Chapter 19- My sister

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One winters morning you woke up to a text from an unknown number. You read it and it asked you to meet them at the Weathervane at 12.
It was 1030 so you get up and dress. You decide to walk into Jericho so leave ar 11 15.
When you arrive, you look around nothing suspicious. You felt someone staring and looked over. You felt drawn to this person and sit with them.
"I take it you are y/n y/l/n?"
"That's my maiden name, I'm married."
"Oh well you might not remember me but I'm Leah y/l/n.'
"Wait Leah? Mum said you died?"
"Yeah no. I was shipped away at 4 to relatives in Mexico. I thought I would track you down."
"I missed you everyday Leah."
"I missed you too! So who did you marry?"
"Larissa Weems, Principal of Nevermore," you say smiling
"Larissa? Isn't she like 52?"
"No she 40!"
"But still that's 20 years!"
"But still I love her!"
"Ok ok, let's meet for dinner tomorrow. I'll text you, but don't tell anyone!"
And she walks off.
You walk back home to find a very angry, but very hot Larissa.
"Where have you been!?" She exclaims
"Oh I was meeting an old friend!"
" 'Old friend' more like girlfriend!"
"Not this again Larissa. I love you and I don't care about how old you are!"
You grab her waist and pull her close. You lean in and kiss her and as you pull away she smiles.
Ok, she was in a good mood.

Later on you were texting with Leah, laughing and Larissa walks in the room.
"Who are you talking too honey?"
"Oh just that friend I saw this morning. She invited me out to dinner tomorrow, is that ok Larissa?"
"Yeah sure honey!"

~the next evening ~

"Ok I'm leaving now!" You call out
"Bye honey!"
"Bye mum!"

You walk out the house and you get in the uber you ordered.

*Larissa's pov*

I'm sure she is cheating on me, I just have to find out how long it's been going on.
I found her phone and found where she was going, Flounders. How do I stop her getting there. I know.
You create a fake accident on the road, which will take hours to clean and then shifted into y/n and walked to the restaurant.

You see the girl from the weathervane and go sit opposite her.
"Hey Leah!"
"Hey y/n, how are you?" She said smiling. She seemed so innocent.
"I'm alright, how are you?"
"Better now I'm here!" Now that as a red flag.
As the food arrives Leah says," God how I missed you! I still don't know why you married Larissa though, she's a bit old."
Those words hurt but you couldn't say anything.
"Would you prefer me marry you?" You giggle.
"As much as I find you pretty, I can't marry my twin sister!"
OMG. You now remember y/n mentioned at the wedding her sister had died at the age of 4. HER TWIN SISTER!
"Umm I've got to go Leah but I'll text you!"

*back to y/n*

You get a text from Larissa.

Wifey🫶: Come home now

You: why

Wifey🫶: I need to talk to you.

You tell the driver your leaving and run back to your house.
You burst in the front door to see Larissa in tears.
"Honey what's wrong?"
"I went to your dinner tonight as you because I thought you were cheating!" She said between sobs
"How did you get there?"
"I faked the accident so you wouldn't get there and then I ran there!" She exclaimed still crying.
"I'm not mad, I'm just upset you can't trust me!"
"I love you y/n but I still have doubts. You are 20 for goodness sake! I fear that you find someone prettier and nicer and richer and someone just all round better than me!" More tears roll down her pretty face.
"Larissa honey, I love you with all my heart. I don't care about anyone else  except you. The reason I didn't tell you about Leah is she is a different type of outcast. She had to be shipped of to relatives in Mexico at the age of 4 when her powers started to develop. She learned how to snap but whoever she was looking at died. She killed my other uncle when he was trying to teach her to snap. We were all devastated and my parents were scared. We believed she was a grim reaper but it turns out she's cursed." Tears start rolling down your face.
"I'm sorry I didn't trust you y/n," she said still sobbing.
"I love you Larissa, til death do us part."
You pull her onto your lap and she cuddles into your chest.
Olivia comes downstairs and sees you both crying and runs over to hug you.
"Now how would you both like to meet my twin sister?" You say smiling.
They both nod and you text Leah.

*leah arrives*

She walks into the house and sits down.
"So Larissa, weren't you our mother's old roomate?"
"How do you know that, you were sent away at 4, weren't you?"
"I have incredible memory because of my curse, I remember everything from age 2+."
"That's amazing and yes I was!" Larissa smiled at you and looked back to Leah.
"So why did you marry my sister?"
"Because she made me feel less lonely and made me feel loved!"
"But you have a 20 year age gap?"
"And?" You interrupted
"I'm just merely surprised that you married someone who was at school with mum. Isn't mum homophobic anyway?"
"She was but she did come to the wedding and has accepted us," you smile at Larissa.

Olivia then walks in the room.

"Who's this mum?" She says looking up from her phone.
"Your aunt Leah, my twin sister!" You respond
"Why didn't you mention her?"
"Last time I saw her, I was four." You roll your eyes.
"Ok cool, I'm going to see Daria, be back later!"
"Bye honey!" You and Larissa say.
"Who is Daria?" Leah asks smirking
"Well we don't know what they are, they've been on a couple of dates but they don't really tell us much." Larissa says.

"Amyway, I've got to go, I have to get back to Mexico!" Leah says.

"Come back a bit sooner though!" You say
"I will y/n, I now know where you are! Text me," she smiles

She stomps her foot and disappeared.
"What was that?!" Larissa asks
"What do you mean?"
"Where did she go?"
"Oh she can teleport aswell!"

You snuggle up to Larissa, inhaling her scent.
"I still can't belive I'd cheat on you!" You exclaim
"I know honey, I'm so sorry but you know how insecure I am about our relationship."
"Larissa Weems, My Wife, you are the prettiest person I know and I love you so much. I'm so happy here, teaching at Nevermore, living with you and Olivia. This is the life I've dreamed of. A loving wife, a good job, an incredible daughter   and did I mention a gorgeous wife!"
You giggle but your laughter is muffled by Larissa kissing you.

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