Comfort dads

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Peter having really bad nightmares

No one's pov:

Peter had been having nightmares for weeks. Every night, he would wake up sweating and shaking, his heart racing. He didn't know what to do, and he felt like he was going crazy. His dads, Tony, Steve, and Bucky, had been trying to help, but nothing seemed to work. Tony had to go on a mission, so Peter was left with Steve and Bucky.

One night, Peter had a particularly bad nightmare. He woke up sobbing and shaking, and he was too scared to go back to sleep. He knew that Steve and Bucky were in the other room, so he slowly made his way to their room. When he got there, he was sobbing so hard that he could barely speak.

Steve and Bucky woke up to find Peter on their bed, sobbing and shaking. They knew that he was scared, so they immediately pulled him into a hug. Peter clung to them, holding Mr. Fluffy, his stuffed fox, tightly. Steve went to the kitchen and got loads of junk food and fast food while Bucky called Tony to let him know what had happened.

Peter was still sobbing when Bucky got off the phone. He explained everything to Tony, telling him how scared Peter was and how much he missed him. Tony promised to come home as soon as he could, but he wasn't sure when that would be. Peter was devastated, but he tried to be brave.

The next day, Tony surprised Peter by coming home early. Peter was so happy to see him that he ran into his arms, crying tears of joy. Tony hugged him tightly, telling him how much he loved him. They spent the day together, doing everything that Peter wanted to do. They went to the park, played video games, and ate loads of junk food.

That night, Peter went to bed feeling happy and safe. He knew that he had the best dads in the world, and he was grateful for everything they did for him. He fell asleep with Mr. Fluffy in his arms, dreaming of all the fun they would have together.

Word count: 365

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