Chapter 53- No, you've done it.

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After all the drama over many years, it was finally time for your little girl to graduate. And it caused a lot of emotion but atleast you were all together. Olivia had passed all her exams, most of them getting 100%. You were so proud of her.

She could easily get into any further education or go straight for a great job, but instead she chose to stay at Nevermore.

Om the day of her graduation, you went to check on her while your wife was at the school, helping Marilyn set up.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" You sit on her bed as she does her hair.
"Excited, nervous, happy."
"Well I'm proud of you. Also, do you have any plans tonight?"
"Oh I'm sorry but do you want to have a little party like we did for your birthday? I thought it'd be nice."
"Oh I'd love too, let's just not come home drunk to mum!" She laughed.
"Well, maybe she'll come. And maybe, I will invite Gwendoline, I know you love her as much as your mum!"
"Mum? How can you invite her? She just happened to be at that bar that night?"  She turns to face you as you laugh silently

"You think that's a coincidence? Oh no! We've been friend since I bought the bar!"
"And you didn't tell me or mum?" She gasps, resuming curling her hair.
"Surprise!" You laugh and walk over to her, kneeling on the floor.

She turns to face you, seeing tears in your eyes.

"I'm so proud of you Olivia, you are the light of my life. And I just can't believe what an amazing person you've become, you are going to do great things with your life!" You start to cry and she wipes your tears away, hugging you tightly.

"Well it's all thanks to you. I definitely would not be in this place, physically, mentally or academically if it wasn't for you." She starts to cry too.
"Oh now don't you start crying, we probably look like 2 idiots!" You laugh and you both wipe your own tears.

Soon enough, she was ready bringing down her cap and gown. You tear up but hold them back. You both get in the car, driving up to Nevermore. You started to arrive as everyone else was. You pull into a space and looked at your watch. It was 15 minutes until the ceremony. You find everything all set up and ready for the ceremony.

Once everyone was seated you got up om stage. You started to make some long speech about the history of Nevermore and what great stuff all they were going to achieve in life. Then it was time for their diplomas.

As they walk across the stage, you see a favourite face, but not Olivia. Logan.

"Well done Logan, you've come so far in 4 years." You whisper shaking his hand
"Thank you y/n, you've changed my life for the better and I could never be more grateful." He pulls you in for a hug, making you tear up.

You call more students until you get to the last name. Olivia Marie Weems.

As you call her up onto the stage, you start to cry. Your daughter was all grown up.
You had her the paper and she hugs you tightly.

"Thank you mum, truly." She whispered into your ear. You try to gather yourself before turning back to the parents, who were staring at your surprising reaction although they were all crying.

"What, my daughters graduating too!" You laugh, making them all chuckle too. You congratulate everyone before they all split off, talking to friends and family, leaving for the last time.

You mingle for a while, saying goodbye to everyone. You meet some parents and send off some students. You spot Logan about to leave but he sees you, running over and hugging you tightly.

"I'm going to miss you y/n. Thank you so much." He starts to cry.
You make him look you in the eye.
"I'm proud of you. I expect you to do great things with your life. I expect to be watching the news one day and see you on there, doing something great. And you are welcome anytime." You start to cry.

He hugs you again before leaving with his family. But he didn't stop waving until you could no longer see him. That was a good kid.

By now, most of the school had left so you went over to see your daughter who was talking with your family. Taylor, your parents,Enid and Wednesday, Lexi, Scott and Andrea and Leah had all come to watch her graduate.

"Thank you all for coming, it means the world to us!" You smile, being taken into a group hug.
"We love you all and we're so happy to see Olivia happy!" Andrea smiles.

You step out of the hug, letting them all talk while you were embraced by your wife.

"We've done it Larissa, we've raised on hell of a kid." You smile, turning to kiss her. As you pulled away, she sighed, looking lovingly at you, then to Olivia and then back to you.
"No you've done it. I couldn't have done half the job you've done, especially being so young, I'm proud of you." She pulls you in for another embrace.

You start to cry and feel her cold fingers, wipe away your warm tears.

"I love you Larissa Weems. You have no idea how much."
"Oh I think I know." She smiles, picking you up in her arms bridal style. You rest your head on her chest, smiling at the sight of one happy family, all celebrating your daughter.

You feel safe in her arms, never wanting to leave them. But then Olivia came over. You jumped down, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so fucking proud of you. You are an amazing young girl and you are going to do great things, I just know it. And over the past couple of years, you've really been dealt a pretty shit hand. I love you so much Olivia. And thank you, thank you for being you.Olivia, eres una joven asombrosa, increíble y brillante. Confía en mí, vas a estar bien. Te amo." You start crying again as she pulls you in for another hug.

(Olivia, you are an amazing, incredible, bright young girl. Trust me, your going to be fine. I love you.)

"I love you too mum, this all your doing. You've done it. You've kept me sane and pretty much alive. And to be honest, we've both been dealt a pretty shit hand and you kept it together for me. You always put me first, even before yourself and I love you so much for that. Never forget that ok. This is your doing. The only reason I'm happy is because of you. I love you. Thank you mum." She broke down sobbing. You pulled her into your arms, her legs wrapping around your waist, crying into your chest.

Larissa walks over and holds you close. Your little happy family. After you've had a minute to yourselves, everyone else joins you in a hug, pulling all three of you close.

"Now what do you say we all get really drunk and meet Gwendoline Christie?" You laugh between sobs.

"Y/n you better be kidding!" Yiu wife, pulls out of your hug.
"She isn't mum, they are friends!" Olivia laughs jumping out your arms.
"I can't believe it y/n, you are 24 and you have literally achieved greatness!" Scott laughs
"Well I mean, I'm married to a goddess, have an incredible daughter, have the most amazing family, died twice and I am still alive, own a bar and know Gwendoline Christie, what more do I need?" You chuckle.

Everyone else laughed and you decide to all go back to your head, all getting ready. Marilyn was also going to join you all.

When you all got back, Olivia decided it be funny to vote who was going to get the most drunk.

"Y/n." Everyone says
"Just remember, I can actually handle alcohol unlike, Enid, Marilyn, Lexi, Leah, Larissa and I've been told Taylor. So think again." You fold your arms seriously, making everyone laugh.

"I think Leah is going to get the most drunk!" Larissa laughs and everyone agrees much to her dismay.

Tonight was gonna be a lot of fun.

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