Chapter 61- Congratulations!

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As the new school year had started, you were becoming wary about the baby and your energy. You were ok  for the most part but teaching and running a school was tiring, even before you were pregnant.

Olivia had started as the art teacher and was loving every minute. You'd all go home and talk about your days before curling up on the sofa and watching TV.

You found out from the doctors that you were 11 weeks but not to tell anyone just incase. Only Olivia and Leah knew beside Larissa so that was fine.

After having settled back into a routine,  a fewbweeks later,it was your birthday.

"Princess, what are you planning for my birthday?" You say the morning of.
"Why honey, and I'm not planning it." She sighs
"Well who is and did you tell them no alcohol?" You give her a stern look.
"Fuck, no" She whispers
"Larissa, they're going to expect me to drink, I mean its me." You wave your arms dramatically.
"Mommy calm down, you can't stress the baby." Larissa caresses your already growing belly.
"Is this really the best time for mommy?" You roll your eyes playfully.
"There's always time for mommy!" Yiur wife laughs, attacking your face with little kisses. You laugh aswell until you stop her.
"But seriously, what are we going to do? I know I'm 16 weeks now but is it too early? And who's going?"
"Me, Olivia, Leah, Taylor, Enid, Wednesday, Lexi, a few of your other friends and I think my aunt and uncle are also coming." She smiles
You think for a minute.

"Ok, is my dad coming?"
"I can ask him?"
"Yeah, I think I will tell all of them, but they can't tell anyone, especially at Nevermore, I'm hiding it until the last minute, we'll really my stomach is too big!" You both laugh at your last statement. Larissa stroked your belly but then you remembered you had a doctors appointment.

She drove you to the doctors and came in with you. You were soon called in for your appointment and the nurse started looking at your baby. Or your babies.

"Well Mrs Weems, I have some great news!" The doctor said cheerily
"You're having twins!" You smile and hear your wife gasp.  The doctor turns the screen and you see your two little angels.
You look over to Larissa and she's just sat there staring.

"Honey? You ok over there?" You offer out your hand to hold.
"Oh yeah, I just can't belive I'm going to be a mum again!"
"You have other kids?" The doctor says as she cleans your stomach.
"Oh yeah, we have a daughter. She's 17."  You smile, thinking of Olivia.
"But you're 25, today." The doctor raises an eyebrow
"Oh no, we adopted her just under 5 years." Your wife says, almost defensively.
"Oh that's nice. Well here's the sonogram and I will see you in 2 weeks just because of all your medical history but the babies seem to be growing perfectly." She hands you pictures of your babies. Your heart melts and you hold them tightly.

You climb off the bed and walk back to your car. Larissa drove you home and insisted you go rest because of the party tonight. You handed her the photos, letting her admire your children. Olivia comes to see you and plants herself next to you.

"So how's my little brother or sister?" She puts a hand on your stomach.
Larissa hands her the sonogram and she looks at it confused.
"Why does it have 2 heads?"
"Oh my god, you idiot, its twins!" You laugh.
"Why am I so stupid?" She joins in on your laughter.

You and her chat for a little, waiting for everyone to arrive. You hear people start to arrive so you and Olivia head downstairs. Lexi, Leah, Taylor, Enid, Wednesday, Yoko, Bianca, Divina, Xavier, Ajax and Scott and Andrea were all there.

"Xavier! Ajax! I haven't seen you in ages!" You rush up and hug them.
"It's nice to see you y/n, Principal now I hear!" Xavier laughs
"Nerd." Ajax adds.
"Oh fuck off" you roll your eyes before saying hello to everyone else.

"So Lexi, what are we doing?" Olivia asks once everyone was seated.
"We are going to y/n's bar, I've got cateres there aswell so there will be lots of food!" She smiles
Everyone starts excitedly chatting.
This was the moment you had to tell them.

"Everyone, I have an announcement." You say loudly, standing up. You see your sister giving you a shocked look, knowing exactly what you were about to say.

"I won't be drinking tonight. * audible gasps from everyone*. The reason is, I'm pregnant." You blurt out quickly, anxious how they are going to react. Everyone then jumps to their feet and hugs you, congratulating you. They were all really excited.
"I can't belive your pregnant!" Lexi exclaims as she hugs you tightly.
"I know, you're going to be aunt Lexi now!" You laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"Does that mean I'm going to be aunt Taylor?" Taylor hugs you after
"Yeah, definitely!" You chuckle

Xavier and Ajax both come ro hug you but then Xavier said something.
"Y/n, Where's Marilyn? I thought you were good friends?" He said as Leah passed.
"Oh um, she cheated on my sister." You whisper, not wanting to ruin the evening.
"What the fuck?" Ajax gasps
"Yeah let's not talk about it. Let's talk about Uncle Ajax and Uncle Xavier!" You smile.
The both roll their eyes. Soon a couple of ubers pull up and you all get into them.

You chat on the way, talking about the babies and your birthday and Nevermore.

After the long drive, you arrive at the bar, greeted by your favourite, Alejandro. He hands you a shot as you walk in the door so you hand it to Olivia, who downs it.

"Why aren't you drinking, it's your birthday!" He laughs as you walk inside.
"Oh yeah, I'm pregnant. They all only found out this evening so that's why we are here."
"Well, congratulations! I'm sure that baby will have the same amazing bartending skills as you." He hugs you
"Babies, it's twins!"
"Well double the trouble!"

You all get seated around the bar, your bartenders pouring drinks. Everyone starts laughing and drinking until a familiar face walks in.

"Gwendoline!" You squeal, running up to her
"Hey, happy birthday!"
"Thank you! Oh and I have some news!" You drag her over to the bar.
"What?" She said excitedly
"I'm pregnant!"
"Ahhhh I'm happy for you!" She hugs you and kisses your cheek.

As everyone starts dancing, you join in too, just not tipsy.
After a while, you see your wife rush off the dancefloor and hug someone. You walk over, a curious smile on your face before standing next to her.

"Hey princess, who's this?" Now your closer, there's two people.
"Oh these? My friends, the Lannisters of Tarth."

1170 words

What shall we name the twins? And is it 2 girls, 2 boys or a girl and boy?

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