Chapter 21- there's a hyde

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You had been in Germany for a month now. It was really fun and cool to teach more people. They seemed to be receptive to your teaching. The worst part was you were away from your family.
You missed Larissa and Olivia and Marilyn and your students at Nevermore. You spoke to Larissa about everyday though. You had many sleepless nights, you weren't used to her not being next to you. You missed her warm embrace.
You missed Olivia spending your free periods together, shutting and laughing but you knew you would be back soon.

On this day, you were teaching a smaller class than usual. It was in a smaller hall but that didn't matter. You got up like normal, texting Larissa and Olivia. You also texted Leah, she had been checking in with Larissa for you.
You showered, got dressed and went down to the room. You had some time before class and started looking through the Nevermore gossip page. The most recent post was a photo of Larissa crying over you in the corridor. That nearly made you cry. You continued looking until the students came hurrying in.

You start the lesson like normal, explaining the lesson and answering questions. Halfway through the lesson, there was an announcement that all students must return to their dorms. You dismissed your class and all the teachers made their way to the hall.
Apparently there was a hyde on the loose in the building.
Lots of the teaches pulled out their phones as you did, to ring their family.

It was the middle of the night at Nevermore but Larissa answered.

L: Honey, are you ok?
Y: I know I'm home in 2 weeks but there's a hyde on the loose here and it's attacking people
L: Honey, what are you gonna do?
Y: I don't know Larissa. Go get Olivia!
O: Mum what's happening
Y: oh Olivia, there's a hyde on the loose and I don't know I'd I will make it home, I love you both so much and......

*Larissas pov*

The call cut out. No! Not y/n. Bursting into tears, Olivia hugged me tightly crying too.
I had to be up in an hour anyway, so we sat and cuddled.
I got up and showered and so did Olivia. We ate breakfast and made our way to Nevermore.
At the morning assembly, an announcement was made.

"I have an important announcement! As you all know Mrs Weems is teaching in Germany right now and is due back in 2 weeks. This morning I received a phone call from her and there is a hyde loose there. The call cut out and I don't know what happened. I haven't heard anything yet and will update you  when I know." I say, crying

Everyone was gasping and whispering, shocked and worried. Before you could continue, you got a call.

*back to normal*

As you were talking to Larissa, the hyde burst in the hall. Everyone ran but you couldn't move. You were too scared. You had faced a hyde before but still it was scary. He ran towards you as you tried to throw him around the room with your telekinesis but he was too strong.
Another telekinetic teacher helped you but it was too late. He attacked you and you bled out, collapsing to the floor. All you could think about was how Larissa was going to be worried. You saw your chest and your legs, the skin destroyed and that was the last you saw before you blacked out.

*Larissa's pov*

I answered the call and it was a hospital in Germany. Y/N had life threatening injuries and was in an unstable condition. They wanted me to get there as soon as possible.

"Hello students, that was the hospital in Germany, I have to go. Mrs Weems might not make it!" You sob. Spotting Olivia in the crown, devastated your heartbroken even more.
"Ms Thornhill will be temporarily incharge while I'm gone. Please be respectful to her and I will update you when I get there." As I ran off, I whispered to Marilyn to be Olivias temporary guardian and she agreed.

You kissed Olivia goodbye and started booking the first flight you could find. You found one for 3 hours away. The only seats were first class, but you paid, needing to get to your wife.
You rushed home grabbed a bag and shoved clothes into it. Driving furiously to the airport, you must've run 4 red lights.
You rushed through to security but stop at the place you last saw you wife in person and tears streamed down your face. You continued, you had to make your flight.
Making it through check in and security, I sat down shaking. My boarding was called and you got on the plane.

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