Chapter 59- Baby fever

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"I want a child Larissa, a baby we can watch grow, a baby of our own. I love Olivia but she's growing up. She's almost an adult and I want another. Don't we need some joy in our life?" You sit on your desk chair, head in hands

"I don't know, can't we adopt or? Maybe like a 5 or 6 year old?" Your wife places herself infront of you.

"No Larissa! I want a baby. I want a baby to grow in my belly! I want to hold and care for the baby as soon as they open their eyes." You start to cry

"Y/n, we can't. I mean, we both have to work and Olivia will be working too. She will probably leave anyway. Let's think about this." She pulls you into a hug.

"We can though Larissa! We have the money, I can bring the baby here after a while, please Larissa. I just want a baby." You sobbed into her arms.

"No darling." She sighed, hugging you tightly.

Those words broke you and you escaped her hug.
You stormed across the room, tears streaming down your face.

"Y/n wait!"
"NO! Why do you always get the final say! This is the only thing I've ever asked you for Larissa! WHY CANT WE HAVE A BABY?" You scream at her. Her eyes filled up with tears.

"I'm scared." She mumbled
"What baby?"
"I'm scared ok, I can't lose you y/n. Your body is already weak from all the times you've risked your life and I've almost lost you twice. These past years have been painful and I don't think I can deal with anymore heartbreak. And I know your idiotic self would demand me to save the baby if anything happened to you. I can't do this. I can't."  She starts to cry.

You rush up to her, taking her in your arms. You led her to the sofa and you both sat in silence, holding tightly to eachother.

"I'm so sorry princess, I never thought about that and how that would affect you. I guess I just want something happy and I thought a baby would do that for us. But maybe not." You sigh, heartbroken but calm.
"No, I want a baby too. I never thought it was possible I mean, I never had a partner and then I got older and just gave up the idea. Olivia is getting older and so am I, I would like a baby." She smiled softly

"Larissa Weems, don't say that like you are going to die tomorrow, you are living forever, I don't care what you say!" You laugh, giving her a quick kiss.
"Ok, ok! Why don't we go home and sleep on it." She suggests, kissing your cheek.

She drives you both home as you listen to Fleetwood Mac like always. You get in the door and find Leah asleep in the guest room and Olivia in her room.

You say goodnight to her before walking back to your room. It was only 6 so you and Larissa decided to shower together.

After taking a quick shower, you both climbed out and put on pyjamas. You sat at your dressing table, staring into the mirror, rubbing your belly absentmindedly.

"Honey? Honey are you ok?" Your wife calls, bringing you back into reality.
"Oh yeah, I'll join you now." You smile, walking over to your bed. You laid down, cuddling into your wife's open arms.

"Why were you rubbing your belly?" Larissa asked suddenly
"Oh um yeah don't worry." You stumble over the words
"Have you been pregnant before?" She suddenly asked
"Yeah, I lost the baby. I'm kind of glad though, I would've been tied to Matthew forever. And I would've never met you, or have Olivia. When you were gone, I pushed the thought of a baby out of my mind. But when you came back and then Olivia graduated, the longing grew. I really want this Larissa." You feel a few tears escape your eyes, that part of your life had been locked away for so long.

"Let's do this y/n, let's have a baby. I want you to be happy and I want a baby too. Leah and Olivia would be so happy aswell. We all need thus in our lives. I know Scott and Andrea and Taylor and Lexi and Wednesday and Enid would all be incredibly happy and excited. I want this my love. I really want a baby." She started to cry too.

You rolled over to face her, wiping her tears away. You both smiled lovingly at eachother. She suddenly started unbuttoning your pyjamas.

"Larissa! What are you doing?" You giggle
"Making the most of these before they aren't mine!" Shs laughs, shoving her face into your boobs
"Oh my god, you are awful." You smile as she starts to kiss them.

Soon she takes you in her arms and you fall asleep happy. Probably the happiest you'd been in many years. You were going to have a baby with the woman you loved so dearly.

853 words

Yeah so don't argue because the next few chapters are just being finished so you will get them within the next few hours because I haven't slept so I just wrote it all.

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