Chapter 71- missing

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You sit with Larissa, trying to get her to wake up, but all she could do was squeeze your hand.

The doctors had noticed increased brain activity and hoped she would be awake within a week. Olivia also spent time with Larissa.

"Mum, can Danielle come?" She asks one morning.
"Danielle?" You raise an eyebrow
"Oh I never got to tell you! You remember Danielle Woods? She's my girlfriend and we've been official for just over a week. I was going to tell you both the day mum got taken but you know." She sighs.
"Of course! I love Danielle! Can you go get Taylor though, I think she would like to see your mum.

Olivia leaves and Taylor joins you. You sit in silence, both silently crying. But after a while, Danielle and Olivia arrive.

"Hello Mrs Weems, I'm sorry about what happened." Danielle gives a small smile
"Sweetie, you've always been able to call me y/n. That hasn't changed. And it's ok, not your problem. I'll let you two sit with her for a while.

You and Taylor go sit in the cafe, talking about stuff to get your mind off of Larissa. A while later, Olivia joins you, saying she needed a drink and Danielle offered to stay with her.

*Larissa's pov*

I feel a bright light above me and my eyes feel heavy. I force them open and look over to my left. But my wife wasn't there.

Sitting next to me, was a young girl, about Olivia's age. I thought I recognised her but I can't place it.

To avoid trouble, I shut my eyes, hoping she didn't notice. But why is y/n not here?

*normal pov*

You and Olivia decide to go back to Larissa's room to say goodbye as you needed to go back to the twins. You also needed a nice long bath.

You kissed her head gently and rubbed her hand but nothing. You said goodbye before leaving the room.

Taylor drove you home but Danielle went home to her house. You and Olivia got in and you went to feed the twins. Olivia and Taylor played with them, allowing you a moment of peace.

You had a nice hot bath which calmed you down. You must've been in there for a while, because when you got out, it was pitch black.

Putting on your pyjamas, you went to feed the twins again before putting them down for bed.

You all sit on the sofa before turning on the TV.

"So mum, Taylor, what did you think of Danielle?" Olivia asks
"She lovely as she ever was." You say
"Yeah, she seems good," Taylor adds
You sit there for a few hours before all of you agreeing to go to bed.

*Larissa's pov*

I must've actually fallen asleep because the hospital was dark and quiet. Y/n wasn't here again.  Why wasn't she here?

I pressed the call button, alerting the doctors I was awake.

"Can I be discharged in the morning?" I asked hopefully.
"Yes, you can. But the earliest we can let you go is 10am."
"Ok, thank you!"

I fell back asleep, excited to be getting out of here.

At about 8 am, I was awoken to breakfast.  I ate and they changed my bandage before going through all the paperwork. I got dressed properly and they let me go.

I got a taxi to a local hotel, I didn't feel like going home.

*normal pov*

You overslept, waking up at 11am, instead of 8 like you set your alarm. The babies were crying ans hungry.

You fed them before taking them downstairs to get yourself breakfast. Taylor took them off of you and you ate some toast.

You showered and dressed before you and Olivia made your way to the hospital. You made your way to reception.

"We are here to see Larissa Weems."
"I'm sorry Ma'am, she was discharged 2 hours ago." The receptionist said.

You turn to Olivia, worry spreading across both of your faces.

You got in the car and sped to Nevermore, but she wasn't there. You went to all the teachers houses who lived off campus, she wasn't there either.

You searched across Jericho but you couldn't find her. Your final stop was the police station.

"Y/n! How are you?" Donovan calls

"She's missing." You mutter

"Who?" He looks concerned


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