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Peter needing comfort teddies super cute

Word count: 740

No one's pov:

Peter had always been a bit of a nervous kid. He was always fidgeting and worrying about something, and he often found himself feeling anxious for no reason at all. But he had a secret that nobody knew about - not even his best friends, MJ and Ned. Peter had a collection of teddy bears that he kept hidden away in his room, and whenever he was feeling particularly anxious or upset, he would curl up with them and hold them close.

One day, Peter came home to the Avengers tower after a particularly long day of fighting crime. He was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed, but when he walked into his room, he saw something that made his heart sink. His teddy bears were out in the open, scattered across his bed, and Scott was standing there, holding one of them and laughing.

Peter felt his face turn red with embarrassment. He had never told anyone about his teddy bears, and he certainly didn't want anyone to know now. He quickly gathered up his bears and ran out of the room, tears streaming down his face.

Peter's dads, Steve and Bucky, were in the living room when he came in, and they immediately knew something was wrong. They pulled Peter onto the couch and held him close as he sobbed, telling them what had happened.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" Steve asked gently.

"It's nothing," Peter muttered, wiping his eyes. "I'm fine."

"It doesn't look like you're fine," Bucky said, rubbing Peter's back. "Talk to us, Pete. We're here for you."

Peter hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out the truth. "I have teddy bears," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know it's stupid, but they help me feel better when I'm upset. And Scott saw them and he was laughing at me, and I just feel so embarrassed."

Steve and Bucky exchanged a look. "There's nothing wrong with having teddy bears," Steve said firmly. "Everyone has something that makes them feel better when they're upset. For me, it's painting. For Bucky, it's cooking. And for you, it's your teddy bears. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"But Scott was laughing at me," Peter said, his voice trembling. "He probably thinks I'm a baby."

"Scott didn't know," Bucky said gently. "And even if he did, it wouldn't matter. You're allowed to like whatever you want, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. And if Scott has a problem with it, then that's his problem, not yours. You're a great kid, Peter, and we love you just the way you are."

Peter sniffled and wiped his eyes. "Thanks, dads," he said softly. "I just feel so embarrassed."

"It's okay to feel embarrassed," Steve said. "But don't let that embarrassment stop you from doing what makes you happy. And if you ever need to talk to us about anything, we're always here for you."

Peter nodded, feeling a little bit better. "Can I stay here with you guys for a little while?" he asked.

"Of course," Bucky said, pulling Peter into a tight hug. "We're not going anywhere."

Peter settled in between his dads, feeling safe and loved. He knew that he was lucky to have them in his life, and he promised himself that he wouldn't let anyone make him feel ashamed of who he was ever again.

A couple of days later Scott approaches Peter and says, "Hey Peter, I just wanted to talk to you about what happened the other day. I'm sorry for what I did and I know it was wrong. I really value our friendship and I want to make it right."

Peter nods and says, "I appreciate that, Scott. Thank you for apologizing."

Scott responds, "Of course. And I was thinking, maybe we could go do something fun together. How about we go get some new teddies? I know you love them and it would be a nice way for us to spend some time together."

Peter smiles and says, "That sounds great, Scott. Thank you."

Scott and Peter go to the store together and pick out some new teddies. While they're there, Scott takes the opportunity to talk to Peter more about what happened and how he can make sure it doesn't happen again. They leave the store with their new teddies and a stronger friendship.

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