Chapter 18- Girlfriends?

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The next day, Olivia comes running in your room, incredibly excited.
"Mum, mum!"
"What honey?"
"My crush asked me on a date!"
"Ahhh I'm so happy for you honey," You said.
"It's tomorrow at 6, can you drop me at the weathervane?" She asks
"Yeah. Are you gonna tell me this girls name now?"
"Ummm it's Daria Cave."
"Daria is so nice, I hope you have a great time honey!"

The next day

"Mumm what do I wear?" Olivias complains
"Black jeans, white top, leather jacket and your Doc Martens," you reply sitting on her bed.
"You're so good at this, thanks!"
"I've had much practice," you laugh
"What do you mean?" Olivia asks, searching through her wardrobe
"Well when I started dating your mother, I was nervous and would spend hours picking outfits. It took me 5 hours to pick a dress for her 40th birthday!"
"I hope to be like you mum!" She giggles
"What do YOU mean by that?"
"I want to fall in love and find my soulmate."
"I hit the jackpot!" You say looking over to the door and see Larissa standing there, staring at you with adoration in her eyes.
You left the room and let Olivia change.
As you walked downstairs, you were chased into the lounge laughing. Your blonde wife tackled you onto the sofa, jumping on top of you.
You laughter is stifled when she kissed you on the lips.
She moved next to you and you snuggled into her.
"I love you y/n and never forget that," she whispers
"I love you too Rissa but what's wrong?"
"I feel like I'm not enough for you sometimes. Like you are closer in age to our daughter than me!"
"Larissa did you not hear me talking with Olivia?"
"No I was to busy staring at you!" She giggled
"She was saying that she wants to fall in love like us and find her soulmate. Even our daughter knows we are meant to be!"
You kiss her. She deepens the kiss by pulling you onto her lap. You straddle her waist and wrap your arms around her neck whike she tangles her fingers into you hair.
"God, get a room please, that is disgusting!" Olivia exclaims, taking you both by surprise.
"Sorry honey, we thought you were upstairs!" Larissa says.
"Anyway, can you take me to the weathervane?"
"Yeah honey, let's go!" You say and Larissa grabs the keys.
She drives Olivia to the weathervane and tell her you're  picking her up at 9.
She agrees and heads inside.
Larissa drives you home and you both walk inside.
She locks the door and slams you into the wall.
"God you're so hot!" She says
"Like you can say much," you giggle which is muffled by Larissa's lips. You both pull away gasping for breath and decide to go watch a film.
"What about oceans 8?" You suggest
"8 hot women stealing a million dollar necklace? Yes please!" Larissa replies.
She puts the film on and you get a blanket. She snuggles into your chest, she's so cute. Once the film was finished, you needed to leave to pick up Olivia.
"Hey mum, can Daria stay the night?"
"Yeah of course!" You say
They both climb into the back of the car and you notice they are holding hands.
You smile and take Larissa's empty hand.
You bring it to your mouth and kiss it, making her blush.
You make your way to Nevermore to get Darias stuff and go home.
"Mrs Weems, where am I sleeping?" Daria asks
"Wherever you feel comfortable, and please call me y/n, Mrs Weems makes me feel old!"
Daria skips off and Larissa appears behind you.
"Makes you feel old does it?" She announces
"God Larissa, stop doing that, and I just mean they call me y/n at school so it's weird at home!"
"Still, I'm sad I make you feel old," she sighs turning away
"I'm sorry Larissa, you aren't old, just beautiful," you say turning her to face you.
You head up to bed and pop into Olivias room to say goodnight. You see Daria next to her in bed giggling at their phones.
You leave them in peace and make your way to bed.
"What we're you thinking y/n? Letting them share a bed!"
"First off, I used to share beds all the time with women. Second they are 13, what's the worst thing, they are going to do? Kiss a bit? They aren't like us darling, especially not me dating my Principal!" You laugh
"Well dating your Principal worked out quite nicely you think?" Larissa said, climbing next to you in bed.
"Did it though, I think I'm in love with another," you giggle as Larissa slaps you.
"I'm only joking silly, I love you so much!"
"I love you too Darling!"
She kisses you.
"Do you think our little girl is gonna have a girlfriend?"
"Maybe, they seem pretty flirtatious in lessons?"
She wraps her arms around you waist, pulling you close.
"You know Larissa, I think I'm in love with my last girlfriend!"
"Yeah me, cause I was your last and final girlfriend!" She growls
"Yeah, my girlfriend"

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