Chapter 45- It was her

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It was the new year and everyone was preparing to go back to Nevermore. Leah had spent most of the break with Marilyn and Olivia with her new girlfriend.

Larissa had decided to become vice principal and you kept your position as Principal. You were going to share an office. Sharing an office mainly contain Larissa getting all her work done within 20 minutes so she could spend the rest of the day sat on your lap.

Olivia was also preparing for exams. It was her last few months at Nevermore. You were preparing for marking hundreds of exams.

On the first day back, you weren't teaching at all so you and Larissa spent the day cuddling. You had a few emails to answer but that was all. You organised some meetings and then sat on the sofa with your wife. She started to undo your blouse and as no one else was there you agreed. She sat there, in a trance, staring at your chest.

She then started attacking them with little kisses, sucking and licking them. Instead of having the effect she wanted, it just made you giggle. You were having so much fun, you didn't notice your daughter walk in.

"Mum? What's going on?" She says stood still.
"Oh god I'm sorry Olivia. Did you knock cause I didn't hear?"
"To be honest I didn't I just didn't think you'd be doing that at work."
"Anyway, what do you need?" You smile, buttoning up your shirt.
"Well your actually the second couple I've caught in the middle of something today."
"Oh god, where were they?" You sigh standing up.
"Conservatory, they were um doing it."
You shake your head and walk down to the conservatory.

You knock on the door and a quiet voice says come in.
"Hello Mari, Olivia just told me she caught you doing something." You raise your eyebrows. You knew it was her and there was no way she could deny it.
"Oh um yeah I'm sorry."
"Yeah so you can't be doing that in a classroom. If this happens again, Leah won't be welcome in here or your dorm."
"Well you get your boobs out in any lesson Larissa is in." She argues
"One, do not argue with the principal and two, no one actually saw anything. My shirt and Larissa's face covered it all."
"But that's not fair."
"Marilyn if a student other than Olivia had walked in, I would've had to suspend you. Without pay."
"Y/n its not fair!"
"You can do whatever in your dorm, I don't care. I love you Mari and I'm happy you make my sister happy but I can't always be your best friend, I do have to be your boss at some point. You are just lucky that it was Olivia."
"It's just awkward she walked in on us." She says, embarrassed
"If it makes you feel any better, she walked in on me half shirtless with Larissa sucking my tits off!"
"Y/n! Principals can't say that!" She laughed.
"Ok what are you going to do tell the Principal? Can't even tell the vice principal, cause she was the one doing it!" Marilyn slaps your arm playfully before hugging you.

You hop up onto her desk as she starts to work.

"Ok I'm going into best friend mode now!" That makes her giggle.
"So how's dating my sister?"
"Ok I guess, she's loving and caring but she can be really distant sometimes and it hurts." She sighs walking over to you, hopping up next to you.

"Have you spoken to her about it?"
"No, I feel bad if I do, I don't want to lose her!" She starts to cry
"For godsake Marilyn, she isn't going to break up with you. She texts me every night about how much she loves you or what's perfect about you!" You laugh.
She chuckles too and you pull her into a hug.

"Larissa wants to know if you want to come out to dinner with us?"
"Yeah sure! When?"
"Yeah sure, I'll text you later!"
"I've gotta go Mari and please don't let my daughter walk in on you and her aunt again!" You laugh, giving her a kiss on the cheek, like you always did before hopping off the desk and going back to your office. You hear Larissa screaming at someone as you get closer.

You open the door to find your wife backed against the wall, someone was kissing her. It was Debbie.

752 words

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