School is scary

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Peter is very scared of school

No one's pov:

Peter was only five years old, but he already knew that school could be a scary place. He missed his mom, who had died when he was a baby, and he didn't like being away from his dads for so long. So he came up with a plan to make himself feel better: he brought his favorite teddy bear to school with him every day.

At first, the other kids thought it was cute. They asked him about the bear, and sometimes they even wanted to play with it. But then one day, a group of older kids started teasing Peter about his teddy. They said he was a baby and that he should grow up. Peter tried to ignore them, but when he got home that day, he couldn't stop crying.

Steve, Tony, and Bucky knew something was wrong as soon as they saw Peter. They gathered around him, asking him what had happened. Peter sniffled and hiccupped and finally managed to tell them about the teasing at school.

Steve's face darkened. "Those kids have no right to make fun of you, Peter. You're a brave boy for going to school every day, and you can bring your teddy bear with you if it makes you feel better."

Tony nodded. "And you know what? We're going to get you some new teddies, too. Ones that are even softer and cuddlier than the one you have now."

Bucky chimed in. "And we'll make you your favorite dinner tonight. How does mac and cheese sound?"

Peter's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "Really? You'll do all that for me?"

"Of course we will, buddy," Steve said, ruffling Peter's hair. "We love you and we want you to feel safe and happy."

Over the next few days, Steve, Tony, and Bucky made good on their promises. They took Peter to the toy store and let him pick out as many new teddy bears as he wanted. They cooked him his favorite meals and read him his favorite stories before bed. And when Peter had trouble sleeping, they let him snuggle up between them in their big bed, where he felt safe and protected.

Slowly but surely, Peter began to feel better. He still brought his original teddy bear to school with him, but now he had a whole collection of new friends waiting for him at home. And whenever he felt scared or lonely at school

Word count: 417

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