Chapter 26- Past, present, future

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You hear the raspy voice that was never going to leave your mind.
It was Melissa.
Melissa was your first girlfriend but was very manipulative and controlling.

"Oh my love! It's been nearly 3 years, where are you?"
You freeze, you can't move. She walked round the corner and spotted you on the counter.

"Perfect place!" She winks
"Go away Melissa, I'm married!"
"She doesn't have to know!"
"No go away, I don't want to see you!"
"Oh but you do don't you!"
She cuts you off, kissing you. You try to pull away but she grips your neck tightly. She pulls away gasping.

"HAPPY? NOW GO!" You yell
"No actually, I'm not. You are mine y/n, all mine!"
"No you aren't I am my wife's and I need you to leave!"
"Well when is she coming back, I want her too see this!"
"Melissa, please go, I can't do this!"
"No y/n! Now come with me my love!"
"Only Larissa calls me that!"
"Larissa? Sounds like an ugly bitch, I'm so much better!"
"Oh y/n, honey, she's just brainwashed you, you are for me and me only!"

She picks you up off the counter. You thrash and scream but she's too strong. You couldn't even use your telekinesis, it would injure your heart.

She rests you on the sofa and stands infront of you. She starts to strip and you look away.
"LOOK AT ME!" She growls
You still don't and she slaps you across the face.
She climbs ontop of you, in nothing but a thong. She starts to kiss you, but you couldn't move.
After a while, she's tired and lies on you, refusing to leave.

You then hear Larissa's car pull in on the driveway.
"My love, I'm home!" She calls
"Is this the ugly bitch you call your wife?" Melissa asks
Larissa walks round the corner and stands there in shock.
"Oh heyyyyyy, you must be Larissa, y/n here has told me so much about you!" Melissa smirks
"Y/N, What the FUCK are you doing, I love you and its clear you don't. I've put so much effort into our relationship and you clearly don't appreciate it!" She starts to cry.
"I'm so sorry, Larissa, nothing happened I promise. She forced herself on me. And why do you need to put effort on our relationship? Shouldn't it just be easy?" You start crying.
She ignored you and turns to Melissa.
"Get out my house this instant, you homewrecking whore!"
Melissa climbs off you, smirks and leaves.

Larissa breaks down into tears, running upstairs, locking herself in your room. You chase her, your heart hurting, metaphorically and physically. You knock on the door but she doesn't answer.
You feel your heart about to give out and realise you hadn't taken your meds since 2 days ago. You can't make it downstairs.
You knock again
"Larissa! I haven't taken my meds, can you get them I don't feel-"

You pass out.

*Larissa pov*

I sat on the bed in tears, how could she do this to me? I could hear her frantically knocking on the door but didn't respond. Then I heard a thud. I thought maybe she was just trying to get me to open the door. I leave it for a minute but the knocking doesn't continue. I slowly climb off the bed, walking cautiously to the door. I open it to find her passed out.
"Y/N No!" I bend down close to her. She was still breathing and her heart was beating, but vert slowly.
I scooped her up in my arms and carried her into the room.

I rush downstairs and check her pills, 2 days extra. She hadn't taken then and I was all my fault. I rushed back upstairs, the pills in hand and a glass of water. She started to come back around and could swallow so I made her take the pills.

*back to normal*

Larissa was sat infront of me, forcing me to take my medication. I swallowed it and started to feel a little better.
"My love, I am so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. She forced herself on me and-"
Larissa cut you off with a finger pushing up against your lips.
"No my love, it's ok, I know you aren't vert strong still and you told me about your crazy ex. I love you and want to always be by your side."

You lean forward, pulling her in for a hug. You lay her on your chest, she cuddles up to you comfortably.
"Now honey, what were you doing downstairs, I thought I told you to stay?" Larissa asks
"I was hungry and went to get my meds and cereal but Melissa came. I hate her and I don't want to see her!" You start to cry again.

"Don't worry my love, she's in your past. I'm your present and future!"

You hugged her tightly and she turned on the TV.
After a little, her phone started to ring. She looked and it was Marilyn.

Olivia was missing.

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