Chapter 56- Karma

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You and Leah sat with Olivia after she had woken up. The doctors had discovered that she had a minor concussion, nothing serious. They said she couldn't fly but discharged her aswell. Leah teleported you back home as you'd already gotten your stuff back from the room.

You walked into the house to find your wife sobbing I'm the kitchen. You don't go running, but walk slowly. Olivia hugs her tightly, stroking her hair.

"I'm so sorry sweetie, I was upset, mad, worried, anxious. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I should've. Are you ok anyway?", she sobs into to Olivia

"She has a minor concussion and fractured jaw so she's not allowed to move it. She won't be talking for the next 2 weeks." You sigh, enveloping your wife in your arms.

"Oh my sweet baby. And I'm sorry love. Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
"No I would've been if it weren't for our amazing daughter, you really are special Olivia."

You squeeze Olivia and turn back to your wife. She leans into kiss you but you block her lips.

"I haven't forgiven you. 1 week, no hugs, kisses, nicknames. And sleeping on the sofa." You sigh.

"Why the sofa?" She complains
"Because I know if we share a bed you will end up kissing me or your face in my boobs and you don't deserve the guest room. Sofa it is. And if you break these rules, 1 week added." You turn and grab both yours and Olivias bags before walking to the stairs.

"And remember, our anniversary is in one week tomorrow."

As the week went by, you were starting to feel bad but she needed discipline, you were always fighting and you hated that. You laid in bed thinking about how much fun you and your wife used to have. Before you were married. Before Olivia. But this wasn't her fault.

You hear a knock on the door and leave Larissa to get it. She gasps and you can hear her crying. You rush downstairs to see the police office holding her in handcuffs, pressed against the wall. It wasn't anyone from the Jericho police. It was a member of the state.

"Officer, what's going on?" You stare at him then at your wife.
"Are you y/n?"
"Yes but what's happening with my wife?"
"She is being arrested for child manipulation and harassment. This occurred almost 5 years ago but we finally were informed. We are to be told you are the victim of these heinous crimes. And what this lady over here?"
He pointed to Olivia.

"Our daughter."
"Is she ok, she refused to talk."
"She was caught in a fight and has a fractured jaw which she can't move."
"Was the fight between you two? We've been told you fight alot."
"Oh no! We were out and 2 drunk guys were fighting and she got caught up in the middle. It has been dealt with by the police."
"Ok well Ma'am will you follow me and we will head to the local station."
You look over to Olivia.

"Text Donovan, tell him what happened. And Leah."

You follow the man yo his car. Larissa was sat in the back while you joined him in the front. You kind of wanted karma to have caught up with Larissa for not turning up to miami but not like this. You didn't want her in prison. And you had barely spoken in the past week.

Donovan was outside waiting and came rushing up to you.

"I got Olivia's text, this is nonsense! You were of legal age!" He starts to get angry
"I know but who told them? It's been almost 5 fucking years and we've been married for 4 in 2 days. Who could it be?"
"I don't know, but let's get her free or try to get any evidence." He sighs as you follow your wife into the station.

You get taken into a room for your statement.

"I was 19 when I joined Nevermore and I turned 20 before I started any relationship with Larissa. We were legally married the next August and have been together ever since. There was no manipulation or sexual harassment. It was 2 legal consenting adults." You say, refusing to show any weakness

"Do you have any proof?"
"I can get my birth certificate and my Nevermore files, dated on when I joined and left." You sigh
"And your passport." He says sternly.

You wave your hand and it all appears infront of him. One of the witches in your class had taught you magic. The office too your passport and birth certificate and examined them before taking the file. He flicked through before placing it on the table.

"It says here you were a student for less than a month? Why?"
"When me and Larissa started the relationship, we agreed I couldn't stay a student and became a teacher, I'm headmistress now." You sit back, sighing.
"Well we can manage a trial tomorrow, it's a small case and then we can see if the Jury agrees."

You wall back out to Donovan and explain everything before going to see your wife. She was in a holding cell and you rushed up to her.

"Larissa my love, I am so sorry how I've treated you. I love you and I can not bare tonsee you like this, I'm so sorry." You cry
"No y/n, my darling y/n. I was being a jealous bitch and wasn't thinking straight. I deserve everything that happened this past week." She sighed, kissing you through the bars.
"No you don't deserve to be in prison. But I'm getting you out. I promise. And can we promise to try not to fight. I miss that time when we didn't fight and got along happily. I love you Larissa."

"I love you too y/n, and I promise, we will never fight again."

You kissed her once more before you left to see Olivia. You arrived home and you and Olivia fell asleep on the sofa.

The next day, you and Olivia sat anxiously waiting for the phone to ring. Your sister arrived a while later. You all sat and after what felt like an eternity, it rang.

"Your wife is free Mrs Weems, I'm sorry we caused you trouble."
"Thank you, do you know who tipped you off?" You question, hoping they'd can tell you.
"We only know their last name, y/l/n." He sighs
"OK thank you, we will be there shortly."

You turn to Leah.

"Police station, home, mother." You say, staring at her.
She nodded, knowing what you meant. Your wife was delivered safely home by your sister before she disappeared.

"Do you know who did it darling?" Larissa sighs as she rests in your arms
"Yes baby, it's my mum."
"WHAT! Why?" She almost starts crying
"I don't know princess, Leah is going to get her." You embrace your wife tightly.

Soon enough there was a thump and infront of you appeared your mother and sister. You stood up and walked up to your mother, so you were face to face.


Karma is a bitch

1200 words

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