Chapter 33- Eras

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You rush to get ready, you had not much that would work, but finally you found some black shorts (reputation) a pink top (lover) and sparkly trainers (midnights). You do red and purple eyeshadow and just some clear lip gloss.

Olivia puts on a grey glittery top (folklore) and copies you with the black shorts. She does orange and yellow eyeshadow (evermore and fearless) and blue glitter along her face (debut).

Then by surprise, a car was waiting for us outside. You all hop in, you and Olivia squealing with excitement. Larissa giggles at your excitement, smiling widely.

"I still  can't thank you Larissa, this is the best present ever!" You say, kissing  her cheek
"Is it better than my love for you?"
You hesitate.
"Yes, Taylor Swift is better!" You laugh as Larissa slaps you.
Olivia laughs and hugs Larissa aswell.
"Does Marilyn know we are related to Taylor Swift?" Olivia says
"No actually!"
"Well I'm going to facetime her!"

O: Hey Marilyn!
M: Olivia what do you want?
O: We are going to the Taylor Swift concert!!!
M: How? Its sold out everywhere!
O: Larissa is related to her!
M: is she there?
O: Yes
Y: Mari, me and Olivia only found out last night! Blame Larissa!
M: Larissa Weems, that isn't a nice secret to keep!
L: Maybe I'll get her to come to Nevermore and perform.
M: you better! OK have fun tho, love you all!

You hang up and all giggle at her reaction. You, Marilyn and Olivia would spend countless nights together when Larissa was busy listening to Taylor.

"Larissa how is it fair that you are related to her and the least obsessed out of all of us?" You say
"I don't know but it's weird because I grew up with her so I know everything about her anyway!"

You soon pull up at the stadium and are invited back stage. There you see this beauty with her guitar, looking like she did in 2006.
Larissa calls her name and she turns around and spots her cousin.

"Larissa! You came! I've missed you!" She says, hugging her tightly
"I've missed you too Taylor, would you like to meet my family? This is my wife y/n and my daughter Olivia!"
"Aww you are both beautiful!" She says hugging you.
"Says you!" Olivia laughs
"Do either of you play? I know Larissa can play piano!"
"I can sing well, if I say so myself, and I play guitar!" You say smiling
"Y/n, you play guitar?" Larissa looks confused
"Oh yeah, I sneak into the music room all the time and practice!"

"Why don't you show me?" Taylor hands you her guitar
"On your guitar? I can't!"
"Please, your family!"
"Ok, can I play anti hero?" You ask nervously
"Of course! I'm excited!"

You start to play, joining in with the lyrics, singing your heart out. Taylor stops you halfway through.

"My god y/n, you play better than me! Why don't you perform anti-hero with me this evening?"
"I couldn't! I'm really not that good!"

"Mum you are, if the music industry says your good, you clearly are!" Olivia adds signalling for you to join her

"Ok why not!" You smile widely

You and Olivia spend some more time in awe over Taylor and Larissa giggles.

"So Larissa, why did you never tell them?"
"Well I don't know, it didn't seem relevant!"
"It's not relevant to be related to Taylor Swift? Get your priorities straight love!" You laugh
"So have you met my parents y/n?"
"Yes I have, lovely people!"
"That's good! Anyway, I've got other go see you for anti-hero!"

Taylor runs on stage and you and Olivia  start screaming. The outfit changes, the songs, the transitions were amazing and it was an incredible show.

"I love you so much Larissa! I can't believe you got us here!" You say, hugging her.
"I know honey, thank you for allowing me to see the world and have fun!"
"It's my pleasure princess!" You and Larissa giggle and she kisses you softly.

"Mum, you have some lipstick!" Olivia laughs, pointing at your lips
"Larissa!" You sigh, wiping it off.

"Now I'd like to invite a very special guest on stage! My cousin, y/n!"

You walk onto stage and smile as Taylor hands you her guitar.

"I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser midnights become my afternoon, when my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people, I've ghosted stand there in the room."

You and Taylor each have a microphone and are singing together. You look around the stadium to see thousands of people singing along, screaming the lyrics.

Suddenly you see a sign in the crowd. It read: you are my history teacher!"

You laugh and continue singing.
When you finish the song, everyone claps and Taylor hugs you.

"Thank you everyone and hi to my students! See you in September!"

You hand Taylor back the guitar and let her close the concert.

"Mum! You did great!"
"Thanks Olivia!" You hug her
"Yeah I'm proud of you darling!"

The concert finishes and Taylor comes backstage.
She hugs you all before drinking water

"Wow y/n, you did really well!" She smiles
"Thank you, I honestly wasn't that good!"
"Stop lying to yourself, you are amazing!"
"Thank you!!"

You sit and chat with her for a while before leaving for your hotel. You were all so tired you fell straight asleep.

"I had a great time last night mum!" Olivia says when you were all eating
"I think we all did!" Your wife laughs.

Your phone started going crazy with notifications and when you click on it, you'd gone viral on social media, and the nevermore gossip page was all over it.
As you scrolled through Instagram and Tiktok, all you saw were videos of you playing at Taylor Swifts concert.

You have hundreds of messages from family and friends, all amazed that you literally performed with Taylor Swift.

"Well I think your famous now love!" Larissa chuckles, seeing the look on your face.
"I don't mind, I loved it last night!"
"Well mum, we better get going, we have a flight to catch!" Olivia laughs, grabbing your bags

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