Evanstan: body issues

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Summary: Sebastian has body image issues and the press said something really horrible about his body. He didn't take it so well (as no one should never listen to anyone who says it) and Chris comforts him

Sebastian's pov:

Today is the day of the red carpet it's not like any there it's going to be Chris and I's first one together as a couple openly "babe are you ready" Chris said hugging me from behind snapping out of my thoughts "yea bub nearly do you think I should wear my eyeliner" I asked I don't wanna make a fool of myself because press can be so judgmental "yes only if you feel comfortable" he said god he is so sweet I nod "would you like me to do it" he asked I sat in the chair nodding and grinning "okay okay calm down babe" Chris said bringing a chair right in front of me and grabbing the eyeliner and opening it.

Chris's pov:

I do a short and simple wing on both of Sebs eyes not wanting to be to dramatic "all done babe" I said getting up and putting the chair back to where it was originally I turn the chair Seb is sitting in to face the mirror I see his hands trembling I won't say anything I don't wanna embarrass him "It's adorable thank you bubs" Seb said smiling "no problem now let's go we're gonna be late" I said we go out the the door to see a limousine with everybody from the cast in it "woah" Seb said "come on!" Robert said we rush to the door to see only one seat "you can sit on my lap babe" I said I do I don't want all my weight on him since he is smaller then me I get in then Sebastian sits on my lap I put my arms around him so he is safe "aww cute" Scarlett said everyone smiling at us. I feel Sebastian squirming a lot his hands are shaking like a leaf in the wind I decided to rub circles on his back as I know it's a comfort thing for him "so Chris are you and Sebastian excited to go on the red carpet for the first time as a open couple" Mark asked us "I'm super excited" I said I feel Sebastian tense up "I'm excited to just a little worried about press" Seb said that's why he tense "don't worry Seb they won't even dare to look at you wrong I can sue them" Robert said laughing god he is so funny everyone was giggling and talking besides Sebastian I know he isn't the most social person but he normally talks to everybody he isn't even talking to me. We arrive 10 minutes later we all go out of the car heading where we're so suppose to be "ready babe" I asked he still looks a little nervous "yea just a little worried about press still" he said quietly looking down "babe it's going to be okay now let's get this done" I said getting ready to walk on the carpet with arm in arm with Sebastian

Sebastian's pov:

We both start walking "Sebastian have you been back to the gym?" "Ugly in pink" "pig!" "Chris deserves someone fit like me not a pig like you" that last one broke me

Time skip after the rest of the red carpet (I'm not good at doing shit like that so time skip)

Btw still Sebs pov

The second we got home I bawled my eyes out

Chris's pov:

I've never seen Seb so upset "hey it's ok babe don't listen to them ok your so beautiful and the way you do your hair the way you steal my hoodies and shirts and beanies is so cute adorable babe I love you so much" I said holding him while leaning against bed his head on my shoulder gripping on to my shirt for his life "I love you too" he said

No one's pov:

They laid there for a while till Chris knew Sebastian was in a deep sleep he got up carefully putting himself and Sebastian under the covers. He fell asleep after a bit no interruptions no nightmares no nothing just them to sleeping peacefully

Hey first oneshot of the book yay!

Word count: 729

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