Chapter 65- Talk to me

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"Oh come on Larissa, my daughter's just given birth, I have a right to be here. And also why is everyone else here?" Your mother rolls her eyes.
'Mother, I want them here, they actually love me. I mean for godsake, you got Larissa arrested because you're a jealous bitch who knows her only kids don't actually like her!" You were getting angry.

"Don't you dare say that to your mother!" She screams
"Just get out." You sigh, putting your head in your hands
"No! I have a right to see my grandchildren!"
"Just get out, I just died for the third time and I didn't want to come back to life to argue. Just get out, you aren't my mother."

At that, your mother walked out the room in a huff, but for once, your father didn't follow. He walked over to your bedside, planting a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm proud of you sweetie, you are an amazing young woman. And I'm sorry about your mother. And that's why, I've decided to divorce her." He says, a smiling gracing his face.
"Dad? You don't have to do that for me!"
"No I do, and for Leah and for me. She treats you and Leah horribly, and you don't deserve that. I've been thinking about it for ages and today was the final straw. I love you both and will be back soon, I've now got to tell your mother." You lean up and hug him before he hugs Leah and he leaves.

No more mother, 2 new babies, and a loving family, life was good.

~skip a month later~

You had now been home from the hospital for three weeks but you were still being treated like a baby.

One evening, you were going to get into the shower, but you were immediately lifted off the ground, being laid back on your bed.

"Larissa! Let me shower!" You laugh, pushing yourself up.
"No, rest." She says sternly
"I'm going back to Nevermore tomorrow, I think I can shower." You stand up, walking into the bathroom.

You were followed by the stomping of feet.
"No you aren't, you are on maternity leave!" Larissa complains, wrapping her arms around you.
"I will go back on maternity leave when I have babies to look after, but they are still in the hospital for the next 12 weeks, what else am I supposed to do." You sigh, turning in her arms to face her.
"Rest, I mean for godsake you died for the third time. I shouldn't be saying that y/n. I don't think anyone has died and been bought back to life three times, been attacked by a hyde twice, been stabbed twice, survived abandonment and shot their ex who was manipulative and kidnapped their daughter, ran a school while being depressed, had an abusive mother, and been sexually assaulted multiple times, most of this within 5 years. I mean when are you going to take a break. Surely you can't be ok inside. You must be hurting. Come on, tell me, you don't have to go back to Nevermore if you aren't happy." She asked desperately, hoping you would give in.

To tell the truth, you weren't ok, you were exhausted, filled with guilt. You felt nervous, angry, and scared. But you wanted to be at Nevermore. You remembered how when you were taken into the hospital just a month ago, how you begged to be there. And you did.

"I'm fine Larissa, I want to be there."

But you didn't tell your wife. And you knew this is why you felt worse. But you wanted her to be happy. You'd rather her and your family be happy, over your own.

She hugs you tightly and helps you undress and get in the shower. She soon joined you and helped you wash. She ran her hands over your latest scar, accompanied by the sword scar near it. Her hands found the first stab wound you had, from when you were just dating. And then the damaged tissue on your thighs, from the hyde attack. She never mentioned any of them but caressed them gently.

You wanted them gone, but they each told a story. They told your family how much you loved them. Although they resented you for it. They loved you but hated how the last person you thought of in danger was yourself, how you were willing to sacrifice, your happiness, your life for them. Many times.

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