Chapter 15- Home sweet home

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You woke up the next morning to find Larissa in tears at her desk. You rush over and kiss her.
"What's wrong Rissa?"
"I got your note. Do you mean it? Do you want a child?"
"Yes honey, I want a little family."
"So do I. I always wanted one but thought I was too old."
"We'll look later. Remember we are meeting with Marilyn today!"
You hop in the shower and get changed while Larissa does the same.
You leave and head to the weathervane, where you were meeting Marilyn.
"2 hot chocolates and 2 croissants please," you say to the waiter.
He brings the food to your table and you pay. You sit next to each other waiting for Marilyn. Larissa squeezes your hand.
You hear the familiar ringing of the bell and look up to see Marilyn.
"Hey ladies! How are you?"
"We're good Marilyn, how was your summer?" You reply
"Good, good but I have some news!"
"What is it?" Larissa asks
"I have a girlfriend!" She exclaimed
"Amazing Marilyn, hope you're happy," you say smiling.
"Well, I was thinking she could meet you guys!"
"Yeah, we'd love that," you and Larissa reply in sync.
You guys chat for a couple of hours until you have to meet the realtor.
"Sorry we've got to go, we are looking at a house!" You say
You climb into the car and Larissa gets into the driver's seat.
You direct her to the address and the realtor.
"Hello I'm Dominic," he said
"Hello I'm Y/N Weems and this is my wife Larissa Weems," you said.
" and I have some news. The owners have lowered the price to 450,000."
"Thank you for letting us know!" You say.
"Let's go look," he directs you both inside.
You walk inside and look around. It's got a massive lounge, a big kitchen and a separate dining area and a toilet. Upstairs had 3 big bedrooms and a bathroom with a shower and a bath. The master bedroom also had an en-suite with a shower.
"The house will also come fully furnished," Dominic said.
"Oh that's great, I think we will take it!" Larissa says.
"Yeah, we will," you add.
"Ok, I'll go get the paperwork and the keys and this house will be yours."
You sign the paperwork and kissed Larissa.
Dominic handed us the keys and left.
"Ahhhh Larissa we have a house!" You say
"Yes honey I'm so happy. Let's go get our stuff from Nevermore.
You drove back to Nevermore and packed up as much stuff you could fit in tote bags, suitcases and a couple of boxes Larissa found.
"We can get the rest later love," she said as we started packing the car.

~skip to after unpacking~

By this point, it was 11 pm and you and Larissa were shattered.
We collapsed onto the bed before she turned to me.
"Honey, can we talk?" You sat up
"Yes Larissa, what is it?"
"You know we want kids? How do you want to do it?"
"What do you mean honey?"
"Do we want to go through ivf or have a surrogate or maybe we could adopt. I know a foster care for outcasts as Nevermore sponsors them. Maybe we could adopt a slightly older child?"
"Larissa I think adoption is a great idea. Maybe once we've settled down and after a couple of years talk about kids of our own."
"Sounds like a great idea!"
"Larissa why don't we get settled in the house, start the new term then think about adoption, though." You suggest.
"God, my practicality has rubbed off on you," Larissa says and you start to tickle her.
You eventually fall asleep in each others arms.

~skip to morning of first day~

You wake up to the beeping of the alarm. You groan and untangle yourself from Larissa and quickly hop in the shower.
She is still asleep so you leave her while you change. It was still a warm September day so you put on your oversized cream jumper and a pencil skirt. You pull your hair into a claw clip and style your front pieces.
You decide to pull off the covers from Larissa and she groans as you do so. She gets up and you go make pancakes for you both.
Suddenly you feel two hands on you hips. You turn around to see Larissa beaming at you.
"I'm gonna miss you y/n, I can't spend all day with you anymore," she says
"Yes but Larissa, we get to come home to our house without any students around. And maybe if you're good, you'll get a reward," you say winking.

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