You were sat in the weathervane alone when you got a call.

Hello, who is this

Hello this is Mr Thorpe, Xavier's Father. I have been working at the elite college for outcasts and I was wondering if you would like to come help. I have heard of the great work you do and think you could be an inspiration.

Ummm can I discuss it with my wife and get back to you?

You have 2 days and I hope to hear from you.

He hangs up

You can't leave Larissa, can you? But this could do something for you. In the past year and a bit, you hadn't done anything by yourself. You dated the Principal, who gave you a job, got married and adopted Olivia.
And what about her, she'll miss you. And the students.

"Honey are you ok?" Larissa asks when you arrive home.

"Yeah, Where's Olivia?"

"Out with Daria but she should be back in a minute!"

"Ok we need to discuss something!"

"What honey?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Umm I got a job offer!" You can't contain it

"That's great!" Larissa exclaims

"Well no because its out the elite college for outcasts. In Germany. For an unspecified amount of time!" A tear rolls down your cheek.

"Well, I think you should go. Me and Olivia will miss you but you need to do something for yourself. You've been tied down since you came to Nevermore!" A tear rolls down her cheek.

"No I'm not, I can see its upsetting you!" You say and the tears start running.

Olivia walks in the door.

"Mum what's wrong?" She calls.

"Your mother is going to Germany for a while!" Larissa says still crying but smiling.

"What? For how long?" She starts to cry too.

"No I just told your mother I can't leave you both!" You reply.

Larissa pulls you both in for a hug. You both snuggle into her chest.

"Olivia can I tell you why she should go?" Larissa asks
Olivia nods
"Well your mother came to nevermore at 19. Just after her 20th birthday, we became official and she immediately started working. We then got married, moved here and adopted you. She loves our life as do I but she has been tied down for 2 years, she should be able to do something for herself!" Larissa says still crying.

"But I'll miss her and what if something happened?" Olivia cries

"Do you want to go y/n?" Larrisa turns to you.

"Yeah but I will tell Mr Thorpe no more than 6 weeks, if that's OK?" You reply.

"Yeah of course!"

"I'm proud of you mum, I love you!"

"I love you to Olivia and time will fly by, I promise!"

*2 weeks later*

Larissa drives you and Olivia to the airport. You were sad, you were actually leaving. But you were also excited, you were going to teach at a school in another country.

You arrive at the airport and it was time for you and your girls to part.

"I love you both!" You say, starting to cry.
"We love you too!" They say together
"I've told Aunt Leah to come check on you both for me, I love you!"

Olivia tightly hugs you.
You squeeze her back. She walks away, letting you say by to Larissa.
"Larissa Weems, I love you so much and this is so hard but I need to do this. You won't know how I'll miss you and these!" You start caressing her chest.
"Oh be nice honey, you're leaving me for 6 weeks!"
"No but really Larissa, I love you so much and I can't bare the thought of leaving you. I will text you every day and night, I promise. See you soon love!" You whisper, kissing her neck gently.

Olivia walks back over and you have one last family hug.

"Don't leave mum," she calls, "I need you."
"I know sweetie but I have to do this, I'll be back soon!"
Suddenly Larissa runs up to you and kisses you once more.
"Don't leave me!" She cries.

You don't say anything but you kiss her back and wave, walking away.

Your phone pinged it was a text from Larissa. 
I miss you already

709 words
Short but sweet.
⚠️next part is quite emotional and intense

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