Chapter 3-Happy birthday

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It was a couple days since the accident but my chest was still in pain. I hadn't spoken to Larissa since I left her room that morning but I'm too scared to go back. I stare at my phone screen while tracing the stitches , waiting for a happy birthday message from my mother. Today was my 20th birthday and I was surprised I hadn't heard from her. Then there was a knock at the door. I jumped up and ran to the door thinking Larissa had come to see me but you can imagine my shock when there is a short ginger haired woman standing with a present gripped in her hands.
"Hello I'm Miss Thornhill but you can call me Marilyn. I'm sorry I haven't been here but I was away. I am your dorm mom and Larissa has filled me in on your progress. Oh and also Happy 20th birthday!"
"Thanks? But how did you know, I didn't tell anyone."
"I have my ways" she taps her nose
I open the present and it's an autobiography of my favourite artists, Lady Gaga and Lana del Ray.
" Thanks so much for this but how did you know" I quiz Marilyn
"When I was speaking to Larissa she said you reminded her alot of me when  I was younger"
"Oh ok " I tilt my head and then walk over to my shelf and place the present there.
"So how is Larissa then?" I ask hoping to get a straight answer
"Oh she's alright but I better be going now anyway Y/N, if you had any questions let me know."
Not the answer I was looking for but I wasn't surprised. Marilyn leaves and I jump back on the bed. Still no texts or missed calls. I sit the wondering if Larissa knew it was my birthday but anyway I need to stop thinking about her.
I reach over for the book Marilyn gave me and flicked through it. As much as I tried, I couldn't get Larissa off my mind. I then decided to go ask Marilyn about it. I walk to her dorm and knock on the door
"Come in" she yells.
"Why hello y/n"
"Hey Marilyn, j just had a question?"
"Yeah go right ahead"
"So I think I like someone but I'm not sure, all I can think about is them and whenever we talk they make me so happy"
"Is this person Larissa?" She says with a knowing tone. I just go bright red.
"Yes I know, she confided in me about you when I got back."
" Should I go talk to her?" I asked shocked that Marilyn was so supportive.
"Yes Y/N go and discuss it"
"Thanks so much Marilyn and ill see you later"
And u run out of her dorm straight to Larissa's office. I barge in as she just stares in shock. She tries to say something but I stop her by planting a deep kiss onto her lips. As I pull away she goes "Y/N why did you kiss me? I like you and all but I didn't know you felt the same way?"
"How could I not Larissa!?" I yelled,  "You look like and angel and you are so kind and gorgeous you make go head over heels for you. The way you call me darling aswell just tickles me in the right place!"
"Ok ok ok calm down y/n"
I took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry, I've just had a bad day. Mum forgot my birthday and I feel bad because I didn't properly thank Marilyn for her present. I also thought you didn't like me as we haven't spoken in days!"
"Well the reason we haven't talked is" Larissa smirked and put a blindfold on me. She guided me downstairs to what felt like the common room. She took the blindfold off and she had planned a whole party just for me. The whole of Ophelia Hall was there and there was a big cake with Happy 20th birthday y/n  on it. You were so excited but confused.
You turn to face Larissa and ask "why did you do this? For me of all people
"Because I love you Y/N" she whispered into your ear
You froze and burst into tears running out of the room, Larissa following hurriedly. You reached your room and dove under the covers sobbing. Larissa finally reached your room and walked in slowly. You didn't bother acknowledging her and just continued sobbing. She sat on the end of your bed, stroking you so gently, you started to calm down. You sat up, eyes all puffy and mascara running down your face. Larissa reached her arm around you and pulled you into her.
"I'm sorry to upset you y/n, I didn't know you would react like that."
"No, I love you too, it's just.." I couldn't bring myself to say it
"Because no one has ever said that to me before, not even my mother"
Larissa looked at me in shock but didn't say anything, all she did was hug me.
Eventually, I wanted to go back to my party so we walked down together. When we arrived back everyone started swarming us with questions about why I ran off. Larissa just told them I was overwhelmed and just needed to take in everything. She also extended our curfew until 12 and I was grateful for that. We partied the night away but when the clock struck midnight we all left. Larissa had told me to meet her in her office so I made my way there. I got there and she was at her desk already in pyjamas. She pointed to her room where my pyjamas were laid out on her bed, this woman was a mastermind.
I got changed and she walked in pointing to under the bed  I look under and find a tray of stuff, there were chocolates and sweets along with some fizzy drinks and popcorn. There was also a note that read: how about we snuggle all night and binge films but first, look up. So I did. There was Larissa, holding a sign that said , I love you, would you do me the honour of attending next week's raven with me?
She stood up and all I could do was yell yes. She walked over to me and before she could do anything, I tackled her onto the bed and started to tickle her.

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