Chapter 23- Trouble in Paradise

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You laid awake most nights, you still thought about that horrible day. You would lay awake, staring at the ceiling, while your wife cuddled into your chest.
This made you tired all the time and very hard on Larissa. You hated yourself for it but you couldn't break the cycle.

One day in class, you passed out again. You had been strolling around the classroom, explaining work and just collapsed.
You woke up once again to your wife's beautiful face, start down at you. You sat up rubbing your head. You go to stand up but Larissa attempts to carry you.
"God Larissa, I can walk you know!" You say hitting her hands away. You stand up slowly, holding the desk next to you. Larissa attempts to wrap her hands around your waist guiding you out the room.
You push her away, sitting down at your desk.

"Honey, you can't teach, let's go!" She said, walking over to you.
"Larissa, I am ok, please just go, I'll be ok." You reply.
"No you aren't, we are going home!" She argues
"Larissa, I am not 2 fucking years old! I can deal with it!" You answer.
She huffs, turns on her heels and walks out the room.
"Ok, sorry about that, let's continue!" You say to your class.
You smile and finish your lesson. The bell rings and they all shuffle out of the room.

You grab your phone and start replying to some friends. You had 2 free periods until your last lesson. As you scroll through your phone, you hear the familiar click of heels walking down the corridor, great she was coming.

"Hey my love, how are you?" She pokes her head round the door. You just ignore her, you didn't want to talk.

"Honey? Are you ok?" She continued, walking towards you.
You look up from your phone, giving her a fake smile and look away. She drags a chair next to you, smiling.
"Honey, talk to me, I'm worried!"
"I'm fine Larissa, nothings wrong. I'm tired and don't want to deal with anyone!"
"Come to my office then! Take a nap! I don't mind!"
"Why do you think I'm so tired Larissa? I can barely sleep! Although it was months ago, that day still haunts me. It makes me feel ugly inside and out. Every time I close my eyes, it happens all over again!"
"So then let me hold you, let me make you feel safe! Please Honey!"
"No Larissa, I want to be alone!"
"But y/n!"
"But nothing, go!"

She storms out the room tears in her eyes. You feel bad. It wasn't her fault but you can't go back, not after that. You let the tears roll down your face as you stare at your lock screen.
Your wedding day.
The happiest day of your life.
The most beautiful woman in the world was standing next to you and you just got mad at her. She was just trying to care for you and you pushed her away.

There was a knock at the door. You look up to see Olivia, looking at you sadly.
"Yes honey?"
"What did you do to mum?"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw her run out of here, crying. I followed her and she won't talk to me!"
"Oh sweetie come here!" You signal for her to come over you you look at her, holding her hands tightly.

"So you remember my attack a while ago?" She nods
"Well I still have nightmares and can't sleep. I collapsed in class again and your mum was trying to help me. I just felt so tired and useless so I snapped at her. She came back to check on me and I just got mad at her. I'm sorry honey, I'm so tired and feel so useless!" You were crying at this point.

Olivia wrapped her arms around you and you pulled her into a hug.
"I'm sorry mum, and you aren't useless, I don't think I'd be here without you!"
"Oh Olivia! I love you so much honey!"
"I love you too, why don't we go talk to mum!"

Olivia takes your hand and helps you up. You walk to Larissa's office together.
You knock on the door and hear someone sniff and walk to the door. Larissa opened it, her mascara running, tear stained face, smudged lipstick, messy hair. You felt awful.

"What do you want?" She snapped
"To talk!" You reply
"Well I don't, leave!"
"But mum!"
"Olivia stay out of this! Actually, just leave, we don't need you here!" Larissa yells, hitting her away.

Olivia starts to cry, cuddling into your side. Larissa's expression changes, she realised she had hurt Olivia. She tries to hug her but Olivia moved behind you, still crying.
You turn and hug her. She nestled into your chest. You turned to Larissa and mouthed 'Fuck you!' Before leaving with Olivia.
You call her out of lessons and start to walk into Jericho together.
You walk hand in hand, she started to calm down.

"I'm sorry mum!"
"Honey you did nothing! But we are going to go home, grab some stuff and go stay at a hotel, I can't deal with your mum," tears rolling down you face.
"But why mum!"
"Because I hurt her but then she hurt you and I can't bare to see you upset, I love her, I do but I just-" You don't finish and just stop.
Olivia wraps her arms around you, holding you tight.

After a while, you continue your journey home.
You unlock the door and walk inside. Olivia goes to her room and you go to yours. You grab a pair of pyjamas and some underwear along with some clothes. You pack, your toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant and makeup. You put it all in a bag. You look over to the dressing table, and you see Larissa's neatly folded pyjamas. You sneak them into your bag. You grab a hairbrush and other stuff. The last thing you shove into the bag was a picture of you and Larissa you keep on your bedside table. A photo that Marilyn took of you, of you both holding hands laughing.

Olivia walks in to find you crying again. She sits you on the bed, with tears streaming down her face aswell.

"Olivia honey, I'm gonna ring Marilyn to take us to a hotel ok? I already booked it."
"Ok mum, to be fair, I don't want to see mum either."

Your heart skips a beat at that statement, she's not supposed to say that. You pick up your phone and ring Marilyn.

Y: Hey Marilyn, can you pick me and Olivia up, we are at the house.

M: Yeah of course, may I ask why?

Y: I'll explain on the way

M:Ok, see you about 30 minutes

Y: Thanks

End call

You and Olivia lay on the bed, waiting for Marilyn. You snuggle together, both still crying. Then there was a knock on the front door.
You get up, grab your bags and walk to the door.
You open the door and get into the car.

"So what did happen? And why do we have bags?" Asks Marilyn
"Well I fought with Larissa and Olivia convinced me to apologise but when I tried, she didn't want to talk and she hit Olivia. We both just had to go away for the night!" You start to cry.

"I'm sorry y/n and if it's any help, Larissa is terribly upset. I watched her smash a vase earlier!"
"Ok well, thank you!"

You drive the rest of the way in silence. You arrive at the hotel and say goodbye to Marilyn
"I'll text you later Marilyn!"
"Ok y/n, have a good night!"

She drives off and you and Olivia head inside. You check in and head up to your room.
You collapsed onto the bed, to tried to get back up. Olivia climbs next to you. You were so tired, you must've finally fallen asleep.

You are woken up to Olivia shaking you, you'd had the dream again.
"Mum are you ok!" She asks
"Yeah honey, just the bad dream!"

You cuddle again, you feel safe with her.
You check the time and it was now 8. Olivia went to order room service as you didn't want to go downstairs and you looked at your phone.
One message.

Wifey🫶: I miss you

That was all she had said. You ignored it and Olivia came and sat next to you and you put on the TV. You watched a film and there was a knock on the door. Olivia got your food. She had ordered a pizza and 2 bowls of pasta, ice cream, cookies, cake and more. She put the ice cream in the freezer in your room. You started to eat your pasta, occasionally having some pizza.
You turn on another film and eat your dessert. It was nice but you wished Larissa was here.

Your phone started to ring.
The contact came up.


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