Chapter 49- Anxiety

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⚠️ panic attack, anxiety

"I'm back bitch!"

You run up to your childhood best friend, hugging her tightly. You started to cry. You hadn't seen her since you were 16.

"How did you know to shoot her?"
"You know I have my ways!"
You both laugh before you dismissed the students. Your wife, Olivia and Marilyn both walked over.

"Who's this darling?" Your wife smiled.
"Darling?" Lexi smirks
"Larissa, this is my childhood best friend Lexi and Lexi this is my wife Larissa. This is my daughter Olivia and best friend Marilyn." You point to each of them.
"Remind me how old you are y/n? And your married?"
"I got engaged and married at 20 and we have been married almost 4 years." You roll your eyes
"And you have a daughter? What'd your age gap?"
"7 years. And before you ask my age gap with Larissa is 20."
"You did always like older women y/n!" You punch her as she laughs.

You all talk before Marilyn leaves for her lesson and so does Olivia. You take Lexi up to your office and show her Nevermore. Although she is an outcast, she never went here, although you can say much, you were a student here for about a month.

"So why are you here Lexi?"
"Well your parents rang me. They told me you were dying. I was devastated but couldn't come sooner. And then when I heard you were healthy, I was really happy!"
"Second time I've died since I last saw you!"
"Y/n, you've always been a danger magnet!"

You talk and laugh for about an hour before you notice your wife getting anxious. You pull her onto your lap, getting an awwww from Lexi.

"My love, what's wrong?" You kiss her nose gently
"I just don't like meeting new people right now. I mean, Jane, Melissa and I know I've known Debbie for ages but it was because of a new person, Jane. I'm sorry my love, she's really nice!"
"No it's ok princess, why don't you go sit  in with Marilyn? She's teaching Olivia."

Larissa nods and heads down to botany.

"So princess? Is that like a sex name?"
"Oh shut up! Your as bad as the students!"
"What do you mean?"
You launch into a whole Spital about how Larissa was kidnapped before actually getting to the point.

"So before all that, she used to sit on my lap in lessons and try to take off my shirt and then they started talking about our sex life, it was really weird."
"Oh my god! Poor you!" Lexi laughed.

You spoke for a bit longer until you had a lesson to teach. Lexi was staying in a hotel and was going to visit you later.

You walked down to the greenhouse to collect your wife before heading to your lesson. As your wife walked out the green house, she suddenly scooped you up bridal style. You kicked and laughed as she carried you to your lesson.
Your students were already sat and burst into laughter as you were carried in.

"Hi students, page 28 read all that and answer the questions." You smile as Larissa puts you down. You sit at your desk and she takes her place on your lap. She starts to rub your wound, kissing it softly.

Then you see Olivia outside the door, crying. You tell Larissa to continue teaching while you rush to your daughter.

"Olivia honey what's wrong?" You sit on the floor next to her, hugging her.
"I don't know I was in the second part of my double botany lesson and just snapped. I don't know, like something was crushing me. I couldn't breathe and just wanted you."
"I'm here honey. Why don't we go watch Gilmore Girls in the weathervane again?"
She nods and you pick her up and go with her to excuse her from all lessons.

You head back to your room and tell your wife you are leaving. She asks why but you don't answer, you just kiss her goodbye and grav your bag and laptop.

You get in your car, driving home so you both can change. You put on leggings and a hoodie and so does Olivia before grabbing your headphones and your laptop, walking to the weathervane.
You get 2 hot chocolates and 2 cakes before sitting in your usual booth and turning on the show. As you are watching, you see Lexi walk in. Olivia keeps watching while you go talk to her.

"Hey y/n! Aren't you and Olivia supposed to be in school?"
"Yeah but I'm the Principal so when we want, we come here and watch Gilmore Girls."
"Oh ok, I just wanted some coffee before my run."

You walked back over and sat with Olivia. You each had another hot chocolate and watched 7 episodes. Then Larissa came storming into the weathervane.

"Hey my love! Are you ok?" You smile
"No! You need to stop taking our daughter out of school. She has exams in a few weeks!"
"Larissa she was having a fucking panic attack! What do you expect me to do? Make her go back to class?"
"Well no but she needs to be in school!"
"You were gone for two years Larissa! We've been doing this once or twice a week for 2 years and she's doing fine. She's got perfect grades! And that's going to stop if we put pressure on her."
"Low blow." She just walked out, a tear in her eyes

You hugged Olivia. She had been diagnosed with anxiety the previous year. She had so much to deal with and she was still amazing. Larissa didn't get that because she missed all that. But you shouldn't have said that. It wasn't her fault.

After another episode, you both decide to head home. You walk in silence. You reach your house and Olivia goes to her room while you go to yours.
You find your wife crying on the bed.

"Hey my love, I'm really sorry. I never told you this because I knew you would worry. Olivia was diagnosed with anxiety last year and it was quite severe. But she's doing amazing and these breaks we take help her. She studies what she misses at home."

"No I'm sorry y/n, I should've been more concerned. Clearly she was in a bad place." She calms down.

"I wouldn't have taken her out unless she really needed it  and she does Larissa. It got so bad that she didn't go to classes for a few months because she'd just panic. It was horrible. When you came home, she told me how she didn't feel the need to worry or panic as much and I was happy. This has been the first episode in a while."

You both hug eachother tightly and then text Olivia to come into your room. Larissa hugs her and bursts into tears. Olivia comforts her.
She was so mature, the poor babu had been through so much in that past couple of years and needed something to go right.

Soon there was a knock and Lexi had arrived.
You all sat down and ordered pizza while Larissa and Olivia got to know Lexi.

"So how long have you known y/n?" Larissa asks
"Since we were 3, she was also my first kiss!"
Larissa stares at you
"One Larissa, she's not going to steal me, and two she wasn't my first kiss!"
"How old where you?" Olivia asked shocked.
"13 when I kissed Lexi, 11 when I had my first kiss."
"I didn't have my first kiss until 17!" Larissa laughs
"I had mine at 14." Olivia says
"I know that Olivia!" You laugh and then realise Larissa didn't know. It was after she'd been kidnapped.

Larissa stayed silent as you continued talking. After a couple of hours, Lexi left and you and Larissa went to bed.

As you laid in bed together, you wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Princesa, nada va a pasar, está bien, estás a salvo. Te tengo y no te dejaré ir." The low raspy voice you used to say it made her giggle.
"Gracias mami te amo."
"Your learning Spanish baby?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be nice!"

(Princess, nothing is going to happen ok, you are safe. i have you and i am not letting you go.)

( Thank you mommy, I love you)

She laid her head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. It soothed her into sleep but you sat awake. You were probably the luckiest person on the planet. But all that trauma and pain made you unhappy. You weren't even 25 yet and you were married with a child, the Principal of a school. You felt like you were missing out on the fun in your 20's. Sure you had alot of fun as a teenager, getting drunk in a field at 16 but you missed that. You missed the wild side of yourself.

And with that, you made a plan.

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