Chapter 68- Money money money

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⚠️guns, blood swords

Your phone soon started to ring and you answered it.

Y: Hello, y/n Weems speaking.

?: Y/n sweetheart, its your grandma

Y: Hey, is everything ok ?

G: We have Emma.

Y: Grandma is this a threat?

G: No my sweet baby, I just wanted to tell you, Damien and your mother managed to escape the police and they are here at the house. I don't know what to do!

Y: Ok, do you remember Leah?

G: Barely

Y: Well anyway, go into a quiet room, getting Emma if you can but if you can't, lock the doors and make sure no one can get in. We will teleport into the room and help, we are getting Emma and you out of there.

G: No, We will both be hurt if you take me.

Y: Well not if he's dead, we won't!

G: You can't kill someone!

Y: Oh I've done it before, and so has my wife and best friend, haven't even been questioned and I'm sure, the Italians will be very grateful if Damien Rossi is dead.

G: Ok, get here soon, they are just leaving.

Y: Ok bye.

You text Leah to come over and she appears straight away.

"Mother has Emma in Italy with our grandparents, let's go!" You say walking over to her.
"How are we going to get her if Damien is there?" She rolls her eyes
"Grandma is in a secluded room where he can't get and they have just left so we have to go!"

You say goodbye to the others before you and Leah disappear. You arrive in what seems like the mansion and turn around to see your grandma and Emma.

"Emma!" You whisper shout, running up to both of them. You took Emma into your arms and then hugged your grandma.
"My my y/n, how you've grown." She chuckles
"Grandma, you remember my twin, Leah?"
"Barely but I do. A little angel as a baby." She smiles as Leah walks over to you.
You hear the front door open, even from inside the room. You'd grabbed one of Larissa's guns before you left and sent Leah to take your grandma and Emma home. You snuck out the room, holding your finger on the trigger.

"Isn't it my favourite granddaughter, what are you doing?" You hear a voice from behind you. You froze and your mother appeared infeont of you.
"What have you done with my mother and Emma?" She demands
"You don't need to know." You keep your eyes shut knowing she was going to use mind control.

You stretched your arms out infront of you pointing the gun towards her voice. You pulled the trigger and heard her body fall to the floor. You opened your eyes to see a bullet in her skull.

You slowly turned to face Damien, who had a sword from the wall in his hands.

You reached over and grabbed one, knowing he could fight. He took a step forward and so did you. He lunged but you easily blocked the shot. He then went straight for your neck but before he could, you knocked the sword out of his hand.

You sliced his leg, a massive stream of blood started dripping onto the floor. He screamed before you pulled the gun and shot him. He was dead.

Your sister arrived and took you home. You walked into the lounge and were greeted by a massive hug from your grandma.

"Thank you sweetheart, thank you for killing him and your mother." She smiled.
"You killed your mother!" Larissa gasps as she holds Emma.
"Yeah, she kidnapped our fucking daughter!"
"Ok, and also Dr White is on her way, coming to check on Emma. I rang Donovan and he knows we have Emma." Larissa grins
"Good good. Now what are we going to do with you?" You look over to your grandma.
"Well Damien left half of his wealth to your mother and half to me. Since you are your mother's next of kin, that means you have half the Rossi fortune. I have enough money for 100 lifetimes so don't worry about me. I can stay in Jericho if you want? I can go somewhere else?"
"Stay. You can have fun with your great-grandchildren. Well, one is almost 18!" You laugh at Olivia who was playing with Alex.
"Ok, that sounds nice."

You take her up to the guest room and have Leah go back and grab some stuff from Italy. You make your way back downstairs and Dr White was there. She checked Emma and subsequently decided she could stay at home. You were overjoyed.

Olivia went to play with the twins in the nursery. You sat om the sofa with Larissa.
"So how much will you inherit?" She asks
"Last known, about 1.2 billion." You say casually
"1.2 fucking billion? How much did you get from your dad's parents?"
"6.7 million."
"Y/N! How are you so calm? That's a stupid amount of money!" She shouts.
"Yes I know. I'm donating 200 million to charities. And then investing some into Nevermore. And then letting ourselves indulge." You give a little smirk.
"Even if you donate 200 mil and invest into Nevermore, that's still more money than anyone will ever need!"
"We have 3 kids, and will probably have grandkids later in life. It's nice to leave a legacy. I mean I come from two of the richest outcast families, of course we will have a big fortune. And remember, I will inherit my grandma's share when she passes, although hopefully not for a long time, and then my dad's. I also have the y/l/n family mansion and the Rossi Mansion, grandma said it was mine. Larissa you have known from day one that I've had money, I mean I bought most of this house at 20 years old, you can't deny that you didn't know. I never told you how much money I had but you knew, bit maybe never guessed how much." You laugh as she sits there in utter shock.

You sit there and laugh before pulling her in for a hug.
"Mommy?" She whispers
"Yes princess?" You kiss her forehead.
"Can we keep working at Nevermore?"
"Did I say we weren't? I would love to stay at Nevermore, its my favourite place." Yoy confirm with a smile that she returns.

You lay back on the sofa, allowing her to rest ontop of you. Larissa's head rested on your heart and she sat there holding you close.

Your grandma came down a little later.
"I'm proud of you sweetheart, you've done incredible for a 25 year old." She smiles, sitting at the end of the sofa.
"Thanks grandma, it feels good, not having mum here. And dads happy, and you are here and Damiens gone. And I have my babies."

"Yes, and a loving wife."

1150 words

Ahh so now you guys are really rich.

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