Chapter 16- What a year

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It was that time of year again at Nevermore. The end of October only meant one thing, the Rave'n. It had been a year and what a year it had been. At the last Rave'n, you and Larissa became girlfriends and in that time, you were a teacher, proposed to and married Larissa. Went to Hawaii and bought a house.

You and Larissa were taking and evening stroll across the grounds of Nevermore. Suddenly, you hear singing . As you get closer, you realise it's for you. Larissa walks over grabs a bouquet of flowers and gets down on one knee.
"My lovely wife, would you do me the honour of going to this year's Rave'n with me?" She asks almost laughing.
"Sorry Larissa, I'm already going with Marilyn," You bend down and tuck her hair behind her ear.
The choir couldn't help but laugh and left us alone.
Larissa pulled you in close and growled,"You are mine and only mine. Now will you come to the Rave'n with me?"
"No Rissa, I won't," you can hardly stop smiling.
She pulled you in for a kiss.
"Did that change your mind?"
"Yeah, of course I'll come to the Rave'n with you. Hopefully, you won't cause a fuss of asking someone to be their girlfriend. That caused a lot of fuss.
She slapped you lightly and kissed you again.
"Are we going dress shopping then Rissa?"
"No, like last year, let's make it a surprise!"
"Ok, I'm gonna go with some of the 6th years (how the Rave'n works in this story, its only for 5th and 6th years and last year Wednesday and that lot were 5th years)

"Sounds good honey, now let's head home,"
Larissa said picking you up
She carried you to the car and put you in the passenger seat.
"Fancy a shower together?" You say
"Always," Larissa replies.
When you get back, you undress quickly and hop in the shower.
Larissa joins you ans kisses you. You shower, washing eachother, feeling the others curves.
You dry yourselves off and put on pyjamas. You dive under the covers making Larissa dig you out. You giggle and she lays you onto of her.
You lay your head on her chest.
"Larissa, we've gotten married and bought a house together after only being official for a year. That's crazy."
"I know honey, but I couldn't be happier!"

~skip to Rave'n ~

"Soo are you and Larissa gonna cause a scene again?" Laughs Enid.
"I hope not but I won't be surprised!" You laugh too
You'd been dress shopping and settled on a blue version of the dress you wore last time.
You curled your hair and did your makeup. You added silver heels and made your way down to the hall.
You walk in scanning the room for Larissa.
You see her and gasp. She looked gorgeous like always. You walked over to her, blushing.
"So I still make you blush?" She smirks
"Maybe," you smile
You both dance quietly in the corner and have lots of fun.
Suddenly Beauty and the Beast came on.
You drag Gwendoline to the middle of the dancefloor and pull her close. You wrap your hands around her neck and she wraps her hands around your waist.
"Our song," she whispers into your ear.
You smile and keep eye contact. Like at the end of every dance you do to this song, Larissa pulls you in for a kiss.
You look around and see everyone having a great time.
You step outside and Larissa follows you.
"I love you Larissa," you say
"I love you too honey"
You sit outside, staring at the stars above.
"Can I tell you secret y/n?" Larrisa says
"Yeah Rissa, what is it?"
"The night of the Rave'n, there was a shooting star outside before I arrived. I knew I was about to ask you and wished that we'd be together forever,"she bushed.
"Darling, that's so cute!"
"No it's corny."
"But it worked."
You rest your head on her shoulder and she rested herself on yours.

"Girls, it's time for your present"Marilyn says sneaking up behind you.
Everyone was gathered outside at this point and you both stood up, hand in hand.
Suddenly a firework flies into the sky.
Followed by more.
"Happy anniversary girls!" Marilyn smiles as you all look up at the painted sky.
Larrisa pulls you into her chest and you cuddle close.
You think about the past year and that you've been through it all. 9 1/2 months ago, you got engaged. 2 months ago you got married and bought a house together. There was only one thing missing from your perfect little life. A child.

785 words
Little shorter but I love this. The time is so confusing in this story😭
Stay healthy ❤️🫶❤️🫶

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