Chapter 30- Anniversary trip

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It was the day you were leaving for your holiday and you were excited but sad, you were going to miss Olivia. You all sat in the lounge, waiting for Leah. Suddenly she appeared I front of you.

"Leah!" You say excited
"Hello y/n!"
"Aunt Leah!" Olivia exclaimed
"Hey little one, you ready?"
"As I'll ever be!" You all laugh.
"Ok, I love you Olivia and I'll see you soon!" You hug her
"I love you too Olivia, we'll miss you!" Larrissa hugs her to.
"I love you both, bye!' And with that her , her bags and Leah were gone.

"I miss her already!" Larissa laughs
"Oh sweetie, I'm sure I can make it up to you!" You wink ad you see the uber pull up outside. You grab your bags and put them in the car. Larissa locks the house and joins you.

"You need to stop that!" She hits you lightly
"Stop what?" You say innocently
She rolls her eyes and smiles. The drive went quickly and you soon arrived at the airport. You walked towards security and stop. It was here.
You turn Larissa to face you and kiss her.
"Thanks honey, but what was that for?" She laughs
"The attack."
Her face drops and she holds you tightly. You walk to security and check your bags. You go find a Starbucks and buy 2 coffees. You walk back to Larissa and she takes a sip.
"Not as good as the weathervane!" She laughs
"But nothing tastes as good as you my dear," you whisper in her ear. She starts to fluster and blush, hitting you, harder than expected.
"You can't do that here y/n!" She whispers and you laugh. She was going to destroy you.
Your boarding gets called and you get on the plane. You were in business class so Larissa had more room. You took her hand and kissed it lightly.
You took off and were excited.
"Are you excited my love?" You say.
"Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Bali!"
"Do you want to know where else we are going?" She nods violently.
"Words darling," you whisper. She blushes and you giggle.
"Yes." She mumbles.
"So we are spending a week in Bali for our anniversary, then 4 days in the Philippines, 3 days in Japan, 3 days in Korea and 3 days in Thailand!"
"My love, that's amazing!"
"And I plan to destroy you in every single one of those countries," you whisper again. She flusters and hits you even harder.

After a while, she falls asleep on your shoulder. You kiss her forehead lightly before plugging in your headphones and watching a film. After a couple of hours, food is bought round and you nudge your wife awake. You chat while you eat, talking about everything you would do. You then decide to watch a film together. Larissa falls asleep so you turn off the film and try to sleep. You managed about 4 hours before waking up. You put on another film. You watch 2 more before breakfast was bought around. You wake up Larissa again and eat together.
"How do you sleep so well on a plane?" You say, chuckling.
"I don't know!"
"Are you getting ready for me to destroy you?" She hits you, making you wince in pain.
"Sorry my love, I didn't mean to hurt you!" She looks upset.
You kiss her on the cheek.
You had about 3 more hours on the flight and watch a film together. You land and hop off the plane. Larissa tries to grab your hand but you nudge her reminding her that affection in public wasn't as normal. You get through security and luckily all your luggage made it. You arrive at the place you are staying and get your room. You place your bags in the corner of the room.

"Are you ready for me to destroy you or are you tired?" You growl
"Don't you remember, I don't tire easily!" She laughs

You push her onto the bed, stripping her of all fabric. You straddle her, kissing her deeply. You moved down to her neck slowly, being careful on the hickeys you'd made just a few days ago.
You worked down her chest, taking care by caressing her nipples, that made her moan loudly. You shove 2 fingers in her mouth.
"Quiet darling, don't let anyone hear you," she nods as you continue. You kiss down her abdomen and onto her hips.

"Has anyone ever told you how amazingly beautiful your body is, you whisper, she blushes.
You slowly caress her skin as you start kissing her thighs. She pushes your head towards her needy cunt but you shake your head.
"Patience, Larissa"
Eventually you reach her needy cunt. You slide your tongue through her slit, you see her grab the sheets. You start sucking on her clit, making her quietly moan. Without warning, you slip two fingers into her, making her gasp. You start to pump faster and faster, making her arch her back.
"I'm gonna come!" She moans
"Go on darling," she let go, resting on the bed, coming down from her high. You lay next to her, stroking her hair.
"I love you Larissa," you whisper
"I love you too."

~2 days later~

It was your anniversary and you woke up Larissa with floating breakfast in the pool and flowers. She blushes and kisses you lightly. You relax in the pool for the morning, getting out and getting dressed.
"Wow, you look gorgeous my love!" You say as Larissa slips into her new dress.
"Says you!" She chuckles
"Well your lucky your pretty Larissa, cause you weren't that good in bed!"
"Oh really," she pushes you onto the bed, straddling you lap.
"Later Mommy," she blushes at the name and kisses you.

You leave your room and get on a couple of bikes, making your way to the local market. You and Larissa search the stalls looking at it all. You find some bracelets and buy one for both of you.
After a bit more shopping, you decide to go grab some food. You find a cute little place and eat there. The food was delicious.
"This is really good!
"You're much more delicious than this food darling," Larissa whispered I to your ear, now it was her turn to fluster you.
"Shut up Rissa!"
She giggled and you make the long walk back to where you were staying. You go to your room and change into your swimming costume and so does Larissa.
You both hop in the pool, holding hands.
"Thank you love," Larissa says, kissing your cheek
"For what?" You giggle
"What does that mean?"
"For doing this, for paying for the house, for being an amazing mother, being an amazing teacher, being an amazing person and being the most perfect wife I could ask for!"

You tear up.
"God Larissa, stop making me cry on our anniversary!" You laugh wiping away your tears.
"I love you so much darling!" And with that she picked you up and span you around. You laughed as she did, she was really the perfect woman.

"Do you want your present now Rissa?" She nods.
"What did I say about using your words?"
"Yes my love."
You hop out the pool, walking inside and back out. You handed her 3 boxes. The first contained a pair of sapphire earrings, the second a matching ring and the last one was a photo album that you had made.
"Y/n, I don't need all this!"
"Read on the back page of the album!"

You had written a note:

My dearest Larissa,

I love you so much and I wish to spend many more years with you. You make me feel a type of joy I never felt before. You make me feel loved and appreciated. You care so much and just always remember I love you so much.
I couldn't ask for a better partner to raise Olivia with. I couldn't ask for a better wife, you care so much. The way you will do anything to stop me from being upset just makes me love you more. I am so glad to call you my wife and the mother of my child. It is an honour to be called Mrs Weems.

Lots of love,
Your darling wife, y/n

"Now you stop making me cry y/n, I love you!"
"I love you too Rissa!"

Larissa climbs out of the pool, doing as you did. She comes back out with 2 presents. You open them. The first is a bold bangle with Mrs & Mrs Weems engraved.
"Rissa! It's gorgeous!"
"Gorgeous for a gorgeous lady!"
The second was a pair of diamond earrings.
"They are real you know!"
"Larissa! You shouldn't have!"
"I know but my wife deserves the best!"
"I love you Larissa Weems."
"I love you Y/N Weems."

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