bucky the big brother

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Peter has a nightmare and doesn't wanna wake up tony (not in a relationship creeps) so he goes to Bucky and he takes care of Peter but he can't stop crying. Peter is 15 and autistic

Peter's pov:

I wake up in a cold sweat tears streaming down my face panic breathing I want tony but it's only 2:30 Bucky is awake because he don't sleep at night I'll go to him I walk to Bucky's room and knock three times quietly so I don't wake up Steve Bucky opens the door he looks at he was happy now looking at little upset "oh bud what happened" he said I can't talk without sobbing I just do grabby hands it's him, Steve's, Tony's thing if I wanna hug they give me one by picking me up and taking me out of the room. Bucky does that and takes me to the kitchen he sits me on the  kitchen counter top "was it a nightmare bud" he said I nod not daring to look up

Bucky's pov:

I feel horrible for him because I know what's the nightmares are like his sobs turn into sniffles "buddy do you want something to eat" I asked he blushes he does sometimes get embarrassed about eating in front of people but not a lot with me he nod's though I go get him cookies and chips I give them to him he eats them he's face scrunches up and he spits up the chips into the trash "spicy!" He said semi yelling he hates spicy I go in the chip bag and pull out a note saying 'world's spicy chip mf that's what you get for taking my chips Peter Parker go eat a salad your not Spider-Man your pig man from Scott lang' I read my blood boils peter sticks his mouth under the sink crying I hear a very loud hissing sound Peter turns off the tape the hissing noise is still continuing he looks down at his pants and looks back up at me frozen he had an accident "I'm so so sorry Bucky I didn't mean to I swear" he said through sobs "Peter it's okay" I said walking towards him I pull him into a hug "mr Barnes I've alerted mr stark and mr rogers they are coming" friday said "no no no they can't know Bucky they can't they'll make fun of me please Bucky I'm begging" Peter said "no they won't but I can ask them to leave if you want" I said he nods frantically "Friday said there was something wrong with Peter what's up" tony said "do you want me to tell them" I whisper Peter nods I turn around so I could face them "so Peter had a nightmare he came to my room crying so I took him out here to try and calm him I asked if he was hungry he was so I grabbed him cookies and chips he ate a chip it was the worlds most spicy chip and there was a note in the bag saying 'world's most spicy chip mf that's what you get for taking my chips Peter fatty go eat a salad your not Spider-Man your pig man' it was from Scott then Peter stuck his head under the sink and he had an accident he's scared that your gonna make fun of him" I said Steve's face fills with softness same goes for tony "buddy we are never gonna make fun of you ever okay " tony said "exactly. Don't listen to Scott okay he doesn't know anything. How about you get changed and we will talk about Scott then okay" Steve said Peter nod's getting off me and running to his room "so what are we gonna do about him" I said "I say we get him up and talk and if he does be a dick can we kick his ass please" tony said "language but agreed" Steve said Peter comes out all cleaned new clothes sweats and a huge hoodie he goes to tony straight away "hey buddy feeling better" tony said the second peter walked in I could tell he was very anxious

Tony's pov:

Peter nods he does the grabby hands I pick him up "thank you Bucky for taking care of me" peter said "no problem buddy" Bucky said "I'm going to get Scott just wait here" Steve said "no I don't want Scott please no Scott" peter said as he starts doing his little leg tapping thing he only does that when anxious or stressed "he isn't going to hurt you buddy we are just gonna talk to him and ask why he did that okay" Steve said Peter nods looking down Steve leaves "are you still hungry" Bucky asked Peter nods "I'll make pancakes then" Bucky said Peter claps he loves pancakes. Bucky starts cooking as Scott comes out I feel Peter's grip tightening "aww Peter the baby. Now seriously tell me why you woke me up at 4 am" Scott said "the world's spicy chip" Bucky said "I KNEW HE WOULD FALL FOR IT" Scott shouted Peter covers his ears "I wan headphones please" Peter said basically just over a whisper I go get the headphones and put them on him he digs his head into my shoulder we go back out there "great the pussy is back" Scott said Steve slaps him Scott walks off to his room Peter looks up to see Scott's gone "he's gone" Peter said smiling a little "ye and he's not coming out again. Friday when Scott gets into his room lock it and don't let him out until I say" I said "yes sir" Friday said Peter laughs a little we all smile "how about we have a sleep out on the couch" Steve said Peter smiles "that's sounds awesome once I'm finished with the pancakes Peter should pick the movie" Bucky said "yes we should get snacks as well" I said Peter runs to the pantry Bucky finishes cooking the pancakes and Peter comes out with loads of snacks I can't even see his face he sits down and we eat watching the movie Peter picked out grown ups

Word count: 1047

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