I didnt mean it

72 4 1

Suggestion from: the_depressed_bitch


Little Bucky caregiver Steve. Bucky has an accident in the middle of a meeting and a few people do some rude things that make Steve upset

Word count:523

No one's pov:

Bucky sat at the conference table, surrounded by his teammates and friends. They were discussing a new mission, but his thoughts were elsewhere. Memories of his past tormented him; the fear and trauma he had experienced as the Winter Soldier were still fresh in his mind. He tried to push them away and focus on the conversation, but it was hard.

Suddenly, a wave of anxiety hit him like a ton of bricks. His heart rate skyrocketed, and his breathing became shallow. Bucky knew what was happening; he was regressing into a younger version of himself as a coping mechanism. He looked around and tried to focus on something, anything, to stay present.

But it was too late. Bucky felt his bladder give way, and he gasped in panic. He tried to cover it up, but a few people had noticed. They began to whisper among themselves, and Bucky felt humiliated and exposed.

Steve, who had taken on the role of Bucky's caregiver, noticed that something was wrong. He quickly got up and walked over to Bucky, offering him his hand. "Buck baby, let's go," Steve whispered softly.

Bucky's sobs grew louder as Steve took him out of the meeting room "Daddy I swear I didn't mean it". People were staring, and a few of them made rude comments about Bucky's accident. "big baby live in action" tony said laughing

Steve's jaw clenched, and he turned to face them.
"You have no idea what he's been through. Show some respect, if this was you would you want to be laughed at or called rude things no so don't to it to Bucky especially when he uses age regression as a coping mechanism and you all know why he does you all know that whatever happens when he has slipped into his headspace he can't control it so stop being so god Damm rude okay he is clearly embarrassed enough" Steve snapped.

Bucky heard Steve's words of defence and felt grateful. They reached the bathroom, where Steve helped Bucky clean up, change into a fresh diaper, and hold him comfortably close.

"Bucky, you're okay. You're safe," Steve whispered, rubbing his back

Bucky wailed and cried, feeling like a burden to his boyfriend. "I'm sowwy, daddy . I'm rweally sowwy," he repeated.

"It's okay, Buck. You don't have to be sorry. I'm here for you. I love taking care of you," Steve murmured.

Steve took Bucky to their bedroom, where they cuddled together under the blankets, surrounded by stuffed animals and teddies. Bucky felt embarrassed and childish, but Steve never judged him.

"You're my little brave warrior, Buck. You don't have to be strong all the time," Steve said, holding him close.

Bucky felt safe in Steve's arms, and he knew that no matter what, he had a safe space to regress into. With Steve as his caregiver, Bucky could face his anxiety and trauma, one day at a time.

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