Chapter 17- Our little Family

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It was a Sunday morning but still quite early, so you decided to go for a run. You change, grab your headphones and go.
You head around the grounds jogging comfortably. You feel in a good mood and decide to run to Jericho.
You see the weathervane was open and head in there for a pastry.
"One croissant to go please," you say to the server.
You leave and make your way back to Nevermore, walking and eating.
Your phone starts to ring.

You: Hey honey, what's up?
Larissa: Where the hell are you?
You: Out on a run
Larissa: Where are you?
You: About a 20 minute walk away
Larissa: I'm gonna walk down and meet you, I want to talk. Stay where you are.

She hangs up and you stand at the side of the road, waiting for Larissa.
You scroll through Instagram, looking at people's Rave'n photos.
Suddenly you spot a couple of you and Larissa dancing. You save the photos and smile.
You spot Larissa in the distance and walk to meet her.

"So honey, what do you want to talk about?" You ask
"Well, you know we both want kids?"
"Well I was talking to the local foster care for outcasts and I think they have the perfect little girl for us."
"Tell me more!"
"She's 13 and at Nevermore. She has telekinetic powers and I thought it would be nice because you can help her. Her name is Olivia Shortman."

"Oh yes I know her, very sweet although a bit shy at times. She was in the class that started the whole thing about gay rights!"
"Oh thats nice. I was thinking we could head to her dorm later and have a talk?"
"Yes Larissa but I think you should invite someone from the center, who knows, we might adopt her today!"
You both smile and you grab Larissa's hand. You walk back up to Nevermore and have a shower.
You were back in Larissa's old room as it was too late to go home last night. You get dressed.
You walk into Larissa's office and see Olivia Shortman and a woman who was probably the social worker. You stand next to Larissa, who was sat at her desk.
"I'm Miss Georgia ans I work at the foster home," the woman said
"Hey I'm y/n weems and I'm Olivias art teacher!" You say
"Well that's nice but let's get down to the matter at hand. You want a child,correct." You both nod
"And you live here?"
"No we live off campus and commute," Larissa said
"Ok that's good! Now Olivia, would you like to live with y/n and Larissa?" She turned to Olivia
"Yes y/n is my favourite teacher!"
"Alright, let's sign the paperwork and she's yours!"
You and Larissa both signed the papers and looked at Olivia.
Your family was complete.
The social worker left and Olivia ran into your arms.
"I finally have parents! I love you!" She cried
"We love you too honey," you said squeezing her.

You all walked into the courtyard, getting some weird stares. You all get into Larissa's car.
"So Olivia, how do you want to decorate your room?" You ask
I dont know, I have all my posters in my dorm and I like my room like that!"
"That's alright sweetie, shall we go shopping?" You continued
"Yessss let's go!"

Larissa drives you to the local mall and you spend hours shopping together. You go home with about 15 bags but it was all worth it.
You and Olivia start putting her clothes away while Larissa went back to Nevermore.
"Y/n, what do I call you?"
"I don't mind, y/n, mum whatever you want. Larissa doesn't mind either!" You reply
"Can I call you both mum?"
"Of course it's an honour!" You chuckle
"What about lessons, do I still call you
"Whatever you want. I know you are a teenager so if me being your mum is embarrassing, I don't mind?"
"I think I'll stick with mum!"
"Ok darling."
"Mum, can I tell you something?"
"Yeah Olivia, you can talk to me!"
"Well because your my favourite teacher, I was gonna tell you anyway but I think I have a crush!" She blushes as she says that.
"Can you tell me who?"
"Umm she's a stoner and she's in our class," she whispers
"A girl? That's wonderful honey!"

Larissa arrives hime and while she spends time with Olivia you cook dinner.
You sit down and eat together. Larissa rubs your thigh under the table and you blush.
"Mum, why are you blushing?" Olivia asks
"No reason," you say smiling
"What's Mum doing?" She replies
"I'm just fluttering your mother as its very easy to do!" Larissa says
"Well I think you both are really cute together!"
"Aww thanks honey!" You smile.
You a finished dinner and sat infront of the TV.
"Can we watch a horror film?"
"Yeah Olivia, by the way, your mum hates them," you giggle at Larissa.
You put on the conjuring and Larissa screams at every jumpscare, squeezing your arm.
After the film, Olivia heads off to bed.
You and Larissa follow and say goodnight.
You both get changed and climb into bed.
"Did you know she has a crush?" You say
"No, who!" Larissa exclaims
"She didn't say her name  but she's in her class and is a stoner," you reply
"A girl, that's so cute!"
"Our perfect little family!"

918 words

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