Chapter 14- Honeymoon in Hawaii

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It was 2 days after you married Larissa and you were in the car driving to the airport. On your wedding night, she surprised you with a honeymoon in Hawaii. Driving to the airport, you couldn't be happier. You were married to the love of your life, going to Hawaii for two weeks, and you just had the most amazing day of your life.
You open your phone to see a text from Marilyn.

Marilyn: Attached 20 photos
Here's a bunch of wedding photos I took.
Have a nice trip xxx

You: Thanks, Marilyn
Miss you lots xx

You look through the photos, tears in your eyes. Marilyn had spent the night taking photos of when you least expected. There were some of you on the dancefloor. Some of the flash mob and your first dance and a couple of you guys kissing.
You take all the photos and put them on your home screen. Larissa looks over and smiles.
"I love you Mrs Weems." She says, tearing up
You still can't get over the name. You place a hand on her thigh, making her blush.
"So my touch still turns you on?" You giggle as she blushes even harder.
You put on your playlist and start singing along to it.
Eventually, you arrive at the airport. After bag drop, security and check-in, you to the first-class lounge.
Larissa sits down while you grab 2 plates of food.
"I'm so excited honey," you say, sitting back down.
" I know, meet to love, it's going to be great!" She replied.
We ate and talked about the wedding and everything that happened.
"So was the flash mob your idea?" She laughs
"No to tell you the truth. It took about 3 days of convincing to get me to do it," I reply.
"Well, it was great."
"What about my mum? Did you do that?"
"Yeah honey, I wanted you to be happy."
"Aww, I love you Larissa Weems."
You continued chatting until boarding.
You sat one in front of the other but spent the whole flight texting.

Wifey🫶: I miss you come sit with me.

You: I will in a bit, let me finish this one bit of work and I'll be over.

Wifey🫶: Why are you working? It's our honeymoon.

You: it's a surprise for you, so be grateful xx

What you were doing was looking at houses. You looked for one near Jericho so you could travel to and from every day. You found a nice 3 bed, 2 bath house 30 minutes from nevermore.
It had a big terrace and a big garden, a white picket fence, and was newly renovated. You looked at the price.
250 grand. Ouch.
You looked in your savings. At the ripe old age of 20, you had 100,000 in your savings. Your parents had also given you and Larissa 100,000 for a wedding gift and given you a separate 200,000 to buy a house. Only 50,000 needed. You messaged the realtor, and you discussed the details. You were going to meet when you got back.
By this point, it was dinner time. You ate your food quickly and went to sit with Larissa. She smiled when she saw you.
"So what were you working on?" She asks
"A surprise, but I have a question?"
"Go ahead honey,"
"Can I have 50 grand?" I say," and can I pay you back in sex?"
"Why do you need 50,000, and I will take the sex!"
"We will discuss this when we are home."
After a while, the plane lands and after making it through customs, you get a taxi to your hotel.
You arrive and get your hotel key. The room had a mini bar, a king bed, a balcony, a private pool and a private beach.
"Larissa, how much did this cost!" You ask.
"You don't want to know but you can start paying it back right now!"
She walks over and rips off my shirt and pushes you onto the bed. As she starts roughly kissing you, you start to strip her off.
You roll over putting her on the bottom. With no warning, you stick three fingers up there and Larissa gasps.
As you go faster she arches her back and moans loudly. You keep going until she is about to climax and you stop.
"Honey let me finish," she begs
"No but grab some champagne and meet me in the pool. You put a bikini on and pass one to Larissa.
She grabs to glasses and hurries outside.
She pours 2 glasses and you toast.
"To us, to being Mrs ans Mrs Weems," you say
You cheers and drink your champagne.
You kiss Larissa and she smiles.
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too but why have you gone all shy on me?"
"Cause I love you."
"So I can still make you shy, nice to know."
You kiss her again and you stand there admiring the view and then look back at Larissa.
"Why don't we get room service and sit and watch movies instead of going out?" I suggest.
Larissa nods and we hop out the pool. It was already 8pm and it had been a long day. I rang reception and ordered us some pasta and some dessert and we put our pyjamas on.
The food arrives and we snuggle and eat. After a couple of films, I notice Larissa crying.
"Honey what's wrong?"
"Tell me!"
"Well I'm still thinking you don't actually love me and that you now want a divorce. I know what we did earlier was great but still, I can't shake the thought. Do you see how other men and women look at you. And there all younger than me!"
"Now Larissa get that idea out of your head. 1. I love you so much. 2. I'm a lesbian so half of the men and women argument doesn't work. And 3. I don't see how they look at me because I'm too busy looking at you."
"What we're you doing on the plane then?"
"Well if you must know, I was looking at houses in Jericho. I found a lovely one on sale for 550,000. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, newly refurbished big garden and terrace and 30 minutes away from nevermore. We can commute in the day and live there permanently. I worked out with my savings, the money that we got from my parents and the extra 200k they gave me for a house, we only need 50k. We are meeting with the realtor after our trip!"
"Oh y/n. That's wonderful. I'm sure it will be wonderful!"
"Now I saw we go to bed Larissa. It's been a long day.
You climb into bed and cuddle into her chest.
The next two weeks are spent exploring the island. You went mountain hiking, and cliff jumping and you spent your evenings in the pool.
You had so much fun and so did Larissa.
It was your last night there and you were up late, watching a film. Once the film finished you turned to Larissa.
"Why don't we go for a midnight beach walk?"
"Why though, I'm comfortable here!" She complained
"Because I love you and its our last night here"
"Ok honey let's go!"
She goes to stand up but you don't let her. You scoop her up in your arms and carry her outside. She giggles and smiles up at you.
You put her down and take her hand. You stroll along the quiet beach, hand in hand.
All of a sudden, Larissa pushes you into the water. You laugh and drag her in with you. You start splashing eachother giggling. She kisses you and you pull her underwater.
"Y/N!!!" She screams
You just kiss her and pull her closer in towards you.
You both wade through the water and across the beach, back to your room.
You start to run a bath and run back to the bar and grab a bottle of champagne.
"What's that for honey?" Asks Larissa.
"To celebrate! Now get in the bath!" You demand.
She gets in and you undress sitting between her legs, your head rested in the crook of her neck.
You pop open the bottle and take a swig, before offering it to Larissa. She drinks some and gives it back to you.
"I love you Mrs Weems," you say
"I love you more Mrs Weems!" You giggle.
You drink more champagne and get out the bath. You put on pyjamas and snuggle into eachother.
When you wake up the next morning, Larissa was gone. You start calling her name. She wasn't in the bathroom, on the beach or in the pool.
You collapse on the bed, crying. She had left you.
Then the door opens. You hear running footsteps and Larissa wraps her arms around you.
"Where were you?" You say
"I was getting us breakfast as a surprise but I ran into an old friend. I'm sorry honey"
"No I'm sorry, i overreacted."
You kissed her and then got up and hopped in the shower.
You got changed and made sure all your bags were packed.
You both left the hotel and got a taxi to the airport.
Larissa had also paid for first-class return.

*Skip to being back at Nevermore*

You and Larissa were both so tired and collapsed into bed. You watched a film in the afternoon and were going to bed early as you were meeting the realtor tomorrow.
You suddenly realise you need to let Marilyn know you are home and go to grab your phone.
It was next to Larissa's laptop and you see a page open. You look at it and see that she'd been looking at ivf. She wanted kids. You got back into bed and didn't say anything.
You had left a note on the laptop that said: I want kids too honey.

1664 words
Hope you like this, its a bit less detailed but I can't be bothered.
Stay healthy 🫶❤️🫶❤️

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