Chapter 64- Twins!

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The next thing you remember was waking up in a darkened room. You stand up and look around. The floor was cold, but the room was warm. You looked down and realised you had no baby bump. The chest pains were gone.

You were in a long white dress that fell to the floor. You searched the room and found a small door. That was locked.

You tried to call out for your wife but no one responded. Then Olivia. Then Leah. Then Marilyn. No response.

Suddenly you fell backwards, hitting the floor with a thump. Your eyes held themselves closed against your will. Soon you managed to open them. Your vision was blurry and there was a bright light above you.

You see 2 dark pigtails in the corner of your eye and a bald man on the other side.

"Wednesday? Fester? Is that you?" You murmur sleepily.
"Oh god, yes y/n, it's me Wednesday. You are ok. You are alive." Her breathing was rapid.
"What happened?" You felt your eyes feeling heavy.
"They gave you a c-section after your heart failed, again. The babies are both ok but are in incubators because they are so early. You died on the operating table. They stitched your stomach up and Larissa rang me when she found out. They were refusing to try and save you, although there was a lot of shouting from Larissa, Leah, Olivia, Taylor, Lexi, me and even Enid. Uncle fester came and we managed to sneak in and save you. He shocked your heart out of failure. I'm probably the happiest I've ever been seeing you ok." A massive smile appears on her face.

"Even more than when Enid asked you out?" You manage a small laugh
"Yes y/n, you are very special to me. But maybe I should tell someone you are alive, the chaos out there is crazy." She places a hand behind your back, helping you to sit up.

"What do you mean?"
"Well when the news was broken, Larissa broke down and so did Olivia. They both refused to talk to anyone except when Larissa rang me. Leah was in a fit of rage and yelling at the doctors. Taylor was there as well when Me Fester and Enid arrived. Leah and Lexi were almost about to fight the doctors who were refusing to help you and it wasn't helping that they were refusing to let Larissa see your babies. My mother was kicked out because she slapped about 4 doctors." She let out a small chuckle.

You hear a few gasps and after a few minutes, everyone appears in front of you, including about 7 doctors. Your wife quite literally jumps onto you, much to the doctor's dismay. Although you had just been cut open, died and refused to be bought back to life, you could feel nothing but joy.

You attacked your wife with small kisses in her hair as she hugged you and sobbed into your chest. She finally looked up at you, face full of smiles.

"You're back! You're back!" She cries, hugging you again.
"I am princess. I'm back. And now we have 2 beautiful babies." You smile at her, lifting her chin, and pulling her in for a kiss.

She climbs off of you but you barely had a second before Olivia was jumping into your arms.

"I'm here sweetie, I'm not going to leave you ever again. I'm ok. I'm here Olivia." You whisper as she cries.
"You need to stop doing dangerous stuff." She laughs, looking up at you.
"And who says I am?" You laugh

"Y/n, no more dangerous stuff," Leah says strictly
"Are you the boss of me? Also, I'm the older twin." You smile, causing her to chuckle. She wanders over and hugs you as Olivia goes over to Larissa. You hug her tightly before receiving hugs from everyone else.

"Now, what shall we name the twins?" You smile at everyone around the room.
"What's the gender?" Lexi asks
"Larissa?" You look over to your wife, you hadn't been told.
"Two baby girls, I haven't seen them yet, they won't let me." She sighs
"Oh, they will," Wednesday says and her and Lexi storm out of the room.

A doctor comes back with them, a wheelchair in tow for you. They take you and Larissa to where your babies were. As you admired them from afar, you couldn't help but let a few tears escape.

"They look just like you darling," Larissa kisses your forehead.
"They have your eyes and oh-" you were cut off by shock when one of your babies, turned into a squirrel and quickly back to herself.
"And your abilities!" You chuckle, taking her hand in yours.

After a while of discussing names and just watching, you made your way back to the room. Larissa lifted you back into the bed, before taking a seat on the edge of it.

"So what have you decided?" Everyone looks at you in anticipation.
"For our first girl, Alex Taylor Weems. For our other baby girl, Emma Leah Weems." You smile over at your sister and Taylor.
"Me? You named her after me?" Leah gasps in shock.
"Who better?" Larissa hugs Leah.
"And me? I can't believe it!" Taylor almost cries as you hug her.

"Well let's all celebrate the birth of Alex and Emma!" Enid cheers and everyone else does.

You hear footsteps approaching and your father walks in. Followed by your mother.

"Get that woman out of my wife's room!"

928 words

Well it's twins! Thank you all for your name suggestions. My best friend ended up choosing because I couldn't decide.

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