Chapter 4 - Rave'n

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It had been 3 days since Larissa had asked me to go to the Rave'n with her. The first person who I told was Marilyn. Since everyone found out I was 20, it's not so weird for me to be friends with the teachers. I eat breakfast and dinner with Larissa and Marilyn every day now.
Marilyn was over the moon and offered for me to go dress shopping with her. I agreed and here we are today. We blasted music all the way to jericho and we're very excited to pick outfits. Marilyn went first, she found a siver suit that suited her perfectly, it had silver trousers with a matching sparkly blazer. Now Marilyn was finished it was my go.
I found a black silk dress that I fell in love with but then I found a silver version which would go better with the Rave'n theme. After 20 minutes, I decided on the black one (photo at top)
As we drove back to Nevermore me and Marilyn discussed out plan for Saturday
"I think after breakfast, come to my room and we will do hair and makeup on eachother then put dresses on before we leave so your wife won't see"
"She's not my wife" I said in an angry but sarcastic tone
"Ok then soon to be" she laughed
When we got back, Marilyn took and hid my dress while I went to find Larissa.
"Larissa ,darling" I call quietly. I can't let people hear us because they don't know that me and Larissa are just a bit closer than friends. She would lose her job if the board found out.
She wasn't responding so I walked into her room to find her in MY HOODIE cuddling the panda I gave her at the harvest festival. As I led down next her she rolled over and rested her head on my chest. She was so cute asleep. I pulled my phone out and took some photos before she began to stir. She woke up to me giggling at these photos I'd  taken. She tries to snatch my phone but she gives up easily.
"Did you get your dress!?" She says suddenly realising that's the only reason I'm back.
I put a finger to my lip and she begins to pout but I just laugh. She cuddles into my neck as I let her fall back to sleep, eventually I fall asleep to and we don't wake up until 4 30 am the next day when Larissa's alarm goes off.
We both get up and get ready before going our separate ways.


I wake up and head down for breakfast excited for the evening ahead. I sit at my usual table with Larissa and Marilyn and we laugh as usual. After food me and Marilyn head back to her room to get ready. It was already 1pm so we didn't have long. Luckily I had already showered.
I started to curl Marilyn's hair  just on the ends to give a bit of flair as she starts her makeup. I style her hair more to give it some volume and she looks beautiful. By this time 2 hours had already passed so she quickly started on my hair. My hair took a while longer but it all paid off in the end. These curls flowed down my back and over my shoulders and all I needed to do was put on my dress shoes and touch up my make-up.
As we put on our outfits, Marilyn gasps and cries out, "You look beautiful, Larissa's mouth will be on the floor!"
"Why thank you Marilyn, you look lovely too!"
I re-apply my lip gloss and check the time, 6 35, we better be leaving. I put on my heels and we leave.
When we arrive at the dance, it's quite busy but for some reason Larissa wasnt here but Marilyn told me to wait so we made our way to the dance floor and just swayed to the music.
Suddenly everyone stopped, the music went  silent and everyone was staring at the entrance. I looked over at Marilyn who was filming this and back at the door. It was Larissa. People parted a path for her to walk through.
She was in a long flowing v-neck dress that dipped quite low on the chest. Her hair was down and beautifully styled. Her makeup was immaculate and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She walked towards me slowly as everyone stared. People moved out the way and when she reached me she cupped my face in her hands and pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips were smooth and silky and it was probably the best moment of my life.
When she pulled away, I asked "what about your job, I love you but what if its not meant to be."
"Don't worry darling I love you and thats all that matters"
We embraced tightly and then all of a sudden the crowd erupted with clapping .
"Y/N would you do me the honour of bring my girlfriend?" She asked
"Yes, yes , a million times yes" I cried. I kissed her then felt several arms hugging us. It was Marilyn and the rest of Ophelia Hall. They congratulated us and then continued to dance.
Me and Larissa stepped into a corner and just stood there smiling at eachother. I loved her so much.
We danced quietly in that corner together but when everyone had finally left, she dragged me onto the dancefloor for one private last dance. A slow song starts to play and she puts her arms round my hips and I rest my hands on her shoulders. We sway quietly in time, never breaking eye contact. As she turns me, I spot Marilyn filming us and just wink at her.
"This is the happiest day of my life larissa"
"Mine too Y/n"
We start walking up to her room and as we are walking in the corridor, Larissa suddenly grabs me and dips me into a long kiss. Then footsteps approach. As we stand up abruptly giggling, Wednesday makes her way out of the shadow with Enid.
"Bed now!" Says Larissa
"We were just coming to give you this and wish you the best in your relationship "smiles enid
They handed us a painting, half of black roses and half of white to represent me and Larissa. A bright soul, showing a darker one how to be more positive and Larissa did just that. We made it back to herbroom and fell on the bed holding hands her arms the attached themselves around my waist as she pulled me in closer.
"I love you" She whispers
"I love you" I say back

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