Little brother

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Bucky has really bad anxiety and has a few comfort items

No one's pov:

Bucky Barnes was feeling really anxious about the Avengers movie night. He knew that he had a lot of comfort items that he needed to bring with him - his teddies and his junk food. But he was scared that the team was going to make fun of him for it.

Steve Rogers, his boyfriend, tried to reassure him. "Bucky, it's okay," he said. "No one is going to make fun of you. We're all here to have a good time."

Bucky took a deep breath and nodded. He knew that Steve was right, but he still felt really nervous. When they got to the movie night, Bucky tried to hide his teddies and his junk food, but Scott Lang saw them and started to make fun of him.

Bucky felt his face turn red with embarrassment, and he tried to ignore Scott. But when the horror movie started, Bucky couldn't help but scream at the jump scares. Scott started to make fun of him again, and Bucky felt like he was going to cry.

He tried to hold it together, but he was having an anxiety attack. That's when Peter Parker stepped in. He had always looked up to Bucky like a big brother, and he wasn't going to let anyone make fun of him.

"Hey, Scott," he said. "Leave Bucky alone. He's allowed to have his comfort items. We all have things that make us feel better."

Scott looked surprised, but he backed off. Peter sat down next to Bucky and put his arm around him. "You okay?" he asked.

Bucky nodded, tears streaming down his face. "Thank you, Peter," he said. "You're a good kid."

Peter smiled. "Of course, Bucky. You're like family to me."

Bucky felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He knew that he had a family that loved him, and that he didn't have to be ashamed of who he was he felt free

Word count: 342

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