Chapter 13- Mrs & Mrs Weems

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Sat in the room Enid and Wednesday were sharing, you started to freak out.
It was the day before you married the love of your life and you were excited but scared.
This was your last night as an unmarried person and you were only 20, was this the right decision?
Morticia walked in and sat down next to you.
"You alright y/n?"
"Yeah, just wondering if I made the right decision. I'm getting married at 20!"
"Me and Gomez got married at 19, I'm sure you'll be ok. I see the way you look at each other."
"Thanks Morticia."
"You're welcome. Why don't me, you, Enid and Wednesday go on a girls night. Like a mini hen party."
"Yeah, I'd like that."

Morticia went and got Enid and Wednesday and we went out to the restaurant. We ate and laughed(Wednesday didn't) and had a good time.
Suddenly my phone started blowing up.

Wifey🫶: y/n where are you
Where are you honey
Are you ok
I'm worried
Respond please
Please y/n why aren't you home?

Y: I'm alright Larissa, just out with the girls.

Wifey🫶: Ok be back by 11, I don't want you tired for tomorrow.

Y: bye bye love ❤️

It was so cute how she was worried. We paid and made our way back to the house.
Although me and Larissa aren't superstitious, we still followed the tradition of not seeing each other until the wedding.
I spent the night with Enid and Wednesday, while Larissa slept in our room.
I woke up the next morning, giddy with excitement. I looked at the clock to see it was 9 am. I woke up Enid asking her to get me some food, incase Larissa was down there.
She bought me some and I ate it. At 11, Morticia came into the room and did my hair.
She split my hair, braiding the top section around my head and tying them together at the back. Continuing, she curled the bottom bit loosely letting the curls roll down my back.
I then did my makeup, while Morticia did the other's hair.
I did light makeup. Just some gold eye shadow and a pink lip.
Somehow by this time it was 1pm. The wedding was at 2 and I could already hear people arriving.
"Morticia can you go check if the photographer is her while we put our dresses on?" I ask
"Yes, I'll head down now."
Enid and Wednesday put their dresses on, they both looked beautiful. Enid smiled widely, while Wednesday just stared.

"Y/N the florist is here also. I'm going to take Larissa and Marilyn's flowers to them and will be back with yours in a second." Morticia called through the door.

I grabbed my dress from its hanger and Enid and Wednesday helped me slip into it. It fit like a glove and I was so happy.
"You look gorgeous Y/N!" Enid exclaimed
"Thanks Enid," I say hugging her.
"I have to say unwillingly, that you do look nice," Wednesday said mustering up a smile.
"One hug" she continued.
I hugged her tightly.
"Thank you so much girls, for being there for me and being some of my best friends at Nevermore." I start to tear up.

"Save those tears for your wife," Enid chuckled and I joined in.

Morticia walks back into the room with a blue dress on. Not navy but not light. In the middle and as close as she'll wear to the colour scheme.
She's holding 3 bouquets. 2 small and one bigger.
She handed the bigger one to me and I admired Larissa's flower choice.
I handed Enid my ring and told her to look after it.
She smiled, honoured I'd trust her with that.
Looking at my phone it was 1 45. 15 minutes to go.
Then there was a knock on the door. Wednesday opens it to find Marilyn stood there looking beautiful.
"Am I allowed to peek at the blushing bride?" She giggles
She walks in and when she sees me she gasps.
"You look beautiful y/n. Larissa's lucky to have you!"
"Thanks Marilyn," you say hugging her
"You look amazing too. How's Larissa?"
"A nervous wreck. I did her hair and makeup and she looks amazing but she's shaking badly."
"Well go back and tell her I love her so much and I can't wait to see her."

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