Chapter 72- First word

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The police sent out a search party while you went home with Olivia. You called your sister who came immediately. You all sat together, worrying about where she was.

Then you get the call.

Y: Where is she?

D: We found her in a nearby hotel, I'll be at yours shortly

Y: Oh thank god, we'll see you soon.

"They have her." You breathe a sigh of relief.

A little later, there's a knock at the door and Larissa and Donovan are there. He leaves and Larissa goes inside.

"Why didn't you come home?" You ask timidly as you hug her.
"You weren't there when I woke up. There was a weird girl and then no one."
"Oh, that was Danielle, my girlfriend!" Olivia chimes in.
"Your girlfriend?"
"I only found out yesterday princess. Me and Taylor were in the cafe and Olivia left Danielle with you to check on us." You give her a smile
"Ok, I just thought you didn't care."
"Oh my love, you don't know how much I care. I was so worried for you as well. But you are home now." You wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her closer. She giggles and you pull her into a kiss.

The babies wake up but Larissa checks on them. They were almost 8 months and growing fast. They were definitely going to be tall like your wife.

She brings them both down and hands you Emma. You hold her close, admiring her. She starts to grab at you.


You and Larissa both instantly make eyecontact.


Your heart explodes. You smile so widely at Emma.


You look over to Alex, who was reaching for you.


She repeats. You were overjoyed but Larissa was a little upset.

"What's wrong my love?" You ask as you both sit down.
"Well they both said their first word at you. They were reaching for you, even Alex." She sighs
"Babies copy stuff. They don't really understand what they are saying either. It's ok princess, they will grow up to love you." You assure.

She still seemed a little down but she tried to smile. You asked Olivia and Taylor if they could look after the babies while you took Larissa out. They agreed and you and Larissa left.

"Where are we going?" She asks as you drive.
"Somewhere." You respond.

You see Larissa picking at her nails so you place your hands ontop of hers. She starts to pick at yours, but you don't care. After about half an hour, you arrive at the beach.

You help Larissa out and take her hand in yours. You took a slow stroll across the sand, admiring the view of the sunset.

"Thank you darling." Larissa says, stopping and looking at you.
"I didn't do anything, I could just see you needed to get away, even for a little while." You smile softly before kissing her lips lightly.

You both giggle and take a long walk back to the car. You drive home to find everyone asleep although it was incredible early.

You went to check on Alex and Emma. Larissa picked up Alex again while you held Emma.

Alex started to stir.

"Mama." She said sleepily. Larissa smiles excitedly, happy that Alex said that.
"I told you so." You chuckle which results in a death stare.

You rest them back down before deciding to go have a bath.

Once the water was hot enough, you both stripped off and Larissa climbed in first. You sat between her legs, drawing patterns on her thighs. Her arms wrapped protectively around your stomach, squeezing it ever so slightly.

Her finger tips traced the scars the filled your skin. As she started to do that, you pulled away.

"Oh I'm so sorry my love! I didn't mean to hurt you." She apologises profusely although you try and calm her.
"No princess, it just reminds me of the time I was away from you. I need to talk about it though." You slide back between her legs and take her hand in yours.

"Here was where I gave birth to our babies." You run her fingers over your c-section scar.
"Mommy." She whispers in your ear, making you giggle.
"Here was where I was stabbed with Oathkeeper, when I was protecting you." You run her hand over the stab wound.
"My protective mommy." She smiles, making you laugh again. 
"And when I was first attacked by a hyde back when I was a student." You rub her hands over your chest, but not escaping a squeeze of the boob. You sigh dramatically before moving to your thighs.
"Where the German hyde attacked me" You trace her fingers over the damaged tissue, still noticable.

"And despite all that, mommy is insanely beautiful." Larissa kisses your head.
"And mommy has an insanely beautiful princess by her side to love her." You return the kiss, turing to face her.

You get out later, and going to bed. It felt good to have talked. It felt good to realise how lucky you were, not to be dead.

"Thank you Larissa."
"No thank you y/n, I wouldn't be here without you.

866 words

Short and cute.

Larissa X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now