Truth game

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Embarrassment is a understatement poor Steve and Peter

Word count: 1700

Steve's pov:

Today is a team bonding night and it's a truth game Scott told us it's where truths of everyone gets put in a bowl and get read out by someone who Jarvis picks randomly and we all vote who we think the truth is about and goes up to the front admits the truth and gets dared by whoever guessed right I have one truth that I don't want getting out only Bucky and Sam knows and that's how I like it but it is on my medical file and Jarvis have access to it and can tell Tony or whoever asks which is something I don't want out we all sit on the couch me and Bucky he's on top of me he loves my cuddles, Peter and tony (NOT SEXUAL), Sam and Nat just friends, Clint and Bruce friends, Scott and Wanda friends , Thor and Loki. Peter is sitting between Tony and me he seems anxious hands shaking and left leg is to "okay everyone please write truths about someone " Scott said I write one about Bucky having a lisp until he was 11 he couldn't say s words so he would call me teve or tevie but without his name I put it in the bowl I see bucky waiting for me to come back I come back to him and cuddle him "you feeling all right bub" I said "yea just a little more needy today" he mumbled I smile I'm so glad he feels like he can express more to me now "that's okay you tell me what you need I'll be there okay" I said he smiles everyone writes stuff down and puts it in the bowl "Jarvis choose someone please" Scott said  "Thor" Jarvis said Thor walks up to the bowl and picks out a piece a of paper "still has nightmares" he said Bucky and I look at each other I shake my head he shakes his head we vote for Peter everyone votes "6 for Nat 2 for Peter 2 for tony 2 for Bucky" Thor said Peter walks up "who voted for me" Peter said "us two did" I said "what's the dare" he said " to join team cap for a full year" I said Tony fakes a gasp I look over to Peter he looks anxious he walks over me and sit between me and tony Peter looks like he's about to cry "Jarvis choose another person please besides Thor" Scott said "Natasha" Jarvis said she walks up to the bowl "couldn't say s words till they were 11" Nat said I feel Bucky tense up I don't vote I feel bad I didn't mean to hurt Bucky's feelings

Bucky's pov:

I can't believe Steve did that I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt my feelings but I'm so insecure about that I know it like 90 odd years ago but I'm still insecure about it I see everyone vote but Steve "4 for tony 6 for Peter 2 for Bucky" Nat said I get up go in front of everybody "who voted for me" I said " I did now I dare you to call Steve how you used to" tony said I take a big breath " tevie" I said I run back Steve into his hold I pull the blanket over  me Steve wraps his arms around me I'm annoyed at him but I desperately want his comfort not just want his comfort I need his comfort I just want to go to our room and get his kisses laying on top of him and when give me back rubs he draws stars on my back with his finger and says this kind words not to loud not to quite just the right volume and I don't have to talk if I don't want to I don't have to do anything I don't want to "I'm sorry sweetheart I was only joking I would never ever want to hurt you" Stevie said "it's okay I forgive you" I said "Jarvis choose someone besides Nat and Thor" Scott said "Peter" Jarvis said Peter walks up he reads the a piece of paper "I don't think I should read this aloud" he said "bubby can you move so I can check on it please " Steve said sweetly I get off of him he walks up to Peter and reads it his face drops and is full of anger sad and embarrassment I rush up to him and I read the paper it breaks my heart to see what's on it Steve puts the paper down he walks back to the couch so do I Scott walks up he reads the piece of paper "has been wetting the bed since they were 5 and still does it" Scott said laughing Steve starts crying so does Peter Steve runs to our room Tony starts yelling at Scott Peter runs into me sobbing I pick him up and take him to the room Steve is crying in the corner I sit next to him holding them both soothing them the yelling was really loud "how about you 2 hop on to the bed under the covers it's really cold" I said they both get under the covers I go get Steve's comfort teddy and Peter's one that he keeps in here when he sleeps over Steve's one is a bear his had since he was a baby it's very fluffy he named it mr cuddles and Peter's one is a bunny it's very floppy he named it mr snuggles I give them their teddies they cuddle them "tank yous Bucky" Peter said he sounded like how Steve sounds when he slips oh my god how stupid can I be Peter's a little "tank you dada" Stevie said I can tell what age he is his is between 6 months - 2 years old "no problems guys you guys get some sleep" I said they both fall asleep I go out to the rest they are all still yelling "guys! Stop yelling" I said they all look at me "Jarvis read out Steve's and Peter's medical file" Scott said my heart stops for a minute "Steven Grant Rogers PTSD and bed wetting" Jarvis said "Peter Benjamin Parker severe anxiety and bed wetting" Jarvis said Scott laughs Tony looks pissed I jump on Scott hitting him Tony pulls me off of him "I'm going to bed peter asleep in my room by the way" I said "okay thank you" tony said I go me and Steve's floor I sleep on the couch

Peter's pov:

I wake up from a nightmare again I look at the clock to see it's 3 am I sit up and I feel wetness around me I look at Steve he is covered in wet to he is shaking and whimpering I think he is having a nightmare I don't know what to do I feel like I'm on the edge of slipping into my headspace I go to Bucky with mr snuggles "B-Bucky" I said shaking him at little "yes Peter what's up" he said very sleepy I start crying "I - I had a nightmare and um I had an accident I'm so sorry" I said through sobs Bucky pulls me into a hug "It's okay I'm not mad let's get you cleaned up I'll get Sam to help" he said I nod I slip into headspace "buddy I know you must be uncomfortable right now but how far have you regressed down" he said I blush I put up two fingers "Steve need help nightmare" I said "Steve's having a nightmare and needs help" Bucky said I nod fastly. Bucky runs to Steve I follow he wakes up Steve "dada I'm weally sorry about da bed I didn't mean it I swear" Steve said shakily "hey no apologies okay I know you didn't mean it" Bucky said I start to feel a pain in my lower tummy I start shifting my weight from my left leg to right leg then I feel liquid gushing down my legs I start crying I can't believe I just wet myself again my knees buckle "Friday get Sam in here please" Bucky said

Sam's pov:

I get woken up by Friday telling me to go to Bucky and Steve's room I go there to see Peter sobbing Steve covered in some kind of lquid and the room smells like piss I look back at Peter he is covered in wet to I connect the dots they both had an accident "Sam can you help Steve will I help peter" Bucky said I nod I can tell Steve slipped into headspace Bucky takes Peter to his bathroom "come on Steve I'll take you to mine" I said Steve nods and he follows me to my room he goes to the bath Bucky has taught me how to take care of little Steve before I bathe him and give him rubber duckies he giggles he is so innocent when little I get him all dry and warm yes he has clothes in my room for some reason "uncle sammy" Steve said "yea buddy" I said "does Bucky no luv me he chose Peter not me did I do something wrong" Steve said with tears in his eyes I feel so bad for him "no of course not buddy Bucky was probably thinking Peter wouldn't be as comfortable with me washing him since Peter has been around Bucky more then his been around with me" I said "Otay I belive yous" Steve said I smile and pull him into a hug "let's see if Bucky and Peter are alright" I said Steve runs out to Bucky's room giggling I follow we see Peter all swaddled up in blankets babbling away about something "daddy!" Steve said excited running into Bucky's arms "hi baby did Uncle Sam take good care of you" Bucky said he nods we all snuggled up on the couch Peter on Bucky's lap Steve in middle between me and Bucky watching tv happily eating the best snacks in the world

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