Chapter 32- Europe

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Larissa fell asleep quickly on the plane so you watched some films. You wake her up for food but she falls right back asleep.
You arrkve in Mykonos and Larissa wakes up.
"We are here sweetie!" You say, standing up.
"I'm so excited!" She giggles as you walk off the plane.
You make it through security and get your bags. As you walk out of the airport, there stood your daughter and sister. Olivia runs up and jumps into Larissa's arms.

"I've missed you mum!"
"I missed you too Olivia!"

The chat while you stand with Leah.
"So what really happened that day we came and saw you?" She asks
"Like I said, you don't want to know!"
"Did you really fuck her that hard?" She laughs
"Leah!" You hit her as she laughs.
"What are you two talking about?" Olivia says, giving you a hug.
"Oh just some grown up stuff, you don't need to know!"
"Please tell me!"
"No! Now let's go to our villa!" You give Leah a death stare before hugging her and she disappeared.

You arrive at the villa and go to your rooms.

"So what were you and your sister talking about?" Larissa asks as you unpack.
"You don't wanna know!"
"I'm not Olivia, tell me!"
"Well the day we flew to Korea, Olivia and Leah came to the airport but it was after that night and Leah was asking about it."
"Did you tell her?"
"I said you don't wanna know and she replied with 'did you really fuck her that hard?"

Then Olivia knocks on the door. She walks into your room and sits on the bed.

"So have you been here before?" She directs that at you.
"Yeah, your mother hasn't though, she hasn't been anywhere before this holiday!"
"What mum? You've been less places than me!" She laughs
"Leave me alone ok! It's not my fault!" She looks away sad.
"Oh Rissa, we are just teasing you!" You laugh and jump onto the bed, sitting next to Olivia.
You signal for her to come closer and she sits on your lap.

"So how was your holiday?" Olivia smiles
"Umm-" you look at Larissa
"It was lovely thanks Olivia, we did lots of stuff!" Larissa replies
"That's good!"
"Do you want to see photos?" You ask and she nods. You pull out your phone and start scrolling through the photos. Olivia laughs at the ones of both of you sleeping, the ones of Larissa eating sushi and the ones you have of her with the tigers.

"You know Olivia, when we went to the theme park, your mother acted like she was 2 years old!" You laugh as Larissa elbows you.
"What do you mean mum?"
"Well she spent ages with the tigers, and when I tried to pull her away, she had a tantrum, she ran away from me and it took forever to get her to leave. When we got off another ride, she ran straight to the tigers!" Larissa was going bright red.
"Oh she's so silly!"

Olivia tells you about her adventures with Leah and your parents.

"Oh that reminds me, I have anniversary presents for you guys!" She runs over to her suitcase. You smile at Larissa who was still sitting on your lap. Olivia hands you 3 presents, one from leah, one from your parents and one from her.
Your parents had given you money like always, Leah a trip to Mexico to visit her and Olivia, matching necklaces.

"Oh Olivia, they are beautiful!" Larissa says, opening the box.
"They are sweetheart, thank you!" You add.
Larissa stands up, letting you put on the necklace and you swap as she puts yours on. You turn and kiss her before hugging Olivia.

"Do you want to go to the pool?" You ask
"Yeah!" Olivia and Larissa agree.

Olivia goes back to her room, getting changed and you and Larissa do the same. As you put on your bikini, Larissa pulls you close. She starts to kiss you roughly before you push her away.

"Rissa later darling," you whisper.
"But why?" She pouts, folding her arms.
"Because we promised our daughter that we would go to the pool and I can't turn up with about 15 new hickeys can I, the ones I already have are still slightly visible!"

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