Stucky:Comfort item

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Bucky's therapist (in this the therapist is nicer then in the falcon and the winter soldier) recommended for Bucky to have comfort items to help with his ptsd

Bucky's therapist (in this the therapist is nicer then in the falcon and the winter soldier) recommended for Bucky to have comfort items to help with his ptsd

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Its one from the 1920s from when Bucky was a child

Steve's pov:

I look over to the clock and his it's 6 am time for to run. I slowly get up and kiss Bucky on the forehead he groans "you don't have to run today if you don't want to" I said he shakes his head as he gets up "no I do but I wanna have fuzzy" he said looking down at his hands that are in his lap "you can bring him with us today" I said he shakes his head so fast his cheeks go beet red he looks so embarrassed "nooo Scott will make fun of me" he mumbled I walk back to him pulling him up to stand he burys his face into my neck "if he even dares to look at you funny I'll slap him to Germany" I said he giggles I smile a then we interrupted by a knock at the door "yo cap buck you guys coming for a run" Sam asked I look at Bucky he nods "yea we will be out in a minute" I said Bucky and I walk over to our shared closet I pick out a dark blue shirt and grey sweatpants "can I wear one of your hoodies please" Bucky asked like a child because I swear he acts like one I nod and grab my black stripe Adidas hoodie with a zipper "will this one do" I asked he nods smiling as he puts it on and putting his hair up in a bun "where are you going to put fuzzy" I asked "I don't know I don't want Scott to see" he said face going redder than it was before "well how about I bring a backpack we could put some water bottles, the hoodie when you get to hot" "I will not get to hot" he said crossing his arms "okay okay and you can also put fuzzy in there" I said he nods I smile. We both put our shoes on and walk out Bucky still has fuzzy in his hand I pray for Scott not to say anything "ready love birds" Sam said giggling his ass off "how many miles are we running today" Sam asked "probably not much since we got Bucky with us" Scott said

Bucky's pov:

"I wanna run a lot though" I said Scott looks at me and starts laughing at me "really, you wanna run a lot I thought your more of the type to binge eats" Scott said giggling I just wanna get this over with or him not to come "let's just go" Steve said we all walk out the door "so the usual 15 miles" Steve said I nod Sam nods so does Scott. I get myself really close to Steve like no space between us "can we walk" I whisper he nods I clutch fuzzy to me "today we are going to walk" he said Sam looks at me I nod I know that look "seriously cap I understand Bucky blue whale cant run much but do the rest of us have to walk" Scott said I look down at my stomach then my thighs then fuzzy I wanna cuddle up to Stevie and fuzzy. I hear a loud thump "Steve!" Sam shouted Steve walks back to me "Bucky your not a blue whale okay" he said to me cuddling me as he picks me up "your a beautiful sweetheart and a child at times but that's what I love about you the way you always put others first, you put your hair in a bun, you falling asleep with fuzzy and taking my clothes" he said I started blushing and crying a little happy tears though I dig my head into his neck "very cute, now are we running or going home" Sam asked I look up at Steve " home please" I said putting my head back to where it was. I feel Steve start walking hearing Sam's footsteps walking in sync with Steve's I start to feel really sleepy "Steve I feel sleepy make sure fuzzy stays with me or in the bag" I said "would you like me to put him in the bag" Sam said no I can't sleep without him "no thanks Sam I can't fall asleep without him" I said clutching fuzzy closer to me trying to stay awake

Sam's pov:

I see Bucky asleep "would you like me to put fuzzy in the bag" I asked Steve he nods I grab fuzzy and put him in the bag closing it up

No one's pov:

They all get home Steve puts Bucky on the bed under covers and goes to the common room "he's asleep" Steve said to Sam as they both we're watching tv "that's good how long do you think he'll stay asleep for" Sam asked Steve, Steve shrugs Bucky always sleeps long unless he doesn't have fuzzy with him Steve was pretty sure he put fuzzy with Bucky. 20 minutes later Bucky wakes up frantically looking around for fuzzy he starts bawling his eyes out "FUZZY!" He screams running out to Steve "Stevie! Where's fuzzy I need fuzzy did you put him in the bag I can't lose him again" Bucky said rambling on "Bucky baby calm down" Steve said rushing to Bucky cradling him "it's okay just breathe. Sam check the backpack please" Steve said Sam jumped up to the bag opening it and grabbing fuzzy out and giving it to Bucky. "There you go bud" Sam said Bucky's face lit up "thank you Sam" Bucky said literally hugging him like how he hugs Steve "I'm sorry baby I forgot you to give you fuzzy it's not your fault" Steve said Bucky jumping right back into Steve's arms "it's okay I'm not mad I was just really scared I can't lose fuzzy you, Sam and fuzzy are the most important things to me in life and I if I lose any of those three things I think I would die" he said digging his head into Steve's neck. Scott comes barging in "YOU LEFT ME" Scott yells Bucky can't handle yelling very well Bucky starts crying into Steve neck "loud" Bucky mumbles into Steve "it's okay bub, Sam calm down Scott while I calm down Bucky" Steve said getting Bucky to their room he sat Bucky and himself down on the bed "it's okay baby we're in here Scott can't yell at you" Steve said holding Bucky with laying down on the bed under covers Bucky clutches fuzzy for dear life still tears running down his face. Bucky falls asleep in Steve's hold so does Steve they both sleep with no interruptions no nightmares just them two sleeping Sam calmed Scott down

I know Scott isn't as much of a dick in the movies but in the world of fanfiction anything can happen

Word count: 1185

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