Chapter 69 - Empty

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Alex and Emma were now 6 months old and growing like crazy. They definitely inherited Larissa's height. You had wanted to return to Nevermore but your wife had not allowed you to.

"Larissa why can't I work." You sighed.
"Because you have twins to look after." She rolled her eyes.
"Thanks for stating the obvious but I can work with them at Nevermore. Or hire a nanny I mean come on Larissa you know how much they all miss me." You chuckle, the number of students who had asked Larissa when you were coming back was funny.
"They do, but you need to rest." She says sternly
"Larissa, I've been resting for the last 6 months and also, it's almost spring break and we are going to visit Tarth remember? Let me work for the next 3 weeks and then I have 2 weeks off, deal?" You raise an eyebrow in waiting.
"Fine." She gives in and you jump into her arms, kissing her softly.

She carries you over to the sofa, sitting down herself, before getting both of you comfortable. It was quiet in the house for once, Olivia was on a date, your grandma had already moved out and the twins were asleep. You lay on Larissa's chest, listening to her soft heartbeat.

"When was the last time I fucked you?" Larissa said calmly.
"What on earth are you saying woman?" You laugh.
"When was the last time I made you scream my name?"
"Probably like a few weeks ago? I don't know, I don't put it in my diary every time we fuck." You roll your eyes at her bluntness.
"Well, a few weeks is unacceptable." She dramatically gasps before pulling your lips onto hers.
"Larissa, no, I want to cuddle." You pull away.
"But y/n, please." She begs.
"As much as I love to hear you beg, no. I want to enjoy the quiet and-" you were cut off by the cry of your babies.
"And if we had started, we wouldn't have gotten far." You sigh, standing up from the sofa and making your way to the nursery.

You found Emma awake but Alex was still asleep so you sat on the bean bag and fed Emma. Your wife soon joined you and rested on your shoulder as you played with Emma.

She grabbed onto your little finger and refused to let go. You laughed as she held it, almost investigating it as she admired it. Larissa eventually pried her out of your arms as Alex woke up.

You picked up Alex and fed her before she started grabbing at Larissa. Although a bit offended, you handed her over and now she held both your babies.

Olivia returned home from her date and came and joined you all. Larissa handed her Emma and you all started to chat. But soon you had to leave the room.

"I've gotta go. I'll be back." You say bluntly, leaving the room and walking downstairs. You grab your car keys and drive to Nevermore.

The students who were there were all excited to see you. You spoke for a while before walking up to your office. You shut the door and pulled out some paperwork. You started furiously working through them, trying to stop a few tears from escaping.

You hear a knock at the door and Marilyn appears. You force a smile as she sits in front of you.

"Hey Mari, what can I do?" You say cheerfully
"Oh I just wanted to check in with you! You seemed a bit upset earlier."
"It's nothing. How's you and my sister." You steer the topic away from you otherwise oud start to cry.
"We are still in the talking phase, trying to take things slow." She nods happily.
"That's good. Well, I've got stuff to do so I'll see you soon!" You wave as she walks out of the room.

After finishing all the paperwork, you sat on the floor feeling empty. Everyone around you was happy but for some reason, you weren't. You felt, empty.

You were then in your wife's arms, being held while she sat on the sofa.

"Princess, what's happening?" You murmur sleepily.
"You were asleep on the floor love. What's going on in your pretty little head?" She smiles.
"Oh, nothing." You try to fall back asleep but you are made to sit up.
"My love, why did you leave earlier?"
"Because I needed to get away." You sigh.
"Because I just feel empty. Both the babies wanted to be held by you. My sister hasn't visited in a few months, you won't let me come back to Nevermore, I'm tired, I wouldn't let you have fun earlier and I just don't know what to do with myself. I just feel like I'm falling apart." You hold back the inevitable tears.
She doesn't say anything, just holds you tightly.

"First my love, you have the full choice on if we fool around or not and I respect that. Secondly, the babies love you. As soon as you left, they wouldn't stop looking for you. And I know you are tired and that's because you won't let me help you. You can return to Nevermore, if you let me help you. Please my darling girl, you can't do this alone." You see her start to cry.

"Oh please don't cry. Thank you princess, you always know what to say." You wipe her tears away and let out a small giggle.
"Anything for mommy."
"I am a mommy yes. To Emma, Alex and mum to Olivia." You smirk making her mad.
"Mommy. I love mommy." She chants making you laugh.
"God I do love you." You laugh and pull her in for a long kiss.

Suddenly the door bursts open and it's the Sherrif followed by Olivia and the twins in her arms.

"Donovan?" You get up concerned.
"He escaped." He sighs.
"Who?" Larissa's breathing grows faster.
"Mr Weems."

994 words

Hahaha you think I would keep us happy? Nope.

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