Chapter 39- Don't do something stupid

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It had been around a month after all the issues with Jane and Debbie and you were getting therapy. Larissa continued to come into work with you but not as often. You saw Leah once a week and Olivia was doing great in school. Taylor had gone to visit her parents in Italy and was coming back in a month.

"So y/n you excited for the Rave'n?" One of your students says on day.
"Mierda, necesito terminar de organizar eso." You whisper under your breath. (Shit, I need to finish organising that.)
"Umm yeah! Are you guys?" Your class nods.
"Why don't we stop working and chat about it!"
They all immediately shut their books ans put away their pens.
"So who has a date?" Most of the class puts their hand up.
"Let's go around the room and all say our dates."
You go around the room until you reach the last person.

"Y/n, will you go to the Rave'n with me?" He got down on one knee and everyone laughed.
"Well I would love too because I don't actually have a date. But one I'm a lesbian and two I'm your teacher!"
"But y/n, you're married!"
"Yeah my wife has asked me for the past 2 years so I'm waiting now!" You chuckle.
"What if she doesn't ask you?" One of the girls giggled.
"Then I'll be free game for anyone who wants to take me!"
You all laugh at that comment and continue chatting about it.

The bell rang and they all left. It was your last class of the day and you decided to ring Enid.

Y: Hey Enid!
E: Hey, you ok?
Y: I need help!
E: What with?
Y: The Rave'n!
E: When is it?
Y: 4 days
E: Ok I'll be there in like an hour!

You head up to your office and do some work before Olivia joins you.

"Hey mum, can we go?"
"No, I need to wait for Enid!"
"Yes, I love Enid!"

You see a figure outside the door and Enid walks in.

"Speak of the devil!" You chuckle
"Hey Olivia, hey y/n! What can I do to help?"
"Decorations, music, seating,  I've done food and drinks!"
"Oh God y/n, you've left it late!"
"Yeah but Enid, I have to be a Principal, teacher, mother, wife and go to therapy!"
"Fair point! I'll start now! I'm so excited it's on your anniversary!"
"Don't do something stupid!"
"Whatever do you mean y/n?" She smirks
"Well considering its my anniversary, I wouldn't put it past you to make some spectacle of it!"
"You underestimate me y/n, I am going to make an extravaganza of it!"
"Enid, just don't do anything stupid!" You laugh as she walks out the room.

You and Olivia head home, excited to see Larissa. You walk inside to find her crying.

"Rissa, honey! What's wrong?" You rush over to her hugging her tightly
"Nothing, it's stupid!"
"Nothings to stupid for me Larissa."
"I don't know how to ask you to the Rave'n and when I came to visit you earlier, I saw you saying how you might go by yourself." She cries even harder
"Rissa, just asks me for God's sake!"
"This is what, our 3rd Rave'n, I don't need a big invite!"
"Ok then, Y/n Weems, do you want to go to the Rave'n with me?"
"I'm sorry, I'm married!" You laugh as she pushes you.
"I'm joking princess, I'd love to go!"

You sit on the sofa and cuddle, ordering pizza for dinner. You all sit and watch films before Larissa falls asleep on you. You carry her to bed, snuggling up to her. You wake up the next morning with  a text from Enid : go to haute kewture at 11 x

You and Larissa get up, she was coming in with you today. Olivia came down and you all drove to Nevermore.

You had lessons for the first 2 periods so Larissa joined you. Your first class was the group you spoke about the Rave'n with.

"So today, we are just going to talk about the Rave'n!" You say as they all sit down. Your wifestands in the door awkwardly not knowing what to do.

You opened your arms and moved your chair back, letting her sit om your lap. She ran towards you and almost jumped onto you, cuddling into your chest.

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