Chapter 27-Why?

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Olivia was missing.

Larissa jumped off the bed, putting on her shoes.
"Wait honey, I'm coming!" You call as she runs to the car.
"No you aren't y/n, you were unconscious like 2 hours ago!"
"Please, I can't lose her!"
Larissa nods and climb out of bed, still in your pyjamas. You put on your trainers and run to the car.
You feel you heart beating inside your chest. You track Olivias phone and see she's moving, like she's in a car. You and Larissa follow her movements, almost passing her. You spot a black range rover with a familiar number plate. Shit.

"Larissa, I know where she is!"
"In that range rover."
"How do you know?"
"Because that's Melissa's car."
Her face drops and then turns into anger. She follows the car, not saying a word but you could see anger brewing inside of her.
They turn off down a small dirt road, you still following from a distance. You knew where she was going, you'd been here hundreds of times.
"Rissa, I know where we are."
"Y/n, how?"
"I've been here before. Lots."

You see the car turn off, pulling into a driveway. You park the car further down, not to be spotted as easily.

"I think I have a plan Larissa."
"What is it, go in there and best her the fuck up because she's a fucking bitch!"
"Calm down love, and since when do you swear unnecessarily? Anyway, you probably won't like this but my plan is, I will go in there, acting like I divorced you and want to be with her. If she let's me in, I will go find Olivia. The you can knock on the door and beat her up if you must," you know what the answer is
"Ok we can do that, and yes I will be beating her up."

You slowly get out the car, walking cautiously up the driveway. You knock on the door, hear a couple of muffled screams and then it opens.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" Melissa says, surprised to see you stood there.
"Well I did what you said and divorced Larissa. I'm now all free for you!" You say, smirking
You could feel Larissa's eyes on you like lasers when Melissa pulled you inside.
Melissa shut the door and pinned you against the wall.
"Finally you are all mine my love," she says, kissing your neck softly. You wince at the name and the kissing but have to go along with it. You hear a knock on the door and as Melissa moves, you run upstairs to wear you could hear screams.
You pick the lock to her bedroom that you'd been in many times before. You walk in to find Olivia handcuffed to the bed, duct tape over her mouth and her legs tied together.
You run over, picking the lock on the handcuffs and pulling off the tape. You untied her legs.She takes a deep breath.
"I'm here sweetie, it's ok!"
You hug her tightly.
Suddenly the door bursts open.

"Y/n, what the fuck are you doing up here?" Melissa yells
"Getting my daughter!"
"She's our daughter now, you little wife is downstairs on the floor unconscious, did you really underestimate me!" She laughs.
She walks over to the bed, sitting next to you.
"Olivia, I'm your new mum!" She smiles, kissing you on the cheek
"No you aren't you fucking bitch!" She yells
"Olivia watch your language! That's no way to talk to your mum!" Melissa argues
"YOU WILL NEVER BE MY MUM!" Olivia screams.
"Oh but I am sweetie, I'm gonna marry you mum and we are going to be a family!" Melissa starts to kiss your neck, rubbing her hands up and down your thighs.
"No Melissa, I don't love you, the whole reason I came was to get my daughter. You had no right to take her!" You say pushing her away.
"Oh my love, you do, you want to be with me and only me!" She pushes you down onto the bed, kissing you passionately. You try to push her away but she was too strong. Olivia tried but again failed. She started breathing rapidly and attempted to lift Melissa up off me. She succeeds and allows you to escape before dropping her onto the floor, mid air, and Melissa passes out.

You rush downstairs to find Larissa led on the floor, blood pooling on the floor. Olivia helps you pick her up, carrying her to the car and laying her in the back. Olivia sits with her while you drive home.
You decide to ring Marilyn

Y: Mari?
M: Yeah, is Olivia OK?
Y: quite traumatised, tell you later but Larissa isn't.
M: What happened!
Y: My crazy ex had taken Olivia, dragging her too her house. I managed to get inside and find Olivia but Larissa tried to fight Melissa. She was knocked unconscious and is bleeding. I don't know what to do!
M: Y/N, sweetie, breathe, how far away are you?
Y: 20 minutes
M: Ok, Mr Greaves can take over, I'll meet you there!
Y: Ok thank you!

You cry the whole drive, not wanting to lose Larissa.
You pull into the driveway, you and Olivia carrying Larissa. You see Marilyn's blue cadillac pulling into the driveway.
Marilyn rushes inside, seeing Larissa laid on the sofa. You were crouched next to her, sobbing, while Olivia hugged you tightly.
She rushed over and looked for the wound. It was coming from her head but luckily the bleeding had stopped almost fully on the drive. Olivia showed her into the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit.
They came back in with, alcohol wipes, bandages, tissues for you and some other stuff.
Marilyn started to gently clean the wound, taking care not to hurt her. She then bandages it, putting pressure on the cut. She then walks over and hugs you.
"Thank you Mari," you whisper
"I'm here y/n. I know you and Larissa both have the week off, shall I call Olivia out aswell?"
"Yeah but Mari, I don't feel to well!" You clothes Larissa's hand tightly and started to breath heavily. You let go of Larissa's hand, falling backwards. Caught by Marilyn, you blacked out.

You sit up and see Larissa awake. You go to stand up but can barely move.
"Y/n, sweetie don't move, your heart went funny again!" Marilyn says picking you up, placing you on Larissa's lap.
"Y/N, are you ok my love?" Larissa asks
"Yeah Rissa, I'm ok!" You say, shaking.
"What happened with Melissa?"
"I don't- I don't want to talk about it!" You say, tears rolling down your face.
"She was forcing herself on mum, kissing her, saying we were one happy family, stroking her thighs!" Oliva says, hugging you both.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry!" Larissa pulls you into her.
"Ow, Rissa that hurts!"
"Sorry my love, I'm just glad you are OK!"
"I'm glad you are ok, you were unconscious for a while!"
"You can't say much!" Larissa laughs
"What do you mean?"
"You were out for almost 4 hours!" They all giggle.
You hit Larissa lightly, before pulling her in for a kiss.
"I love you Rissa!"
"I love you too!"

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