Chapter 74- Caught and screams

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You, Olivia and Larissa waited anxiously for the call. Larissa was in hysterics as she thought it was her fault, Olivia was upset and you were just numb.

Days passed and you had heard nothing, you were becoming increasingly anxious. You hadn't slept in days.

One evening, you were out in the garden with a glass of wine and a cigarette. You had started stress smoking again.

Then your phone buzzed in your lap, it was Donovan.

Y: What's happening?

D: We have them

Y: Good, who took them?

D: We are just testing now. You were right though, it was a shapeshifter, your sister came to visit us earlier and proved it was her.

Y: Ok, when will you be back?

D: Late evening early morning.

Y: Goodbye.

You breathed a sigh of relief.

The next morning, there was a loud knock on the door. You opened it and immediately Alex and Emma grabbed onto you.

You giggled and thanked Donovan before pulling the twins into a hug. Larissa was not far behind you and took Alex and Emma into her arms.

"Oh my sweet babies, you are ok." She whispers, tears spilling down her face.
"Larissa my love, don't cry, they are home." You smile, wiping her tears and giving her a hug.

She smiles and goes to cuddle with them. You start to cook dinner with Olivia.

Once it was ready, you called everyone down. You all ate as a happy family. It was always nice to be together. Being apart upset you terribly.

The twins went to bed and Olivia went up to her room so you and Larissa sat on the sofa.

You were bored so straddled Larissa's lap.

"Honey what are you doing?"

You kiss her passionately, taking her by surprise. She soon kissed back, holding your waist tightly.

You kissed down her neck, eliciting moans from her. You unbuttoned the blouse she was wearing and chucked it across the room. 

She followed, removing your shirt and then your bra. You did the same and took her breast into your mouth. You sucked and swirled your tongue over it, making her moan even louder.

"Let's take this upstairs." You whispered before kissing her again.

She lifted you up and carried you as you kissed all down her chest.

"Mummy? What are you doing?"

You and Larissa freeze.

Emma and Alex were stood at the door, staring at you. You jumped out of Larissa's embrace and covered your chest with your hands. Larissa ran and grabbed you one of your band t-shirts and you put it on before going with the twins.

"Me and your mummy were just making eachother happy and show how we love eachother." You say calmly, almost dying of embarrassment inside.

"What was the noise downstairs?" Emma asks.

You laughed and went red before continuing.

"That was just mummy telling me how much she loves me."

"Oh ok, but can you be quiet next time." Alex says, making you burst out laughing.

"I'll try, I'll try sweetie. But now let's get you to sleep."

You tuck them into bed and kiss them goodnight before going back to Larissa.

"What happened?" Larissa asked as you got into bed with her.

"We have to be quiet next time apparently!" You laugh.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to stop you screaming my name but I'll try." She smirks, making you choke.

"Larissa Weems!"
"Y/n Weems!"
"Ha ha very funny." You sigh sarcastically. "Come here baby." You open your arms
"Of course mommy!" Larissa says eagerly.
"Are we going through this phase again? The mommy phase?" You chuckle
"Yeah mommy, I love you mommy."
"I love you to princess." You smile before falling asleep.

You were being rushed to the hospital in the ambulance, you were in a lot of pain, your chest was hurting.

Larissa was by your side crying and you thought you were going to die. Then it all went black.

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!" Larissa shouted as you saw her standing above you.

"Where are the babies, I want to see them." You groan.

"Darling, that was 5 years ago. They are safe in the bed." She assures.

"No! I just gave birth! What's the gender? What are we going to name them?" You argue

"My love, no, Alex and Emma, our twin girls were born 5 years ago. They are safe in their beds."

"Where's Olivia? I WANT TO SEE HER AND MY BABIES!" You shout.

Olivia appears by your side.

"Mum, the twins were born 5 years ago. It's all ok. You are home with me, mum, and Alex and Emma. Calm down." She comforts.

"I DONT CARE! I WANT TO SEE THEM!" You shout and Larissa sighs.

She walks out the room and returns with the twins.

"Here they are."


"Mummy, what's happening?" They asked Larissa.

"Mummy had a very bad dream from when you were born, that's a story for another day but it was so realistic that she thinks it just happened. She hasn't forgotten you, she just needs to rest and get better." Larissa comforts them.

Olivia climbs next you you in bed and you soon fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up with no recollection of the night before.

"Mum, do you remember what happened?" Olivia asks.
"No?" You look at her like she's stupid.
"You screamed for the twins and when they came, you screamed again because you thought you had just given birth." She offers a smile.
"My god, I'm awful." You whisper
"No you aren't." She hugs you.
"But why is this happening now?" You cry.
"I don't know, but let's go see them."

You and her go see the twins. You apologise and comfort them, reminding them that you love them.

"I love you my babies."
"We love you too."

1003 words.

I have no clue what this is bahahah

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