Chapter 62- Lannisters of Tarth

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"Lannisters of Tarth?" You look between the two guests and your wife.
"This is my childhood friend  Ser Brienne of Tarth and her husband Ser Jamie Lannister. Brienne rules the Land of Tarth and Jamie gave his family's land to his brother Tyrion, a charming man I must say." She giggles at the last bit.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both." You give a slight curtsy.
"Oh no please, it's lovely to meet you. I take it you are y/n?" Brienne smiles
"Yes, Y/n Weems."
"Larissa, when did you get fucking married?" turns to her
"4 years ago." She winks over to you, making you giggle
"How dare you not invite us!"
"Well you must be busy with Galladon and Catelyn mustn't you?" Your wife rolls her eyes as you all make your way inside.

"Yes, the two are troublesome." Jamie rolls his eyes.
You get to know the two a bit better and it turns out Brienne gifted Larissa Oathkeeper. You tell them all about your life and they seem truly interested. You talk about Tarth and Jamie's home, Casterly Rock. You talk about Nevermore and Jericho. You found Brienne very charming but she blushed at the slightest compliment whereas Jamie was slightly cocky.

Larissa joins you all a while later and insists you sit on her lap for some reason.

"Larissa? What are you doing?", you roll your eyes as she pulls your body into hers.
"Holding my wife!" She giggles happily.
You kiss her lips before turning back to the others. You all talk for longer before Jamie thinks it's funny to steal you away and dance with you.

"Jamie, we both have a wife, is this really appropriate?" You laugh as he dances with you.
"They know we love them, let them catch up." He brushes it off and you continue dancing. He was very charming and you and him had alot of fun.

Your wife's soon walked over, taking you from eachothers arms. Larissa started to spin you around,  making you giggle. She wrapped her arms around your torso, picking you up and spinning you around. You laugh and so do the others before she puts you down. You pull her in for a soft kiss resulting in some awwing from everyone there.

They all continue to dance while you started to tire. Jamie walks up to you and Larissa while Brienne stares at him in annoyance.
"Larissa, how do you get y/n to let you do that, Brienne refuses." He looks over his shoulder, smirking at Brienne as she rolls his eyes.
"Oh leave her alone Jamie, let her do what she wants!" Larissa chuckles hitting him playfully on the arm.

You decide to walk up to Brienne and try something.

"May I have this dance Ser Brienne?" You smile as you offer out a hand
She blushes ever so slightly before nodding and taking your hand.

"And that's how you do it Jamie." You wink over at them, as you spin Brienne around. You dance with her for a while before letting Jamie take over and going to see Olivia.

You walk over to everyone else who were all very drunk at this point, laughing at everything and anything, stumbling everywhere. You sigh playfully before joining them dancing to the music.

When it reached 2 am, you were almost asleep in Larissa's arms and everyone else was drunk. You all got ubers back to your house and they all crashed in the lounge and in your guest rooms.

You woke up the next morning incredibly tired. You walk downstairs and see most people rolling around uncomfortably. You put some painkillers and water on the side for all of them before going to check on Brienne and Jamie. You find them both up and ready, sat on the bed talking.

"Oh hey y/n, do come sit with us!" Jamie flashes his charming smile, motioning for you to walk over.
"Y/n can I ask you a question?" Brienne asks
"Are you pregnant?" She says bluntly
"Yes I am, how did you know?" You raise an eyebrow
"Your belly is slightly rounding." She says matter of factly.
You look down and run your hands over you belly, feeling the bump.
"Oh it's probably because it's twins!" You realise that you were going to be bigger.
"Oh that's nice. We have 2 little devil's."
"Jamie! Don't say that!" Brienne hits him
"Galladon and Catelyn is it?"
"Yeah, Galladon is 10 and Catelyn is 7." Brienne smiles
"We also have another child who was with us last night, Olivia and she's 17!"
"Oh that's nice." Jamie says

You sit and talk more about your lives before everyone starts to wake up and they join you downstairs to help with food. For 2 knights  they seemed pretty good in the kitchen. But then again, knives and swords aren't that different.

You served breakfast for all of them, cuddling into your hungover wife. After breakfast, Jamie and Brienne left but you promised to stay in contact. Most people left soon after, leaving just you, Larissa, Olivia, Leah, Taylor and Lexi.

You all spent the day watching films before going to bed. You were happy again. Life was good.

877 words

I'm feeling nice so no drama

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