Chapter 22- Loving family?

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It had been 3 months since the hyde attack and you were doing well. You still couldn't exercise much and you had lots of scars but you were doing well.
Larissa was still very overprotective about it though. Once a student had asked about the attack and she gave them 3 days detention. She was worried that you weren't comfortable about it.

It was nice being back with her and Olivia. You had a little family.
Marilyn was also very protective of you. She would give anyone who even mentioned it detention. You were glad that they cared but this was too much.

One day in class, you were talking about hydes and their history at Nevermore. You had to teach this topic but you couldn't. You collapsed onto the floor and blacked out.

You were awoken to Larissa and Marilyn looking down at you with worried looks on their faces.
"Honey, what happened?" Asked Larissa.
"It was horrible, I was talking about the history of hydes and I suddenly was transported back to that day. It happened all over again!" You cried, sitting up.
Larissa embraced you, lifting you up and taking you to her office.
"You aren't working today, you aren't well enough!" She said sitting down with you still in her arms
"But Larissa!"
"But nothing, you could've not taught that lesson so soon. You could damage your heart by putting the stress on it!"
"No buts, you are staying with me today!"

You listened to her and cuddled into her as she attempted to work. About an hour later, she got a phone call.
She sat you on the sofa and went to her old bedroom to answer it.

After about 5 minutes, she comes out in tears. You run up to her and hug her tightly. You guided her to the sofa and sat down next her.

"Honey? What's wrong?"
"It was my dad, he wants to visit!" She cried
"That's good though?"
"No he said he's bringing a very special person for me to meet!"
"But we are married?"
"Yeah and I love you but my parents don't accept us. They want me to be straight!"
"Does he even know where you are?"
"Yeah, he knows where we live aswell, he wants to see me tonight at 6."
"I'll be with you the whole time honey, and Olivia, we both love you so much!"
"Ok thank you love!"

You and Larissa cuddle for a while, arms entwined. At 4, there was a knock on the door and Olivia walked in.

"Hey mums! Are you ok? I heard what happened!"
"Yeah Olivia, I'm ok but you need to comfort your mum," you say, looking at Larissa.
Larissa unwraps your arms from her and hugs Olivia.
"Now sweetie, tonight, your my dad is coming over," Larissa starts
"Ooo I want to meet him!"
"No it's not good. He's trying to separate me and you mother, he doesn't approve. He's bringing me over someone to meet, probably who he wants me to marry." Larissa starts to cry again.
"I don't want you to be split up!" Olivia starts to cry.
"Don't worry sweetie, I will do everything in my power to stop him but we need you to stay strong for your mum!" You add
"Ok, can we go home now?"
"Yes!" You smile.

Larissa was still being overprotective and she had to carry you to the car. Olivia laughed at the sight.
As you walked through the quad, people started to giggle as you were being carried by the Principal, wedding style. Larissa had other ideas. They all got a week of detentions.

Larissa drove home, her legs shaking furiously. She still wouldn't let you walk to the lounge and insisted she carried you.
She put you on the sofa and sat next to you while Olivia went to get changed. You pull her into your chest but she didn't melt into it like usual, she was tense and rigid. You stroked her hair and caressed her cheek but nothing.

"It will be ok honey, I love you so much, no one can take me away from you!" You say, trying to comfort her.
"Yeah I know, I'm just worried about you, my father's a horrible person and will stop at nothing. You aren't strong enough anyway, after the attack."
"I will defend you with my life Larissa," you say kissing her.

Olivia comes back down and sits next to Larissa. Larissa hugs her tightly and after a while, there was a knock on the door.
You walk to the door and open it.
"Hello, you must be Mr Weems!" You say plastering on a fake smile
He walked straight past you and spotted Larissa.
"Who is this?" He pointed to Olivia
"Our daughter, now what do you want?" Larissa replies
"For you to meet this lovely person!"
"Who is he?"
"Cora's son!"
"You know how much I hate them dad, leave please!"
"No, not until you divorce this ugly woman!"
"I'll say what I want, she probably doesn't even love you, just using you for the family fortune!"

"Why have you know sir, I love your daughter very very much, she is kind, caring sweet and gorgeous. She makes me happy. I proposed to her after 3 months of knowing her, i knew how much I loved her. I was stabbed because I refused to let her. When I was attacked by a hyde, all I wanted was her by my side. And I don't need her money, I paid for most of our house and wedding!" You interrupted.

"What does this woman have to give you if not money?"
You could see Larissa's about to cry. You started to read her thoughts, which you hadn't done in a year.
What can I offer, I'm a workaholic, she doesn't need my money. I'm ugly, I'm 20 years older!"

"First off honey, you are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen, I work with you and I don't care how old you are, I need your love that you give me every day and that's enough for me. I love you so much Larissa Weems and I never want to leave your side." You start crying.

"Well I don't care how much you love her, she doesn't need you and you are going to get a divorce right now and Larissa will marry Joe here! I'm not having a gay daughter!"

"I know this isn't my place to speak, Mr Weems but I have something to say. My mums love eachother. They love eachothe so much. When mum was in Germany, Larissa cried every day and night, she couldn't bare to be apart from her. They also show me unconditional love. I've watched their relationship grow over this past months, they are always their for eachother no matter what. After mum was attacked, mum flew out to her, leaving everything behind, just to be with her. Now she's home, she treats her like a baby, she's not allowed to walk anywhere, she has to be carried. She's not allowed to cook, clean or even make herself a drink. If you can't accept that I'm afraid your  going to have to leave our home!" Olivias speech  made you cry.

"What are you going to do little girl?" Larissa dad mocks
"This!" And she lifts him off the floor and opens the front door, literally throwing him out the door. Joe follows him and Olivia shuts and locks the door.

She runs up to you and Larissa, jumping onto you. You wince as she lands on a scar but ignore it, she'd defended your family.

"You are amazing sweetie!" Larissa says
"Yeah you were love, I'm so proud of  you!" You say
"Thanks mums, I know how much you love eachother and I love our little family!"
"We love you too!" You say
"My loving little family!" Larissa laughs

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