Stucky:it doesn't matter baby

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Just look how cute the picture is you can't resist


Bucky has been gaining weight a lot since he was very skinny after hydra since they didn't feed him much and Sam helps him gain weight (before steve and Bucky started dating) but after they started dating Bucky got insecure about his weight and looks when he sees Steve's body and because Scott said something very mean. Bucky is very sensitive since he is a little

Bucky's pov

I'm sitting in my room sobbing my eyes while Steve and the rest of the team is training Steve offered me to train with them but I said no because the uniforms are tight fitting and looking which makes my fat stomach look like a beach ball. Steve comes running in "babe you should of seen me out in the training room I caught so many balls... honey why are you crying" he said crouching down to me since I was curled up against the bed "b-because I'm not as pretty as you and as skinny because your perfect and my stomach is the size of a beach ball and and I eat to much" I said choking on my sobs "honey your body is perfect too but I need to ask you something okay and your not in trouble okay" he said I nod "did someone say something to you and if they did I'm going list a few people all you need to do is nod if it was them and shake if it wasn't them okay" he said I nod "Sam" I shake my head "tony" I shake again "Scott" I nod fast crying harder "oh baby it's okay I got you" he said pulling me into a hug picking me up rocking me like I used to do to him when he was sick "we are going to Scott to confront him with Sam okay" Steve said I nod he starts walking to Sam's room "hey Steve hey buck what's up" Sam said with a smile "hey Sam Bucky just told me Scott has been saying really horrible stuff to him can we come in" he said

Sam's pov:

"Yea of course come in" I said Steve walks in with Bucky on his hip I can tell he's slipped "hey buck how old are you" I said he puts up 2 fingers which was no surprise since when anything crappie would happen to him he normally slips to 2 "how about we get you in some comfy clothes then we can talk about what we're gonna do about Scott" Steve said placing him on my bed I got get a duffle bag from my closet it's filled with Bucky's little things like teddy's, sippy cups,diapers and pacifiers. I hear Bucky start "oh Bucky it's okay I'm not mad Sam can you hurry please" Steve called out "coming" I said putting a pair of sweatpants in the bag I run back to them to see Bucky's pants soaked "I've got a diaper and sweats" I said giving them to Steve he takes Bucky to the bathroom I clean up the bed they both come back out Bucky's eyes are red and puffy "uncle sammy!" Bucky shouted running towards me bear hugging me "hey buddy are you feeling better" I said "wes very much but daddy started crying in da bathroom I asked him what was wrong but he didn't say anything tin" he said not so happy it "well I'll talk to him okay now you just play with your toys okay" I said he nods and runs to onto the bed I go into the bathroom to see Steve crying "steve why are you crying what's the matter" I said crouching down to him "Scott shouldn't be saying these things to Bucky I brought him into the team for a good reason" he said choking through sobs "it's okay man we'll talk to him okay do you want a hug" I said he digs his head into my chest crying "okay it's okay" I said trying to sooth him "is buck okay" he asked "he's on my bed playing with his toys and he came out very upset telling me you were crying but I think we should see him though" I said he gets up wiping his eyes and walking out I follow we see Bucky on the bed cuddling his little fox and bunny sucking on his yellow and baby blue pacifier tears streaming down his cheeks "daddy! Yous otay now?" He said slurring a little since the pacifier is in his mouth running up to him with "yea baby I'm okay are you okay why were you crying" Steve said picking him "b-b-because daddy you were upset and me din know why and me dint know how to welp yous" he slurred again with the pacifier in his mouth

Steve's pov:

He is so adorable and cuddly "is anyone hungry or is it just me" Sam said "meee!" Bucky said very excited "I'll cook fries and nuggets" I said going to the kitchen and placing Bucky on the kitchen counter "don't break the counter Bucky" Scott said laughing Bucky knew what Scott was saying he starts crying "Scott you might wanna fuck off while you have the chance" Sam said "language Sam" I said putting the food in the air fryer and going to Bucky "daddy why Scott mean" Bucky mumbled "I'm not mean I just state the truth and facts whale" Scott said "whales live in da water not land how am I a whale" Bucky said so smart "fuck you fat fuckin pig!" Scott said "language!" I said holding Bucky who is sobbing right now I take him back to Sams room to calm down "don't listen to him Bub okay he's a mean grumpy man" I said listening to Bucky's sobs turn into sniffles he's breathing a lot better than it was before "daddy I sleepy" he said into my chest I put him on the bed under the covers he is already snoring I fall asleep next to him

Hey again

Word count: 1028

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