Chapter 52- Love and worry

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⚠️⚠️ sexual assault, guns

"I'm back?" You mutter
"Mum! What's happening?" Olivia starts to shake, breathing getting heavy, tears rolling down her face.
"I don't know honey. Larissa who or what could it be?" You start to shake
"Melissa, Jane and Debbie are all dead. Would it be Lexi? She said the same when she shot Debbie?" Larissa looks concerned
"No, we already know that she's here."

Then it hit you. You closed your eyes, gathering yourself. Everything came flooding back.

"No it couldn't. It wouldn't." You whispered but Olivia heard.
"What mum?" Her voice had changed from worry to concerned.
"Nothing, just paranoia." You smile and send Olivia to her room.

You sit on the bed hyperventilating. Tears start to escape and you are embraced by your wife.

"My love, what's wrong?"
"I . . . I . . .  think I. . . I kn. . . know who did th. . .that." You stutter trying to catch your breath.
"My love, what do you mean?"
"My other crazy ex."
"How many fucking psycho partners did you have before I met you?" She kinda of laugh shouted
"3. Melissa, Matthew and Destiny. You killed Melissa and Destiny died."

"That's concerning. Anyway, what's his story?"
"He is 3 years older than me, manipulative, controlling, he Sa'd me, he went to prison for arson because he burnt my house down."

"What the actual fuck y/n. You really did have a bad time as a teenager! But why is he here?"
"There's a reason I had 3 crazy exes, they all hated eachother.Melissa and Destiny were actually ok until i moved on. When i started dating Matthew, thatbwas when Destiny died.I dated Destiny for a year at 15. Then when I started dating Melissa, she didn't like that. The same happened when I started dating Matthew. I was 17 and he was 19. He was in prison when I came to Nevermore. He used to call me and send threatening letters. They all stopped about a year ago. I didn't know what he was about to do but I had a feeling. And then I forgot with all the you coming back, Debbie drama. And I have a feeling he's behind it. He never liked me having a girlfriend, even partner before him. And he didn't like the thought of me being with someone else." Your breathing becomes irregular and quick, there's a pain in your chest and you collapse into your wife's arms.

You lay there until you hear a knock at the door. You go to answer it but Olivia had already gone downstairs. You laid back into Larissa's arms, attempting to sleep. Then there's sudden screams and Olivia is calling for help.

You both jump off the bed, running downstairs. You see Matthew standing there with a knife to Olivia's throat.

"What do you want Matthew?" You cry
"You. I know Melissa is dead so you are all mine!" He laughs
"I'm married!"
"What to this old hag. Leave her for me. Otherwise this little one won't see the light of day again." He's voice goes to almost a whisper.

You look over to your wife and back at Olivia. You can't let anything happen to her. You take a step towards Matthew, walking sloe so he doesn't relax. You remove his grip from Olivia, allowing her to run to Larissa. You then take your hand in his.

You see the tears on their faces as he turns to leave. You walk with him, still holding his hand so he wouldn't try anything. He helps you into the car and then gets in himself.

You couldn't talk, you felt so awful. But it was to save your family. You could see the fire still burning as you drove in the opposite direction. Little did Matthew know, you still had your phone. While he was busy driving, you sent your live location to your wife and Olivia.

*Larissa's pov*

And like that, my wife was gone. Me and Olivia sat ok the sofa, crying a out losing her. Olivia's phone buzzed and it was a notification from y/n. She'd sent us her location. They were driving out of Jericho, probably to some small town.

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