Chapter 75- The Weems Family

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The twins were now 9 and it was the night before their first day at Nevermore.

"Mum, I'm scared." Emma says as you tucked her in.

"It's ok baby, I'm their, mum's their, Olivias there, Alex will be with you. Everything will be fine." You assure 

"Will it be weird?" Alex asks

"What do you mean sweetheart?"

"Well all of us will be there and no one else's parents will be there."

"No my dear, it wasn't with Olivia and we are very open with the students, some of the older students might just remember the year you both were born, they would've been first years I think. And you know me and mum are very affectionate at home, we are like that at school asewell, not as bad as your mum used to be, but always together, hand holding, kisses, hugs all of it."

"And the occasional missing shirt." You hear Larissa chuckle from the door.


"What does she mean?" They both inquire at the same time.


"No Larissa!" You say angrily

"That from time to time, they are sucking eachothers tits off in front of the students." Olivia giggles, appearing next to Larissa.

"Olivia Marie Weems, you might be 27 but I am still your mother!" You half shout.

"They'll find out at school, it's still a big thing. But atleast your sex life was like 14 years ago." She shrugs

"Just shut up!" You yell, making Larissa and her laugh

You say goodnight and hurry to your room, dying of embarrassment.

Larissa follows you and climbs next to you in bed.

"It's ok my love." She pulls you close.

"I know, it's just embarrassing."

"Well then we can be embarrassed together." You feel her smile.

The next morning, you woke up incredibly earlier as you were stressed.

It was half four when you got out the shower and had done your hair and makeup.

You searched through your wardrobe eagerly. You found the perfect outfit.

A burgundy suit with a silk shirt. You knew Larissa loved that outfit, and you loved being a tease.

You also found your favourite pair of heels and carried them downstairs with you. You cooked a full English, Larissa's favourite.

By the time it was 7, everyone was up.

Olivia had joined you dressed and ready in the kitchen with you. The twins were still in their pyjamas eagerly tucking into the food.

Larissa soon joined and you could see her looking you up and down. You smirked and hopped up onto the counter.

Larissa stood between your legs, already trying to unbutton your shirt.

"Princess, not infront of the girls!" You whisper giggle, pushing her hand away.

"Mommy why?" She groans, pouting cutely.

"Because its inappropriate and so is that name." You smirk and jump back off the counter, grabbing a protein bar.

After breakfast, the twins went to get dressed and grab their bags for their first day of Nevermore. Olivia and you started to pack up the car full of teaching supplies you needed for the year.

Once everyone was ready, you all climbed into the car.

"Right now girls, and this applies to all of you. Behave, I don't expect to see you in my office for anything besides good news. That includes you darling." You smile as you drive.

"We'll be good mum!" The twins chime.

"Mum, I'm a teacher I'm not going to be sent to your office!" Olivia groans.

"You can by me or your mother. And Emma and Alex, please tell me what you think of your sister, everyone is scared to tell me what they think of her." You wink to them in the rearview mirror before pulling into Nevermore.

The quad was filled with new and old students, also lots of parents.

As you all climbed out the car, eyes were on you.

It was the Weems Family's time to make an entrance.

Of course everyone knew 6'3 goddess Larissa Weems along with her overprotective wife with lots of trauma who had died 3 times, y/n Weems. Then there was Olivia Weems, the Art teacher and daughter of the Principal, very powerful and close to her mother. Then everyone knew the twins, you could recognise them anywhere. Both shapeshifters and telekentics, they both had long blonde hair and blue eyes but looked a lot like y/n aswell. But they had Larissa's height, already almost as tall as y/n and Olivia at aged 9, it was very clear they were Larissa's.

"Good morning everyone! It's nice to see you find my family so interesting!" You call as you walk through the busy quad, Family in tow. You giggle as everyone's eyes avert their gaze.

You give your opening speech, eyes always finding their way back to your kids.

Once all the affairs were in order, you headed to your first class of the year, Larissa on your tail.

"Princess, can you go check on everyone please? Then go to the office and start filing all the new student files please?" You beg outside the classroom.

"Why?" She whines.

"Because I have to teach and that's your job Princess. And you don't want to be punished do you?"

"I like punishment."

"How about no touching for 2 weeks?" You smirk.

"Fine." She whines. You lean up and kiss her before walking into the classroom.

The day went smoothly.

Your last class was first years with Alex.

"Mrs Weems?" Someone called.

"Call me y/n and yes?"

"Is it true Alex killed you?" You gasped.

"Where on earth did you hear that?" You were angry and you could see Alex getting visibly upset.

"Well some of the teaching assistants were telling us about it!"

"Is this true?" You asked the class and about half nodded.

"Well that is simply not true. I am clearly alive and here and in no way is it Alex or Emma's fault. Sometimes things happen ok? And someone better go tell Mrs Weems who it was. Whoever know, go to my office now!"

You dismissed the lesson early and spent the rest of the time comforting Alex. Emma and Olivia finished their days and came and joined you.

Larissa was down not much later. You didn't bring up the incident and went home.

The twins went up to their room as soon as you went home.

"Well we were a hot topic today!" Olivia laughs. "All I got asked was questions about you both and me and the twins and you dying."

"Well same here, I got asked if Alex killed me!"

"That's awful."

"I fired the assistants who told them, I dont want them around my family." Larissa states proudly.

"Thank you Princess."


1120 words

SORRY I HAVE NEGLECTED YOU ALL! Go read my new book 'The Boss'. Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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