Chapter 43- My love, its Christmas

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It was Christmas eve and the whole family were coming round like they did every year but something was different. Your wife was back.

Taylor walked in and gasped at the sight of Larissa. Instead of hugging her, she walked up to her and slapped her.
She grabbed her face, tears appearing in her eyes.
"Taylor! It's ok, it's not her fault." You laugh, kissing your wife's cheek.
"What do you mean? She left you for 2 years and you forgive her!"
"Taylor, she was fucking kidnapped by her dad, surely you know how awful they were in the past?"
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Lara, I didn't know!"
"It's ok Tay, just stop anyone else from slapping me!" She laughs.

Soon the cousins arrive and you can hear them all audibly gasps when Taylor tells them. They all run up to her, squeezing her. You were in the kitchen with Marilyn, starting to cook when your sister announced herself.

"I'm here!!! Wait what the fuck is this bitch doing here?" She says, spotting you'd wife.
"Leah before you go all psycho on her, she was kidnapped!" You run to your sister, pushing her away from your wife.
"Oh my word, I'm sorry Larissa!"
"It's ok, no one knew." She smiles sadly.

Leah joins you in the kitchen and soon after you hear a big squeal and know Enid has spotted Larissa.

"Hey girls, I see you've seen my surprise!" You giggle
"Yes and I'm going to murder her for hurting you." Wednesday takes a step forward.
"Wednesday, she was kidnapped, don't you dare hurt her."
"Oh I'm sorry Larissa, I just can't bare y/n being hurt."
"Oh and Wednesday when your mother arrives, please don't let her slap my wife, I have a feeling she will." You smile and walk back into the kitchen.

As your cooking, you see the Addams family pull up outside. Before Morticia can hurt your wife, you rush outside.

"Hey guys! How are you?"
"Great y/n, let's go inside!" Morticia smiled
"Just a warning, Larissa is in there." You smile happily, letting her know it was OK.
"No Morticia, she was kidnapped, leave her alone."
"I don't buy it, let me in!" She pushes past you, going straight for your wife.
You sprint after her, dragging Larissa upstairs before she can be hurt.

"Thank you honey" She smiles when you reach your room.
"Now get on the bed!"
"Y/n, what?"
"You heard me get on the bed princess!"
"We have to go back down!"
"I'm sure they don't mind if we have ten minutes to ourselves!"
"Fine then."

You walk over to your chest of drawers and open one. Out you pull a pair of black fluffy handcuffs. You walk back over to your wife, who was now laid on the bed. You placed the handcuffs down and started sliding off her clothes. You sat her up slightly, unclipped her bra and then she was fully naked.

You opened the handcuffs and attached her to the bed frame. You then straddled her waist, colliding your lips. You can hear quiet moans escaping as you got rougher, moving your hands down her body.

You started kissing down her neck, leaving a couple of hickeys. You then hit her sweet spot, making her let out a loud moan.

"Quiet for mommy princess, no one can know." You smirk
She nods and you continue. You make your way down to her boobs and started sucking on the left nipple, fiddling with the right.
Her moans started to get louder.

"Princess, quiet for mommy, those sounds are only for me." You sit up, stopping.
She whimpers at the loss of your touch.

"Do you want mommy to continue?"
She nods.
"Words princess"
"Yes mommy!"
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to fuck me mommy, kiss me, I want you to do unholy things to me mommy!"
"Good princess."

You start kissing down her abdomen and you could see she was struggling to hold in her moans, especially when you got closer to her dripping core.

You slid your tongue along her folds, making her gasp. And then you stopped and got up, leaving her handcuffed to the bed.

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