Chapter 11- my love, my life

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It was the weekend after the new year's concert and when I proposed to Larissa.
As Larissa started to stir, you pulled her in close and kissed her forehead.
"Morning sleepyhead," you whisper in her ear.
She groans and sits up.
"Hey honey, do you maybe want to start wedding planning today?" She asks
"Yeah sounds good!"
You get up and grab your laptop before sitting back in bed.
You pull up a word document and ask Larissa who she wants to come.
"Marilyn and that's about it for me"
"Ok, so no parents"
"Actually invite them, they won't come but I want to try. What about you?"
"Marilyn as well, my parents, Wednesday and Enid and Xavier. I have some family friends as well and my godparents. Is that too many Rissa?"
"No, no I want you to be happy. Also, are you inviting the whole Addams family if Wednesday is coming?"
"I would like to as Morticia and I talk but I know you used to like her but if you are uncomfortable then no."
"No, it's ok Y/N invite them."
"Are there any friends, family members, or more students or teachers you want to invite Larissa?"
"Umm, there's a couple of friends from my nevermore days that could come?"
"Yeah great! Where do you want the wedding?"
"Maybe at my family mansion? It's free very big and has a massive garden." Larissa suggests
"Yeah great honey. Maybe we can invite some more students and friends to the reception!"
"Yeah that will be nice."
We start looking at invite inspiration and we decide to make them ourselves.
We make 50 for the ceremony and about 100 for the reception.
Suddenly Larissa walks off. She comes back and gets down on one knee.
"You know I was going to propose this weekend and when you did I was over the moon but I thought you deserved a ring too" she said
"Oh Larissa, I love it!" You exclaim.
By this time it was getting dark and you both went downstairs for dinner, hungry as ever.
You sat with Marilyn and she starts asking about the wedding.
"So who are you inviting?" She says
"You, both our parents, Wednesday and the Addams Family, Enid, Xavier and some friends of ours." You say
"Well that's amazing! Have you picked a  date yet?"
"Well no and we are discussing that after dinner but we do have a venue and have made the invites." Larissa replied
"Ooooo where?"
"At my family mansion!"
"Well that's all very exciting!" Marilyn said
She looked down at my hand and noticed a ring.
"Oh I didn't know you bought a ring for yourself aswell?" She said
"No I didn't. Turns out Larissa here had decided to propose as well. She gave me the ring this afternoon," you say, grabbing Larissa's hand.
She blushed and you continued chatting.
After dinner you both start walking up to your room.
"Rissa, im bored let's go for a walk!" You say giving her puppy eyes.
"Ok darling let's go," she smiles at you.
You walk back downstairs and onto the grounds. The floor was still very icy and all of a sudden you tripped. As you fall you feel an arm reach out and grab you.
"Careful honey" she yells pulling me close.
We laugh and continue walking, looking at the stars. You felt safe knowing her arm was around you. You find a bench and sit together, resting your head on her chest. You look up at the stars then back at Larissa.
"You're gonna be my wife soon and I'm so happy" you say.
"Yeah I can't wait," she replied
"When should we get married?" You ask.
"Why don't we get married in late July because school will be out and then we can honeymoon early August and be back in time for the term to start?" She says.
"God, I love how practical you are Larissa. Anyways a summer wedding will be nice" you smile.
"How about July 22nd? It's a Saturday anyway?" She suggests
"Yeah July 22nd."
"Honey what are we doing about last names?" She asks.
"Well I don't want to hyphenate and I think I wanna be a Weems."
"Ok yeah, Mrs & Mrs Weems. That sounds nice."
"I love you Larissa, you are the light in my life and to know I'm going to marry you makes me overjoyed,"

She leans in and kisses me deeply. We keep kissing until you both can't breathe.
You then hear footsteps. You look around and see a hooded figure with a knife walking towards you. You pull Larissa up and run. You keep running as fast as you can, your heart racing. She slips on the ice and you run back to help her, the person still chasing you.
You try to help her but she can barely walk.
"Go y/n I don't want you to risk your life for me."
"No Larissa, til death do us part and I'm definitely not letting you die tonight."

You help Larissa up and she limps towards the school going for help.
As the figure gets closer, you start enhancing your power. Although you were a mind reader, you also had strong telekinetic abilities which you were only supposed to use when needed.
He storms at you and sticks the knife in your stomach before you could throw him against a wall or something like that.
You gasp in pain but before you blacked out you threw them to the wall and then hit their head on the floor and let them go. They run off into the distance and that's the last thing you remember.

You suddenly wake up led in the infirmary. You see Larissa crying and squeezing your hand. Her lipstick all smudged and mascara running. You look back and notice your stomach. It was stitched and bandaged but there was a lot of blood.
You try to sit up but you wince in pain and lie back down.
"Oh Y/N honey, you're awake. I was so worried when you didn't return. I went to find Marilyn and the nurse and they ran to the courtyard with a knife in you, passed out on the floor. I was so worried you were going to die."

"I'm ok Larissa, are you. You fell quite hard and looked in pain when you left." I say not caring about myself.


"To me it does" you whisper
"Oh I'm sorry honey. I was just worried about you. You should have let me get stabbed."
"No Larissa I will die for you, kill for you and protect you with my life."
"And I would too. My question is what happened to that person?"
"After they stabbed me, I used my telekinetic powers to throw them against a wall and onto the floor. They then ran."
"You used telekinesis, why didn't you tell me you could do that.?"
"Well there was an incident when I was younger, about 14, and I almost killed my uncle. I didn't know about my powers and we decided I should never use them, they were too powerful. But I did tonight, to protect you Larissa, I love you"

"I love you too honey, my love, my life" and I fell asleep after that.

1230 words.
Authors note:
I thought I would add some drama and show protective Y/N for once. Hope you stay healthy ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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