Chapter 29- Graduates

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After all the drama at Nevermore, it was finally time for the 6th years to graduate. You were extra excited because it was Wednesday and Enid's class. But it was scary because in a couple of years, that would be Olivia. The morning of the ceremony, you woke up first, showering and getting dressed before waking your wife up. You shook her gently, causing her to groan but roll slowly out of bed.

You go wake Olivia and go get breakfast. You can't be bothered to cook so you grab a bowl of cereal. It was only 7 00 and you didn't have to be there until 8 30 so you decide to walk to Nevermore that day. You leave Larissa a note and grab your shoes, keys and coat before leaving. You walk at a fast pace and are about 20 minutes away from Nevermore before you get a phone call.

Y: chill  I'm nearly at Nevermore
L: Why did you walk?
Y: Because why not
L: Drop the attitude
Y:what attitude
L: Anyway, don't move, I'm coming
Y: No, im going to finish my walk, bye love!

You hang up and giggle. She was going to be mad. After 15 minutes you arrive at the school and head straight to Wednesday and Enid's dorm. You knock on the door, opened by a excited Enid.

"Y/N!!! Why are you here so early?"
"Umm I walked so I could come see you both!"
"Can't Principal Weems drive you?"
"She was still in the shower when I left!"
"Oh! Anyway come in!"

You follow Enid into the dorm, seeing their almost bare room.

"So are you both ready?" You say
Wednesday nods and Enid squeals
"So excited!! I've already got a job, going on holiday and I'm free from my mother!"
"I'm happy for you!" You hug her tightly
"Well I'm sad because I won't see my 2 best friends every day anymore!"
"I'll miss you E, but I'm always here!"
"I'll miss you too y/n!"
"Reluctantly, so will I!" Wednesday chimes in.
"I'll miss you too Wednesday," you smile.

Suddenly the door swung open to reveal a very angry Larissa.
"My office now!" She says, staring angrily at you.
"How about no!" You laugh
"Y/n, I would go!" Enid whispers
"Enids right, you should come!"
"What power do you have over me?"
"I'm your boss!"
"Is this work related?"
"Well no but!"
"Then in our marriage, we are equals, so I will be staying here thank you and bye darling!" You shut the door in her face, hearing her storm off.

"What was that for!" Enid screams
"Don't worry, I'm just winding her up, she'll crack!" You laugh
"I found it very entertaining!" Wednesday adds
"Thanks Wednesday! Now do either of you need help packing?"
"Umm could you peel all the colours off of out window?"
"Of course Enid, I'll start now!"

The was a knock at the door a little later. Wednesday found Olivia stood there.
"Hey, I thought I'd come say hi, I'm gonna miss you both!" She smiles walking in the room.
"Hey Olivia, I'm going to miss you too!" Enid hugs her.
"I must regret I might just miss you too," sighs Wednesday.
Olivia smiles and lets them finish packing.
"Mum what happened this morning?" She said, standing next to you.
"I decided to walk here and now I'm winding up your mother, I find it hilarious!" You chuckle
"Just saying I saw her tearing up her office like 5 minutes ago, so it's not all that funny!"
"Oh god, that woman can't take a joke!" You roll your eyes
"It's not funny mum!"
"Well I think it is, now go stop her before she does anything bad!", Olivia strolls out the room, giving Enid one last hug.

You check your watch and see it was 9. The ceremony started at 12, but you and Larissa were going to set up, another chance to tease her.
You say bye, leaving the dorms, making your way outside. You see the stage already out and a pile of chairs you had to set up. You start unfolding them and spot your angry wife, storming outside.

"We need to talk!" She demands
"Is it work related?"
"Well then I'm going to finish my work then we may talk!"
"Well by the time you've done everything, it's time for the ceremony!"
"Exactly my point!" You laugh
"I don't like this attitude y/n!"
"You're acting like a teenager!"
"And a horny one at that!" You wink and continue unfolding chairs. Larissa stood there flabbergasted at what you just said. You just laugh to yourself, she couldn't take this anymore.
She walks up to you, grabbing you by your waist, pulling you close.

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